Basic rules for playing tennis

The rules for tennis are simple and easy. Before you start playing tennis, make sure you understand the rules and the equipment is necessary. Now that we know that out of the way, let's go and play on the basic rules of tennis.

Rules Of Tennis

The basic rules for playing tennis are really simple. One of the players serve, or hits the ball from one corner of a room which is characterized, a court known that in the middle by a network that is three feet dividedhigh (about 1 meter). The goal of the other player is the tennis ball back.

It should bounce only once, to be the target for the other players will not be able to give it back. If this is done correctly, you have achieved, if the other player is not able to drive the ball without bouncing it back to say again, you'll get a point.

Official tennis rules

The overall goal in tennis is to collect enough points to win games, sets and matches. The highest score of 3 tennis gamesknown as the sets for women. And play in men, it is of 5 A player wins set only if he or she takes at least two games.


Officials are only required during the professional tournaments. The official keeping an eye on the lines or not, where the ball is in. The senior Reich calls the guests that can overrule other judges, and is located in a high chair, called for an end to the tennis.

There is a referee to sit in the stands, and is consulted if there is a bigConflicts during the game. If you dispute with one of the judges, you could lose a point, and possibly disqualified from the tournament


Score keeping is part of the basic rules for playing tennis. If a player is not considered, it's called love. And if a player score, does it by any single number does not increase, it starts with 15, then go up to 30 and then 40th I'll give you an example. Suppose player 1 scores. And Player 2 has not yet been achieved. Well, the score now15-love.

If the score rises to 40-40, it is known as a deuce. And the next person to score 2 more points, has won. But let's say a player has a point after a vicious, known as an advantage, server or recipient, and they end up losing the next point the score goes back to the devil. From time to time, some of the players agree to do away with this rule.


A regulation size tennis court is part of the basic rules for tennis. A regulation size tennis court is 78Meter long (23.78 meters). It also has a net dividing the middle of the court into two halves. The line where you serve, is marked at 21 meters.

Next is the tennis racket. The usual size for tennis rackets in tournaments are used 11 1 / 2 inches wide and 32 inches. Thereafter, the tennis balls will be. They come in different colors, but must be the official ball for tennis tournaments, white or yellow.


Another basic rule for playing tennis and one to one.The server or the first person to hit the tennis ball is chosen by spinning a racket or toss of a coin. Serve to give the person that wins the other player to choose whether or not they want to serve what they want, or they can have their option, may choose to select given the other players. And from there to the other players choose which end they want to play and if they prefer to serve. The person who is able to serve is changed every game, making it a fair game.


Serving is alternated from player to player and from team to team. It's done this way so that each player every 4 Can serve the game. It is traditional for the partners to stand side by side, but can it stand everywhere, whether they're on duty or receives.


Here are some penalties that play into the basic rules for tennis. You can lose points in a row. The penalties are:

1. Catching the tennis ball or carrying it inTheir tennis is against the rules.

2. Do not throw your bat or any other form of abuse.

3. When the tennis ball made by a person, with the exception of the bat, or if it hits a player's clothing, then it is against the rules.

4. If you use the web, post, your opponent or an official note, it's against the rules.

5. If you hit the tennis ball more than once before it crosses the net.

These are the basic rules for playing tennis. Now you know whoRules, go out and have fun.

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