Your horoscope says that your marriage prospects - forecasts astrology

Often forgot to mention that fact that marriages in heaven. As God predestined fate of each body, a person married in the predetermined set time. When the boy or girl grows up and reaches the age of marriage of his parents stressed about the marriage of their son or daughter. The girl or the boy is afraid to speculate about their marriage.

The role of place and direction in marriage:

At the moment the parents met the girlProblems in identifying a suitable husband for their daughter. In such cases, proof of the place and the direction of marriage, the hunt for the groom to make it much easier.

If the Kundl a single Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus has been done in the seventh house, hosting the wedding will be a partner or their life, a villager at a distance of 70-75 km, his parents' house.

If the fish, Sagittarius, Virgo or Geminiplace in the seventh house then your partner can live in a city about 120 miles away from his parents. "

If the Capricorn, Libra, Cancer or Aries is in the seventh house, then a house search of partners who live in a distance of 200 km from his parents. "

The direction of the strongest planet in the seventh house shows the direction in which the person is married in If no planet is in 7th housemarriage is done in house to the planet, the most powerful aspect of this problem. If you do not wait for the seventh planet, the seventh house of Kundl nauamsa the forecast to account.

About Partners for Life:

As said by a person in Hindu astrology, is a life partner according to the ruler of the Ascendant or the seventh house is exalted or debilitated. The partner will be a sign of strong characters, strong characters and the moonnauamsa the fifth and ninth.

financial situation of the life partner:

If the Lord of the aspects the seventh house the house of the Lord of wealth, or wealth of their seventh house, it is appropriate that the partner is a rich person. If the Lord is the person in the seventh house is the fifth, ninth and tenth in the fourth house Kundl one, he or she is ordered to marry into a wealthy family.

If the Lord ofseventh house is in conjunction with the Lord's second home, the result, host of the fourth house or the karma in the first, fourth, seventh and tenth in the Lord then it will take to the Lord, that the marriage took place a well-do- family.

The employment of Life Partner:

If the Kundl of a single house of the Lord is the tenth in the fourth quarter or is implied that his partnerwould be in service. If the Lord is the fourth house is the home business, in conjunction with the lord of the Kendra, which is a partner.

If the lord of seventh house or when positioned in the fifth, ninth, tenth or eleventh second house of the lord of seventh house is the Moon, Mercury and Venus, the life partner for entrepreneurs is to be at. If the Sun and Mars, Saturn is the lord of seventh house and raised their planet or nauamsain it, the partner of the person of the utmost professional.

If malefic planets like Rahu and Ketu is placed in the seventh house or the lord of seventh house is located in the, eighth or twelfth house along with a weak sixth nauamsa or her life to her partner want a clean job.

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