Including outdoors, renovations

The garden is not the same as it was - a place for barbecue, where children play football, or simply to cut one more point. Now the tendency is to make the garden a haven for an extension to the house or outdoors.

As reported in May 2006 Consumer Reports, design and furniture in open spaces is the second most likely home-remodeling project to do. In particular, about 1.2 million U.S. households installed a fully functional outdoor kitchen, according to a study ofResearch industry market research company.
In 2004, Better Homes and Gardens magazine survey responses from nearly 60,000 Americans describing home improvement projects and future home-building efforts. Better Homes and Gardens found that people indoor / outdoor living space, technological innovation, flexibility for family needs and want to concentrate food-centric. (Magazine retouching, September 1, 2005)

Homeowners looking for ways a functional part of outdoor livingArea. To achieve this, the boundaries between inside and outside, such as walls and solid doors are to leave. As quoted in "An easy way to increase outdoor living space" in for owners on their residence to add, improve their lives and increase the resale value of their home is the perfect solution for residential spaces extend through the external addition of decks, terraces, outdoor kitchens and entertainment.

"The line between the houseand to dissolve the outer space, "says Julie D. Taylor, author of Outdoor Rooms." Many designers are using the same or similar materials on both the interior and exterior, outdoor extension of the House. It breaks the barrier and gives the feeling of a bigger house. "

Alternatively, instead of thinking of the fall of barriers, is another effective solution for indoor-outdoor connections. These compounds can also open the doors to Frencha porch or adding a window to reveal a beautiful view. Indoor-outdoor connections can be as simple as adding a mudroom between the garage and the house, or more complex, as an outdoor entertainment area placed just before the door of the room for a key meeting house. Adding visual connections to the outside, such as by adding glass doors or enlarging a window, add value to your home by her interior spaces appear larger than it actually is. ("ConnectInside the house with the exterior beauty, "Ann Robinson, Deseret News, April 2005)

To create the outdoor living space that you want, start by determining your budget and your desires.
Consumer Reports offers advice on what to look for areas of building extensions or outdoor fun:

* Determine how to use the space
* Consider location
* Be sure to weatherproof
* Incorporate lighting and heat
* ConsiderSecurity

No matter what you decide to do the extension, will undoubtedly add value to your home. As cited by Ann Robinson in Deseret News, "outdoor living space adds usable square footage to your home, without cost from $ 120 per square foot, the more you spend on the construction of an addition."

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