Jail House Fitness Secrets

I am constantly searching and experimenting with new and unusual body weight exercises.

I often comb through antique shops in search of out-of-fitness books published. (Perhaps you have heard the expression: "If you want a new idea to check in an old book.")

Recently, I'm on a fitness guide written by a man imprisoned in solitary confinement. This condemnation has achieved a high level of fitness, although he has no equipment, no weights, no machines, and very little spacewith.

Charles Bronson is a British convict. He was initially placed in a prison in the '70 's and since then has been in prison, except for three months on the outside.

He is known for his incredibly strong and has many records including most pushups done jail in a minute (118), most sit-ups done in one hour made (1790) and most pushups in one hour (1727).

When I saw that he had a book about his imprisonment written fitness plan, I was fascinated.

The book is called,"Solitary Fitness." Before you buy now, and there are a few things you should know.

There are many bad qualities about the book. And there are a few good ones. I'll try to sum the pros and cons of the book, so you can make an informed decision.

Negative Point # 1: Conflicting advice on steroids.

Bronson tells his readers to keep themselves from steroids. This is good advice and I agree. But here is a funny Macke about the book. Bronson himself couldnot obvious to represent the images that demonstrate the exercises.

So they used bodybuilder. And the bodybuilder uses it for all images is obviously on steroids. It is bigger than most NFL linebackers and her face is incredibly manly. Tell-tales signs of steroid abuse.

Negative Point # 2: Lot's of hype and in-effective exercises

Many of the exercises are boring and completely in force. One of the exercises recommended, it is easyholding something in his hand and keep your arms extended in front of him. (Think about how you would keep a baby with a poopy diaper.)

Obviously, this exercise is not going too much for you unless you give your shoulders a bit to do before a workout. But this is Bronson claims 2 inches on his chest pack in a month. I wish it were that simple.

The others he recommends exercises are fairly simple. Push-ups, sit-ups, step-ups, etc. He also seems to be hung-up on the concept ofisometric tension.

For those of you who do not know, is isometric tension against a fixed object to flex your muscles, such as pushing against a wall. This type of exercise is believed already been dismissed as a completely Bronson effective, but still seems to be, it works.

Negative Point # 3: some downright weird stuff.

Bronson devotes an entire chapter on the idea of punching a cow in the face. Mind you, not a cow, you should attack or something. Only anormal cow, is the hats because they own the business. Apparently kicking an unsuspecting cow is considered a tour de force.

He also talks about how he presents himself is running. I'll spare you the details. And as if that were not enough, there is also a section on the workouts for - how shall I say - Training for your "love muscle."

There were good points about the book?

Although I would not recommend that anyone actually waste money on theseWriting, there are a few good points.

Interesting Point # 1: eating Bronson not that at all on Sundays and explains many of the healthy benefits of this practice.

I speak in my book, Maximum Muscle Minimum Time, but I have not seen too many people talk about it.

Interesting Point # 2: Despite the shortcomings of the book, it's inspiring. Bronson accepts no excuses and pats 2500 push-ups per day. He really isbelieves in preserving one's own body, and cares about you.

Overall the book were not large. But maybe you want to check if you are curious. I think it is only the UK so check it out and read the reviews online.

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