Planets in houses

First, a reminder of the concerns of every house on the chart. Houses are sectors or segments numbered clockwise and relate in particular to the tradition vested interests identified, but not limited to Verified by astrological research on many of the last decades, example,

First refers to the look and personality (or segment of this house begins the horizon to the left and below 30 °), followed by .....
According to the Goods and Money
Third Familyintellectual interests and travel
Fourth household and property
Fifth Pleasure and Education
Sixth Health and Human Services
Seventh Marriage and partnership
8th Life planning, death and legacy
Ninth Philosophy and Religion
10th Career and worldly status
11 social life and friendships
12th limitations and difficulties of karmic

The planets are called in astrology - the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto still a planet. If for example your First House - this is the house, the segment is about to appear on the horizon, showing the presence of one of the planets relate to change or enhance the influence of existing zodiac say, know that the same applies to any home. I following are some examples. For the precise interpretation, please consult your professional astrologer to be satisfied about the effect of each planet's position in any case> Home in the graph.

In the sun ....
Home - outgoing personality tends first sun
Secondly - and more material wealth and happiness (not always the money)
Third - provides a lot of interest for studies to obtain the intellectual power and spiritual
Fourth point - a happy, loving family and home environment in a positive way
Fifth - a very positive energy in physical output and creativity
Sixth - positive impact on health and stamina
Seventh - Luckin partnership and marriage
Eighth - positive plans chances of success and gain health and happiness
Ninth - a great interest in philosophy and deeper spiritual questions
Tenth - an indication of success and social status of the lay
Eleventh - possibly a wide circle of friends and love for social life
Twelfth - the ability to overcome difficulties and to suffer

Moon in ...
First home - a fear or reluctance to show a significantPersonality
Secondly - where many events are often due to the whims
Thirdly - the choice of interest in the humanities in research to understand others
Quarter - a strong attachment to mother and attraction to women in society in general
Fifth - The work environment is a strong emotional and romantic relationship improves
Sixth - the tendency to exaggerate the work and stress of nerve damage
Seventh - reactionary relations in response to others and their emotions
Eight -unusual and emotional problems in relation to the circumstances
Ninth nature - would be sensitive to the unseen influences
possible changes expected in the Tenth work problems
Eleventh Working with people is probably some animal welfare
Twelfth - Problems related to differences in other unexpected

A. Mercury ...
First - classic mercurial temper expect love change and travel
Second-finance in general matters or issues related to travel or involvedPublic Relations
Third - lots of love to travel, physically and mentally
Fourth - the interests of home care, family relationships interesting and good
Fifth recalls - many love stories or centering focus on love itself
Sixth - the nervous system may fear or anxiety, travel or work-related stress suffered
Seventh - good relations with partners, friends and correspondence
Eighth - Caution should be exercised to avoid strengthening the nervous system, mentalRoot
Ninth - shows, travel and useful collaboration with the work of partners
Tenth - good for journalism and the administration on issues of communication
Eleventh points generally good relations with intellectual exchange
Twelfth - Care is needed to offend or criticize others through writing or education

It is not possible at this time, deeper problem, which requires many years of serious study. However, a superficial assessment acts as a starterfor what may have led to interest a long life. Remember, the art of interpretation of the many different factors and influences in the chart of individual recognition or identification of a single ingredient for the development of a unique recipe and make complex are compared.

Focus given to promoting the recognition of your strengths and use your natural talents. Also a matter of respect or attention to extremes to avoid the indicators of possible problemsAstrology can be seen.

Remember that what we consider our chart. Our table at the end of our lives will change not only due to the change of positions of celestial bodies, but is a direct result of our personal commitment and discipline as well as our healthy attitude to love in life and accept its challenges.


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Treatment of Mark Foley compound the debate in Congress, Logic Optional

The initiation of a protocol of emergency today, the House of Representatives adopted a policy that said all suspected pedophiles Nancy Congress leader will be in rehabilitation for alcoholism. Pelosi's Democratic House, "Mark Foley pedophilia is a good example for all Today, if essentially admitted drinking problem. We hope that the follow-up meetings with some of Alcoholics Anonymous, Representative Foley does not want to have sex with boymore. "

A spokesman for the FBI had his doubts. "It 's a bit early in the investigation, but we have beer cans and bottles of wine found in Foley's home, but we e-mail to Jack Daniels to find a previous page."

