How to Build and install a hydrogen generator to power your car on water

A while ago I decided to build a hydrogen generator to save money on my fuel bill. My ex-husband had built an installed it on his car and saved a lot of money. His fuel mileage had doubled!

So I asked him how he did it and he said he had a series of plans on line, which taught him how to let a hydrogen generator that allowed him to build his car to run on water. Actually, the water supplements the fuel he already has in the tank but allows that fuel to burn moreefficient. He said there were two models available but I would choose the easier to build and although it is not quite s efficient, it still cut my gas bill by at least 25%.

That was pretty good sounding to me, and he was not willing to help me in building the complex model, I went a head and got the simple version.

If you try to hydrogen to burn in your vehicle to create, you are actually creating what is known as Brown Gas. It is not pure hydrogenbut two hydrogen atoms together in the presence of oxygen molecule you pulled apart stuck by her.

This is done by electrolysis and can be easily replicated and built with common parts and tools. I built one weekend and installed it with no problems at all. My ex has let me see the plans for the model more complicated, and I must admit that I probably have not built it myself, although I was tempted to try because it produced better results and half of thePrice.

The parts had to be ordered from the Internet and the assembly was pretty difficult, so I opted for the basic model, which I can recommend to everyone to get this technology and not be discouraged.

I'm pretty happy with the saves I made, and my car runs much better and I have a lot of money. I'll try the other plan, I want to save even more money, but I need a little more confidence in my ability to obtain manufacturing.

I will be building a few hydrogenGenerators for my friends and they say, practice makes perfect.

If you want to save money on your fuel bill and make your car run cooler, smoother and more efficient, I recommend that you build and install your own hydrogen generator. They are so glad you did!


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