Female Tattoos - What Women Want!

Women are increasingly opting for large tattoos. 'New school' hearts, stars, roses and tribal tattoo designs on the lower back are increasingly being asked for by women. Women are also increasingly experimental in the shapes and sizes of their designs.

Stereotypes and the stigma associated with tattoos prevented women from feeling confident with a tattoo, until a decade ago. You do not want to say what they can do and what not. 40 or 50 years ago, 10 percent of thePeople with tattoos were women. It is now close to 65 percent.

Many tattooists report that when musicians, especially to hip-hop tattoo artist, there is usually an influx of customers want that, especially tattoo.The popularity of lower back and stomach placement of tattoos suggests that most women still do not want their tattoos to be too conspicuous, and also a desire for a more sexual placement of the tattoo.

See Erotic Tattoos and hip-hop and rapper tattoos for furtherReading.

When it comes to what her makes you feel good. They go around for a while, so you may as well a tattoo that has lasting appeal to vote. There are so many good tattoo designs and custom pieces a tattoo artists today can therefore not tried to a little cartoon character such as Betty Boop 'off the wall ", the date very quickly and at the end, the search will get sticky.

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