Foley is the best thing for the introduction of laws to protect children from known sex offenders. Many Senate Democrats accuse Foley a political trick. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts has proposed: "It 's very simple. He was not happy with the law has created -He thought he had too many loopholes and lacked execution. Representative Foley did not want to go through the work of drafting a new bill, wanted to make a point. It hurts me that President Bush and Vice-President Cheney at the White House again, and now ... Now this disgusting act by an elected official. "

The new protocol will prevent any more by the people who create broken. A main incentive plan defines a large blade, which isSpank future damage. The paddle is made of wood - possibly oak - and will be a heart painted in the center. In case of breaking the Republican law, a senior Democratic leaders learn spanking, and vice versa.

Halliburton has already been commissioned to build the paddle. Immediately after the paddle is built, every member of Congress is required to submit a preliminary typing. The pulse is used to identify potential sex offenders. If you look at the joyby the majority of both chambers, it is a party, the demand for accountability and an investigation by the opposite. All pedophiles will be treated for alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and all will be treated for pedophilia.


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Rainbow Riches Cheats - reality or myth?

Rainbow Riches is one of the most popular slot machines in the UK. Many people have asked if there are any tips, tricks or cheats That can use to play this game pretty. Well this can explain to you. Try to be as it could in this game will not be able to cheat. The mechanism works through a complex algorithm that consists of random numbers generated and the programming system suffers vigorous testing before final release. The result is simply no possibility of fraudthe game.

As tips and tricks, there are some techniques to play the slot machine that will help your bankroll longer and thus extends the game and take the time to make the emotion more.

First, and this is very important before starting to play a family. You will be surprised at how many people not knowing how much they spend and what you can afford.Once this will be monitored much more inclined to spend what to play.

NaturallyYour money is at stake when it engaged in gambling, and even if you are in it just for fun, not to lose everything to be immediately Fun At Att Also make sure not to put all your finances on the line and make so that all forces gambling site ready.

Preparation is important. Try the game for free to start prior to installing any case and only an amount you can afford to lose.

Another golden rule is to start as soon as the game is "Slow Down" Enjoy the moment, and ifYou received this bonus round heavy that you probably already waited so long to take the time to enjoy the moment.

Do not lift more, to try to use the net and the big jackpot. It 'true that you gain much more if you increase the bet, but you can also lose your money much faster. Do not play, and budget accordingly.

When low betting does not produce enough excitement and then try to unplug the floor, and you bet low at first to say 10p a spin and slowly increase to say,£ 2.00. Once you have a £ 2.00 was 10p lower turn again. This will add excitement to your game slow down the game and make you go further your bankroll.

My best advice is - do not play to win. It may sound crazy, but people play slot machines for all kinds of reasons, and enjoy the buzz of the game can be as important as winning a lot of money.

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5 Tips on buying your first home

I am a wedding and only embarked on an ambitious trip for a wedding. The first thing to do would be one of Singapore is to buy a house or an apartment to possess. There are public housing and private housing. For most Singaporeans will (or at least 60%), a government-owned or public housing. The housing is like a pigeon hole in the sky. Singapore is a small island, this is a way of life.

You can create new housing by the government to buy youfour years to be built for the apartment. Or contact one of the open-air markets where helping you find a guard. Before giving a flat five things that you first have to consider.

1) place, location, and the path
This is of utmost importance. Then you can choose to stay near the city, in a city or rural. You must first consider what is convenient for your job or close to the line of support. She enjoys the peace of the countryLife or the excitement and city life. You decide. And 'important to think long term, if you stay for more than 5 years.

2) Services
Maybe you should think if this area is a mature property, where shops, restaurants, entertainment center, hospitals, schools, child support nursing station nearby. For a new property, you must wait for five years or more, if I may wait so long.

3) Budget
Yesthe value of the house is an important aspect and should also fit your budget. There are houses that are out of reach, perhaps, but there are other resources for you. Never pay to go and buy a house with huge debts. The monthly loan should not exceed 20% of their income as a rough guide. Since other expenses like a car to own and pay for other needs.

