Blueberry History

The mighty blueberry belongs to the genus Vaccinium, is a Native American species. The blueberry is one of the few fruits native to North America. As diverse and enduring, the blueberry has a "cousin" that grows on the side of the Hawaiian volcanoes.

For centuries, blueberries were gathered from the forest and the gorges of the Native American and is eaten fresh or preserved. Blueberries have been honored by Northeast Native American tribes, and so valued that folklore was woven around them. Theblosson end of each berry, as the calyx, forms the perfect shape of a 5-point star. Tribal elders would tell this "staring berries" and how the great spirit gave them play, so we brought children in times of famine. Parts of the plant were also used blueberries as medicine. Tea from the plant was considered for the blood to be healthy. Blueberry juice was used to comfort cough. The juice served a dual purpose and was used as a dye for cloth and baskets. DriedBlueberries have been added to stews and soups and the crushed dried powder, rubbed on meat to give them flavor. Blueberries as medicine? Well, that's obvious.

Settlers in the New World in the 17th Century, and with their arrival came the clearing of land for farms. The climate in North America was no such thing as the weather early settlers were accustomed, so that their first attempt failed in agriculture.

Plymouth Rock, founded in 1620, was one of thethe first early American colonies. Life was not easy, and many suffered and died during this period. Who went, survived to provide houses and farms. Their Native American neighbors in steep and taught them new skills to survive, so the settlers could. They were trained in the art of cultivation of maize and learn how to collect native plants to increase their food supply. Course was one of the most important crops, the mighty blueberry. The colonists learned from the Indians how toDry collect and store the most revered and delicious fruit. A drink that was made from blueberries is an important staple food for soldiers during the Civil War. How did the industrialization of the acquisition, the first plant blueberry canning industry in the northeastern United States was opened.

For decades, the huge popularity of blueberries was an important and thriving business in the U.S. and Canada. At the turn of the century, the blueberry industry is focused on an even more important step. InBeginning of 1900, Elizabeth White and Frederick Coville to domesticate the wild out of Highbush Blueberry. This laid the groundwork for today's cultivated blueberry industry. The early breeding work of these early pioneers reached the blueberry was we know today. Without this early pioneering work, we would not have learned about the fresh and frozen blueberries in the grocery, which we know and love today.

For decades, scientists have worked to improve plant and the identificationdesirable characteristics of the Highbush Blueberry (the variety, which consumed a large extent today), and this has superior for the cultivation of blueberries carried round the whole way. The berries have been through natural selection, and specialized equipment improved husbandry protocols. Today, we produce an optimal blueberry with a distinct color, flavor and texture of fresh and processed food markets.

The United States and Canada for the production of 90 percent of world leadersBlueberry deliveries. North American harvest runs from mid April to the first part of October. Peak harvest is the month of July so it no surprise that has been copied July was "The National Blueberry Month." Highbush blueberries are perennial, deciduous, long-lived and woody shrubs such as plants. They belong to the same family as cranberries and azalia. Blueberries thrive in acidic soils. Cultivated blueberries take you wherever you go from 120 to 160 days to mature. Flowering in spring,Blueberry plants bear fruit, then somewhere between 60 and 90 days.

Today, modern Highbush blueberry is grown commercially in 38 states and Canadian provinces. Highbush blueberry industries have emerged in countries such as Australia, South America, Europe and New Zealand. The United States and Canada are the largest producers and consumers. However, the market around the world on the rise with Japan is in the foreground, it seems. Total fresh market and processed blueberriesDemand and consumption is on the rise.

At this point in time, it would almost certainly say that everyone loves blueberries. While scientific research is constantly in view of the significant health benefits surrounding this small fruit, the most easy-to-eat, without the blink of an eye. Since we are able to can and freeze these delicious little fruits amazing, you can find blueberries available all year round. As a good thing, as research has looked beyond itselfDoubt as to why everyone should enjoy this powerful little gift of nature.

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