7 Packet You Can not Say in Sales

7 Packet You Can not Say in Sales

(Because it undermines your credibility

and Drop Your Closing Rate)

Copyright 2004 by Doug Smart

Years ago, included George Carlin Seven Words can not say on television. Then HBO came, said all the words and changed the world of television forever. Now I know that before you could the seven no-no records in sales, be tempted to think, read ohwhatever it is they finally accepted, also.

There are two major problems with this argument.

1. Television has been for about sixty years, it is still experiencing growing pains, a boy; sales started way back when the inventor of the wheel made a few extras to sell to friends.

2. The seven sales phrases have already been told by the seller and they provide decidedly mediocreResults. They continue to live, because sellers say they experienced and beginner Seller ape them. The cycle will continue.

The big challenge is with these words, that they undermine the credibility of sellers and encourage them to obstacles to the defense spring to the minds of prospective customers. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot Seller! These rates either reduced, which could be a big sale, up to a pedestrian transaction or discourage buyers. AndWorse yet, think less experienced sales people who they really say these sentences in order to attract buyers. Here is a word to my colleagues Sales: Whether you sell products, services and / or ideas, avoid these sentences! You make buyers suspicious.

As you read these seven, you think as a buyer not a seller. (Did you ever think about that throughout your life you will most likely buy more products and services asDo you sell?) As a buyer, you are in situations where a seller made your acquaintance recently. Test your gut reaction. Do one of the seven you do want to buy - or make them want to run?

Here are the seven deadly sins rates are in sales. Indeed, one of a few words, not a word. But let's all have the same unpleasant aftertaste, like a bad word.

Trust me. Training people for a seller's trustpretty much like the creation of an all too familiar wit, will be the punch line "You're an idiot, so just give me a lot of money now." The combination of trust and the purchaser shall bring me signals, their defense shields and turn their BS filter (for better feel, of course). Trust is one of the two approaches, asking more for someone, the more it will be difficult. Trust - like love - it can not be effectively applied. Although it is abundant, it must be earned to be genuine. AndMoreover, it is the prerogative of the buyer to decide whom to trust, when and how much. Selling price for the trust actually hinder the seller from getting it. (PS "Believe me when I say ..." is in the same league.)

I am your friend. It is tempting to think for a seller to a buyer a new friend, fifteen minutes after the two stocks excited about a common experience and passion. This happens, for example, if both stocks an obsession for golf and for onceOf course, playing at Pebble Beach in their youth. However, too many mistakes Seller rapport of friendship. The two are not the same. Friendship requires an emotional investment and real commitment. Friendship takes time, energy and some victims. Kindness is a good way all the tensions in the sales process, but over-friendliness can help increase resentment in the minds of buyers.

No one can sell them cheaper than I am. No one? First, the world is a great place tomany other things, sell very similar to what other vendors. If the seller is really the world's lowest price on something and can do business, both legal and profitable, instead of wasting time, one-on-one with prospects, he or she should submit a website and rake in the dough. And, secondly, the problem with bragging about low-cost (in addition to triggering skepticism Buyer ") that it's a bad way to be making a profit. A satisfactory approach is to show the value ofProduct, service or idea. Price reflects integrity, experience, service, reliability, trustworthiness, uniqueness is desirable to return, and how the buyer will be better for the purchase. Promoting the value before the price is a rock-solid strategy for long term success.

We are the best! Okay, maybe there are some situations where this is credible. And I'm not on the power of positive thinking as a confidence-builder against it. But the truth is, buyers have learned tothat ninety-nine percent of sellers who say there are. A sentence like this on the BS filter. Best, like beauty, in the eye of the buyer - not the seller.

Always and never. This couple is on the same quicksand as "We are the best." You sound like exaggerations, and are often perceived to be stretching the truth. For example, do not sound like much truth in these two statements? "We always offer quality service." "Our delivery driversare never too late. "Many people do not always take it at all, not at face value. A few years ago I write a series of training programs for engineers from multiple locations, Miller Brewing. I asked everyone, the words never and always. Then I asked, as each percentage, bringing what were the words expressed. As expected, saw some more than one hundred percent incidence and never to be zero percent. But the memorable was that twenty-five percent saw them as somewhere in between. Formany, and have never been so abused they have been associated with frequent and sometimes interchangeably. For example: "I never lie" was easily perceived as a lie and was interpreted to mean "sometimes I lie."

What you need is ... This is actually a big word when a high level of rapport and trust have been developed. But even this is rather presumptuous on the part of the seller, because he is not the one who has to live with the purchase. Only a few daysBefore a vendor with which it is not much rapport or trust, told me: "What you need is this computer." This could have been so, but do not ask the seller questions - so he knew something about me, my situation, or what I wanted to achieve. I did not care what he thought I needed. I listened, learned a few things went the store and bought elsewhere. (See number one.)

This is suitable for everyone. This is another explanation, which is hard toaccept as true (H & R Block is perfect for all?). Before this one, the list I have tried hard to be a commercial product or service that is perfect for anyone really think. The closest I could get was water in bottles. But then I thought: "If the brand of bottled water to sell is really perfect for everyone, why have the contest? Is not the mere existence of the stiff competition show that is perfect for some buyers of other brands more for them? "Okay, you do not sellBottled water. But once you read the above mentioned replacing your things for bottled water.

Some other terms such as "The check is in the mail," to undermine rather than build. No matter how well intentioned, if seller made seven sentences and phrases used to hear that the buyer is somewhat questionable. This can cause buyers to react protectively and about what they want to believe that selective. This leads to fewer sales closed. A smart strategy for sellersis free from these seven sets of control toxic.

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