04:00) Environment
Keep in mind, talk to your neighbors and futureCheck with them there is no "lender" or collectors that are disturbing. You do not want your future to be threatened at home or disturbed by these people. You should check for wall or letterbox area for Tell Tale Signs. And be sure to have good neighbors, so it is good to build good relations with them.

5) Room
For the newly married couple, you may consider buying a smaller apartment units. Three or Four Bedroom Apt can be quite good when the price is lower andthey are accessible. You must think of the cleaning costs. If you have children, you may first think of the larger apartment in the future.

There is so much at home to consider when buying a call and a home. There will always be the decision. Make your choice wisely and there is never a right or wrong answer. Finally, is your house, your house, to make it a big house and are happy to live in.


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Home Inspection secures a buyer

Say you want to buy a new home for one. Already you should try to think of an inspection. Perhaps you are in summer in search of a new space for permanent residence or a vacation home for. In both cases, you want a house, met the standard for quality and structure, and there is no need to worry about the safety of your well-being.

A house is to encourage feelings of calm and comfort from the stress of the outside world.For many people, especially those with the worst case, the request does not bother me, this is their sanctuary, or Could also be his world.

Let's picture a scenario when you return from work. You feel tired and sore all the bones of the body for the comfort of a bed of love. They shuffle into the kitchen instead of hoping that a light dinner, you can recharge your energy reserves run out.

If you have enough energy so it can be an hour or spend the preparation of abeautifully cooked meal, or you can set a microwave wolfing dinner or take-out fast food of choice. You plop on the couch and turn on the television.
Lean back as entertainment feel the tension from the day slip by. That's what the comfort of a home should be all about and it is possible through the home inspection.

You also need a nice place of residence, if you want to enjoy your holiday.After a hard day trekking through mountain trails or splash along the coast in water sports or just swimming along the coast, is to complete the picture of calm and relaxation with a nice nap or sleep, if more of this you need. The need to fill, you should make sure you have peace of mind to enjoy the home inspection can be done in your home.

You can not feel relaxed when spiders, beetles andcreepy creepy-crawlies may have already infected your other house. One is never infested apartment in a safe place of residence, because you are not sure that food stored safely for consumption. Apart from dirty puddles are likely to be mosquitoes, which infect the unwary to win with an illness. It 's also a thought unpleasant under your bed to share with cockroaches. A place of this caliber can not be regarded as relaxing. Places of infestation can easily be shownthrough an inspection.

This is a practical and efficient through which you can evaluate the integrity and structure of your home. Inspection to ensure your wishes and needs, as a potential buyer. Thanks to this, professionals in various fields bring a visual inspection of the premises. nest, is observable defects and dangers and find in them. inspection report will detail the weaknesses, potential weaknesses and show you pictures. We must not createRecommendations on how to correct errors. This runs into ethical problems.

The knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses according to the home you're considering the purchase will help to decide whether or not they have a good buy, considering all possible services, repairs and renovations that could be taken.

Protect your right to a good home and now blessed with an inspection.

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Graduation Gown history and clothes for your degree

Every opportunity must be a formal follow their rules and conventions and a graduation ceremony is no exception. graduation traditions that we follow now been launched since the Middle Ages.

The tradition of graduation ceremonies in the 12th and 13th century, when universities began to take shape. They had then no heating. Most classes were held in a church or near buildings. Historians believe that universities of the clergy even begun. Back in those daysany student or a student or a teacher to wear the clothes of a priest. There were few exceptions. A medieval scholar, normally at least some contracts have included a few votes and was tonsured can have - to take long robes with hoods of their shaved heads meet. That was just replaced by the skull.

Only in 1321 was that a statue at the University of Coimbra, that all "Doctors, doctor and bring bachelor 'gowns. In the second half of 14th Century EnglandThere were statues of some schools, the surplus in the clothing limited "and decreed that the long dress to wear. At the end of the 15th and 16th centuries under the reign of Henry VIII, Oxford and Cambridge began decreeing a suit specific academic. The university also had the control to the small details of dress.

