Steps to Build a House

If you already as someone who built a house, then you may have noticed, observed that there are many steps in order to build a house. Basically, all the houses are built using the same basic steps. The main reasons for this is to keep the cost of construction and the building quickly, ie. and it is very difficult to build the walls before they have a solid foundation, bottom, etc. In addition, most states have the same construction so if you follow the same steps, then you are morelikely to be within the code.

The first step is to identify the land on which you will acquire the building. After purchase, should your country, you will find a good entrepreneur (we discuss in the e-book, how to judge whether you need a contractor or want to go DIY). This is the company that for all further steps. A good contractor will be awarded in various aspects of the work to specialists, such as roofers, plumbers and electricians.

Once you set your contractorand the location you specify your home will be built. The first steps to building a house are the foundation. That may be or not to award their work, but it is at least a certain basis crew. They are on the ground and pouring concrete for the foundation. The Foundation is to move whatever your house at the settlement as a reason, and sits down.

After the founding of the team next crew has finished, go to work, the design crew. The preparation of the crewbe on the site the longest. You will start by defining the floor of the entire house if the house has a board floor. In this case, the concrete slab to the ground (though sometimes is a "sleeper" floor is built over the plate for isolation purposes). If the floor is framed out, they will lay down plywood cover to 2 × 10 ceiling beams.

Continue on your steps to build a house are the walls. During the construction of the walls, they are first built lying onThe soil was then locks into place. They are built with 2 × 6 and placed on 16-inch centers. This means that the 2 × 6s are 16 centimeters apart center to center. While the walls of the design crew to be positioned where the window frame. After all the walls built and was in place, they are covered with plywood, so that the structure more strength.

Now that the writers have the walls are finished, they start on their part of the roof. In general, the builders areprefabricated trusses, when under the roof. This reduces the time it costs up to the roof to almost half, not to be forgot-and time-effective than the construction of the carrier (or even to get to putting up rafters). After standing all the promoters and they nailed to the wall, the crew then deck the roof with plywood.

If the coating is on the roof begins to really take off. It will do more than one team on site to different things. You have the roofers onthe roof, people hanging doors and windows are a plumber, is with the water and sewer lines and the electricians are wiring. Moreover, while all that happens, the heat and air contractors are installing heating and cooling systems.

As soon as the electricians and plumbers is complete, comes the insulation on the crew in most houses, except that the walls are insulated outer walls, but also insulate the ceiling and the attic. The walls are usually insulated with fiberglass rollIsolation and is blown into the attic, but that's really a matter of personal taste. Blown in cellulose in the walls is becoming more popular now a day.

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