Solar House Plans - How to Plan Your House For The Sun

In planning for the sun, there are several essential elements to consider. These are:


Window Placement



No matter what climate you live, these are key factors of what a successful design. Let us therefore fix a little and explain what solar house plans. If you design for the sun, build a house that responds to its environment. Each house will heat gain throughout the day, the sun shines through the window.

And during the night when the temperature falls, this same house loses heat to the outside world through its walls, windows and roof.

Through the use of solar design in your design you a house that makes creating a comfortable temperature during the day, and retains the heat during the night.

1. Orientation.

In winter, the sun dips deep into the horizon and the days are getting shorter. During this time, the sunlight into your> House at a lower angle. In the southern hemisphere, the sun will shine from the north and in the northern hemisphere, sunlight angle from the south.

This is the rationale for guidance. ) In view of your house in the south (in the northern hemisphere, you'll win the rays of the winter sun. This is the reason why the north side of the house, like the "cold" page will appear in the winter.

For this article we will assume you from living in thenorthern hemisphere. (For people who do in the southern hemisphere, exactly the opposite.)

Taking advantage of the orientation means that your living room, kitchen and the most trafficked areas on the southern side of the house position. This means that in winter, the sun right on the back of these rooms.

Conventional wisdom Make your bedroom on the east side of the house. That means you will catch the first rays of the sun. If you prefer to sleepand no early morning sun, do not.

Afternoon sun from the West, like the dining room and living room can be brought to this orientation. The southwest corner of the house is the sunniest - and winter afternoon sun.

On the northern side of the house, onsite service rooms. Service rooms are rooms that do not get used so much. These include corridors, restrooms, storage rooms, closets, and possibly even the laundry.

2. WindowSizing

This is an important aspect of the solar house design. Of all the materials your house is made of losing most of the windows heat. There is a balance, because windows allow sunlight into the house. However, glass is almost no insulating properties, so it is very easy to escape heat through the windows.

In very cold climates, the windows are double or even triple-glazed. The layer of air between the panes to prevent from some of the heat. Escape But even triple-glazed glass allows more heat than a well-insulated wall to escape.

When deciding on the number and size of windows, there are two things to consider.

The first is where your windows into his face. This comes back to orientation. If you are the most of your windows on the north side, this window is not much sun in winter. You will lose heat, solar energy, but not win.

So you want to have the majority of yourWindows on the south, west and east sides of your house.

The second point to consider is the total area of your Windows. There is an optimum ratio of windows: the wall for any climate. For example, could be in the temperate zones, a window on the wall ration: 30% window area to 70% of wall surface. This varies for every climate.

The other relationship is in the windows and orientation. How could the same temperate climate, your ideal ratio of 50% window to the south, 10%to the north, east, 30% and 30% West. By optimal, I mean that you get the most sunlight and lose less heat with the organization of window placement.

Unfortunately this article a general guide, and this situation must be specific to climate. Therefore, it would require some research to find the relationship that best suit your situation.

3. Material

When considering heat loss, you also need to consider isolation. Isolation is the resistance of a material moving against heatthrough them. For example, highly insulated walls keep the heat in your house. This can be compared to wear a warm coat on a cold day.

In the analysis of your heat loss through the window, you can gain a degree of freedom through isolation. For example, if you have very insulated walls, they can 'make up' for the heat that would lose through the window, so you have bigger windows.

It is also important to note that you will lose heat energy throughYour roof - as heat rises. So, if insulating the roof has the insulation, followed by the walls and floor. Tend to benefit Windows, which can lose heat very quickly from curtains or blinds. The advantage of the curtains is that they case a layer of still air between the window and the curtain. This air forms an insulating layer, slowing heat loss.

Another possible use, materials in your solar house plan is to take advantage of the heat storage. Have you ever stood next to aStone wall after a long, sunny day? Even if the air temperature is cool, the stone wall to be warm. It radiates warmth. You can use this principle in your house.

The easiest way to do this, large south window, the sun shining all day on an insulated tile floor can have. The floor is down to prevent heat loss in isolation. It is tiled (over concrete slab), because the thermal mass.

Each material has properties. Stone, tile or concrete takes a long time Warm up time, but when it is hot, it remains hot for a long time. According to this principle, you can use a plate heat throughout the day, the sunlight that comes through the window. Then at night the ground remains warm to lose heat very slowly until the early morning hours when it may be even more heated during the day.

This principle may, on ceilings, walls, etc., used to be a well-designed thermal heat sink will remain warm throughout the night.

4. Shading

Shading is an important part of the solar systemTo plan> home. This applies not only important for heat gains, but for the prevention of heat gains. In hot climates, it is important to keep the sunlight, as it in.

If you are looking at traditional patterns of tropical countries, they all involve certain constituents. They have a large overhangs, covered porches and open ventilation. In temperate climates and can be used shading to keep out the summer sun and allow winter sun in.

With our focus on principle: your house isFacing south. During the winter the low sun angles and extends far into the house. But in the summer the sun is directly over the heat of the day.

Sun or shade of a canopy structure at the southern border of your home will be the summer you keep your house from overheating. The same shade of winter sun can be in your house.

The design of shading to the factors are taken into account, the amount of shade you require and your latitude(where you have the angle on the map of the world.) Its width effects of the winter sun. Once you know these key factors, you can design with a precision of shading that both your winter and summer sun sets.

Finally - Solar house plans are a good way to houses that are warm and pleasant to live in design, and save money on your heating and air conditioning bill.

With orientation, window placement, materials and shading, you can create a house, the designresponds to its environment and creates its own micro-climate comfort.

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