Later, the color of the dress was standardized degree mainly because of the contributions of Gardner Cotrell Leonard of Albany, New York in the late 19Century. Mr. Leonard designed the clothes for his graduating class at Williams College in 1887 - and were by Cotrell Leonard - his family business in Albania. Wrote an article on academic dress in 1893, who invited him, with the work of the Intercollegiate Commission and led to a standardized system've obtained academic costume. This Commission met at Columbia University in 1895 and adopted the code of academic dress. You have not only cut and style and materials, control of divisionClothes, but also the colors assigned to each of the various scientific disciplines.

This is how the tradition began graduate of clothes. But what should be if not for your bachelor's dress? The first thing to check with your school or college for specific rules. Many institutions are already rules and guidelines for the completion or initiation ceremonies.

Remember that your office most likely would fall between Mayand in June, so think light clothing. You can not delete your graduation dress, but you can read and airy fabrics like cotton and linen.
Women should wear something simple and elegant as a simple dress or skirt and blouse. If your graduation gown is white or yellow, be sure to wear a bright color underneath - not only cool the structure does not appear in photos degree!

Men may have a tie, depending on the school service. Even if your schoolnot force you to wear it, you get one anyway - it seems really nice and formal. You get a draw representative or a scarf and wore a neatly pressed white shirt, blue or other bright colors. Or a spread collar and button are in order. Go up the pants, wearing a neatly pressed casual khaki or olive gray trousers - pants suit is a necessity.

The shoes should be elegant moderate degree, either flats or pumps are good, but nothing that should go in the Mosh PitOthers Gentlemen must wear either a loafer or graduates Scarpa. At any time, please no jeans or shorts, flip flops, sandals, running shoes or bunny slippers - to keep them in the bedroom or dorm.

For your degree does not carry a message of letters tape to the tip of the mortarboard or the back of the clothes. Now the story of your robe and know what is supposed to wear is the only thing left to enjoy once graduated, because it is somethingYou deserve.

This article about the graduation dress may be freely reprinted and distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

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How to buy tickets for concerts by Fleetwood Mac - find and purchase the best seats in the house

The band, Fleetwood Mac, has taken the world by storm in the mid-1970s, when sultry singer Stevie Nicks to their line-up was added. Songs like "Go Your Own Way" and "landslide" is still successful with the masses today. Fleetwood Mac concert tickets are in high demand, and do not act quickly, you may lose Ability to play the legendary live bands to see in your hometown.

Months before the effective date will broker tickets across the country advertising the event. ThisThen you find and purchase tickets for concerts, Fleetwood Mac before they are completely sold out. Nothing puts a damper on a special event rather than a lack of preparation. Be sure to plan ahead and purchase as many of the precious tickets to the portfolio. This not only saves time, discourage them with heart trouble, not able to find tickets for concerts, Fleetwood Mac at a decent price involved.

How to purchase tickets Fleetwood Mac? Theeasiest way to make them use the Internet, and then set of outlets. Order now by Live Nation, iLove All Nation or Ticketmaster. Click a few buttons to get your tour dates and details. Enter your credit card and other personal information. In about a minute you're on your way!

People of all ages to enjoy a good old rock and roll. Fans of the band are no different. Despite their success, Fleetwood Mac, has had its ups and downs. Singer Lindsey Buckingham,left the band after a heated debate that he and his girlfriend, singer Stevie Nicks had. Their tense relationship finally two new guitarist the band brought in rent. Joining Forces in 1997, Buckingham, Nicks, Mick Fleetwood continues John McVie and Christine McVie to excite the masses worldwide. The story of their love life and make shady deals Fleetwood Mac concert tickets to get even more.


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Downtown Long Beach - City Entertainment

Visitors to Long Beach, California, is a city full of life and fun on the beach. Just when you think it is better, there's more to see and do. You still hang on the banks throughout the holiday. You might be surprised at all the fun that you will find when you get to the beaches and water attractions

Downtown Long Beach offers a great city with much. Visit the city center and find adelightful blend of old and new. Contemporary Art Deco historic buildings house restaurants and hot nightclubs. Trendy boutiques and galleries line the street - Pine Avenue and surrounding streets in the city center.

Besides the nightlife is the cultural center downtown Long Beach. art festivals, theater openings and live music is easy to find.

