House Training a Yorkie - 4 Tips on House Training a Yorkie

House training a Yorkie can be a hassle and frustrating. Especially if your dog does not listen to what you say. So, what else should I do with you some tips on house training a Yorkie. In this way you will be able to train your Yorkie the easy way.

The tips on house training a Yorkie are:

1. Reward Good Behavior. Whenever your Yorkie is doing something good, you must give them a joy. Yorkshire Terriers love treats to eat. This funding isgood behavior. You do not have to treat them a each time, but be sure to enter them when you give them something new.

2. Discipline Bad Behavior. If you potty in the house or fiesty Yorkie, you can beat them. Did they not spank too hard or not hard, just tap is easy to do. This will let your dog know that not tolerate this kind of behavior. This is useful when house training a Yorkie.

3. Praise your dog. During theTime you enter treat your dog if they have done something good, to praise you. This they get excited. Yorkies are smart and they understand when they have done something good. So make sure you praise your dog.

4. To minimize distractions. When trying to train a Yorkie, you need to minimize distractions. It should not to too many people or other animals. Yorkies get easily distracted.

These are some tips for house training a Yorkie. IfThey are serious about training your dog thinks you should do something about it. Be sure to use these tips to train your dog. It might take you a while if you use proven techniques to train your Yorkie.

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