Theatre visitors found the choice of the International City Theater, theater, and garageTheater. Music fans can some events at the Long Beach Opera, the Orchestra Sinfonica del Teatro or terrace. Art lovers will enjoy browsing the many galleries set vacant retail spaces to the region. No space is lost, the whole place looking for something to do.

Visitors to Long Beach to visit also the time when the pike, an open-air center with trails and a picturesque setting that is unparalleled in other parts of the city. Pike has restaurants, a cinema,Retail & Leisure. Families can play all afternoon and take the Ferris wheel. Then in the evening the adults take over leaked from the bar on the way to the Laugh Factory.

There is so much to see and do in a town this size. Downtown Long Beach is the way to taste some of the best the city has to offer. If you are looking for culture, the experience of art, and demand the freedom to choose your entertainment, then the center is where it's a.


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In the 10th house vedic astrology

What is the meaning of the tenth house in a chart? The house 10 is the culmination point of the passage of the sun through the 12 homes, Sun is the natural atmakaraka or representatives of our soul. 10th house where the sun shines more often seen at maximum strength. It's where the warm rays of the sun, the radiation of our soul can make maximum impact. And 'where the soul is the most important role.

The house is one-tenth ArthaHome>. Artha means richness and resource concerns. In simplified form, the house May 10 to see the planet as our value as people during our short time on this issue. It 'really what are our lives until the end of the day was when all is said and done. And 'the validity of our own existence in the eyes of a superior authority, the universe itself is the home often results in the tenth house, but is much more. It 's likeour "collective identity", which fits the overall picture.

In the analysis of the chart from a worldly point of view, our table daily work are determined by factors other better, even if the house 10 may, under Enter the type of professional backgrounds we work. We often find the 6 th house (our everyday work), or 2 House (money) more reflective of our professional role. The house 10 is our connection with them have the authority overie. Father, employer, government, God's employer or professional for a Scorpio ascendant, the sixth house has exalted Sun (lord 10th) in Aries in the medium might be a renowned hospital or care. But the nature of the everyday person could be done by the position of the Lord, the sixth to be reflected. If Mars, 6 Lord was his exchange with Mercury (11 th and 8 th lord) in sixth and eighth house, can organize a secretary at the Department of Finance for that. In the case of authors who have no regular income for second homes and income to 11 House (turnover mass), their professional role is more easily visible on the 3rd/5th author (Publishing) and 11th house.

10th house can be called the house status.A well fortified house 10 is often a person of a respected position, whether or not this is recognized by the masses. Mass popularity is not a direct result of the 10th> House to do more, but other factors such as House 11 (impact on the spread), 7th house (relationships with the public) 4 House (effects on the masses), 5 House (House of Fame) and Moon (Popularity ).

Sun is about many things, the ego, pride, the father, authority, fame and finally the soul. We do not perceive the soul of nature with our conscious mind directly, but our soul is the invisible observer or deep motivating force that guides uslong. So also our greatest role as indicated by the 10 th house esoteric is not necessarily something we are always conscious. A person with Aquarius rising sixth Lord had delivered in the House of daily work-third of Creative. Your daily work could be a musician. It could be anarchists Rahu () his place in the 10th house in Scorpio (pause) and the 10th place in the second house Mr Mars in Pisces (typeReality), so his role in the tenth house from a deeper perspective could become a universal reality, is a revolutionary, giving here for the deeper truths about nature. The person called a revolutionary, to the extent that affected her poetry are a musician or a poet (10th lord in second house). But the tenth house to play their role, regardless of how she identified with them. The house 10 is capable of acting in their role alone all dependsThe table as a whole. In this case, the node 10 House is located along the long axis of the fourth and, as such person has the revolutionary potential depends on what make their fourth house (internal stability and harmony of mind) to internal security necessary to challenge them a bigger office and the emotional maturity necessary to higher states of consciousness, to awaken. For their part, his influence should be strong so that they directlyits basic energy or talent building. They should have a ninth house powerful, more philosophical wisdom and integrity. The strength of their third house, would reveal their motivation, courage and ability to communicate. Well, if you really try to understand, 10 House, a sum of life on our planet and just play the role, all the other houses of the chart, or make or bring into question the role of this role.

House 10 is a partGroup of two other houses Artha, the second and the 6th house. So many of our "role" with regard to the value and richness depends on the two houses of others. The second house reflects the richness of our Ascendant or First House. The first house we're born is the sum of the basic individual skills, we are given to work. If we made a cake would be the basic ingredients. We Ingredients good or bad ingredients are describeddepending on the strength or weakness of the house. A person under influence Jyestha in the third part of the scorpion is born as one of its key ingredients authoritative power. Where is this talent for viewing direction indicated by the direction of the Lord Ascending. If Mars, Virgo rising house was laid in 11 ° Lord, so could be the leader in groups, where they learn specific interactions with other people in a very organized or not. TheOn their leadership with the House is second, how clever they are with this raw material were. If you develop and enrich that can take advantage of this potential to help or serve others, to defeat adversaries and to reconstruct or model (all facets of the House 6th). And 'a state of life and enable them to apply to influence the environment, world, universe have something that everyone can be proud of, ormakes them shine, as the 10th Assembly.

House 10 is also part of group homes Kendra. It 's the height of this square houses. Kendra houses built of a possible relation to the core, the first house, the self, the fourth house, in which environment, which feeds , is the seventh house, where it operates one of the cars to interact with the world and the 10th HouseThe impact of this interaction, how it fits in the scheme of things, his part in the puzzle.

Another cluster of houses, the house belongs to the tenth, is upachaya houses, shops or houses consideresd growth in life to improve the effort and time. The maturity of our life experiences allows us to improve the lives of our interests (third house), to meet) in the middle of life with less anxiety (the third house to be ableWhat we do (6th House) to house an authority in our field (10) and share our house to influence others (11).

Sun is the primary Karaka for the home 10. Karakas another home 10 are Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. Mercury is our intellect and communication skills, how we communicate our role to others. Saturn is the servant, the disciplinary authority, if we are willing to accept with humility our role will be, depends onSaturn's placement in the standings. Jupiter is the happiness or the appearance of growth and a significant natural wealth. The charity of our role is dependent on Jupiter, as we're bringing who can appreciate a review of the role we play.

If we have a state of high or low is irrelevant, given the identity of the word house 10 is a universal recognition of what our contribution to the collective whole, the nature of the role they are assigned. NotJudgement always like to play this role, but the nature of the role.

A person can have a house very weak 10. What could I say? A person would have the 10th Lord debilitated in 12th house of loss and darkness. Would continue to live without the state. However, the soul could play an important role in this case. May be assigned a low position to a higher purpose. Of course, karma works on many levels and the low positionperhaps also some important lessons in reducing the attachment to ego or pride to be committed. But not all the bad karma should be seen as a consequence of punishment, but part of a wider operation than the fate that we can only glimpse from a careful examination of the chart for everything integrated.

The more we are in contact with deeper layers of ourselves, better understand our role as the 10th Assembly of the planet and successfully play that role like. How to get theHeart of sun, full sun, sun, the house was located in the 10th, the deepest layer of our being? We do this through the vehicle of the spirit, the moon. We window in mind, to awaken us closer to our heart center, or the soul of nature come. We enter the conscious mind through the application of our intellect, Mercury. We use the energy and effort into this process on Mars. This effort is intended to be used when we are looking for love or later Union, Venus. ThisSearch Union made by Jupiter, if our consciousness awakens to greater possibilities. This awakening is made aware of greater possibilities of Saturn, when we talk about and learn to control our lower nature. Rahu or lead us into temptation, confusion or intoxication or as a tool to facilitate the possibility of the road. Ketu overwhelm us or identifying too much with our past and help us in particular to maximize the chances of Rahu.

If wewould really change our lives for the better lot, the house directly responsible for how well we work with our karma is the 5 th house. fifth house is the house of destiny, magic, prayer, intelligence, intelligence we all have to face our karma. 5th house is working in close eye level with the house 11. The house is 11 hunger to achieve, is the culmination of our desire nature. This desire to reach a finalspecific objective helps us to focus our life in a certain direction. If we improve our intelligence for our honorable goals, navigators become more efficient. We can change our fate with the power of magic or prayer. This reconciliation of the forces charities can help us is the grace of God (9th house) and magically avert the disaster that can befall us from acts or past misdeeds. Create a new life through the window of the 5th Assembly. Fifth Housethe house of love. The fact that love and destiny of our karmic live under one roof, shows the power of love to change ourselves. There is no love, but impersonal unconditional love of the sun that shines on everyone without preference or prejudice. With much love we have done great things, we wake forces can perform great deeds and latent House service (10 is the sixth house 5 °) and finally shine like gods, sits high in the Midheaven of our 10thHouse.

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Robert Emmet, Irish Patriot

Robert Emmet was born in Dublin in 1778 the Protestant hegemony. It 'was strongly influenced by the ideals of the French and the American Revolution and was a member of the Society of United Irishmen. From 1800-1802, Emmet the continent with the United Irish leaders, who were from Ireland after the Rebellion of 1798 in exile.

Emmet has been tested in the Irish delegation to persuade the French, busy with their lawsuit against the British alliesRule. Secured with the promise of aid, Emmet returned to Ireland in 1802 and began to prepare the insurrection and the French landing. However, stores in premature explosion forced one of his arms to advance his plans for rebellion. Emmet could secure the support of rebel Michael Dwyer's and Kildare rebels turned back when they discovered the lack of available weapons. But undaunted, Emmet led a small group of Dublin Castle, but that there was a failure to take increasingnothing more than a grabbed global fight against followers of St. Thomas Emmet reserved by the Lord Chief Justice and the grandson of their car and stabbed to death, and disappointed his followers to behave 'and the realization of what was lost in the mountains Wicklow Emmet escaped.

He came back to be near his beloved Sarah Curran in the city, but was captured. He was convicted and sentenced to death for high treason. Following his conviction was his speech by famousDock, who was among the most influential Republicans in Ireland, was the last line like "Nobody writing my entry tomb for anyone, knows my motives dare hours Aspers defend not allow prejudice or ignorance of them. Let them and me the rest remains empty in darkness and peace and my tomb, and my memory in oblivion until other times and other people can do justice to my character to do. If my place among the nations of the earth land, then and only then, That my grave inscriptionto write. I did. "

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House MD

House MD is also known as House. This series was to debut on American television in November 2004. This show is based on standard medical care. The main character of the series is Dr. Gregory House. He is a genius doctor, a team of hospital diagnoses represented as a witness. The name of the hospital is PPTH, Princeton - Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey. Dr. House is the character shown as unconventional. He is often in conflict with his boss,Hospital administrator, his team of diagnostic and Dean of Medicine, Dr. Lisa Cuddy. Dr. House has had only one friend and that person is true, Dr. James Wilson, director of the Division of Oncology. This show has completed six seasons of American television. House MD has a lot of viewers and is very popular with them. This serial number is celebrated spectacle. The exhibition was assessed in the top ten shows in America with his second season with the fourth season. This is really a resultfor each performance.

This series is very popular and has a thing to make the audience want more. Based on its popularity, the show has been distributed in 66 countries. Indeed, in 2008, House MD has been the most watched TV show in the world. With numerous awards in her kitty, MD began his sixth season of House in September 2009. The show received a Peabody Award for 20 005. This show is nominated for six Golden Globes and received two of them. The show isalways been supported by critics. Dr. House said, a board certified diagnostic nephrology, with a dual specialty in infectious diseases.

This exhibition also presents a lot of similarities between Dr. House and Sherlock Holmes. Holmes was flat and so is Dr. House 221B.'s Friend 'House trusts most is Dr. James Wilson and Sherlock Holmes is the best friend, Dr. John Watson. Both House and Sherlock Holmes characters suffer Dr.drug. Dr. House is dependent on Vicodin and Holmes is addicted to cocaine, morphine, and tobacco. Dr. House is shown to believe in the name. Wants people to call with his last name. Even home visits Dr. his team and other people with their last name. Similarly, Holmes used to name all of his surname. If we look at and try more things, we are more things in common between them. The reason for this is that the creator ofshow particular interest in Sherlock Holmes. He has inspired so that by its properties, adding that the main character of House MD is the inevitable.

Both Sherlock Holmes and Dr. House to play musical instruments. Dr. House plays piano, guitar and harmonica .. On the other hand plays violin Sherlock Holmes. There are many similarities, both in the characters, but there is no denying the fact that the heart have their place in the audience. House MDis without doubt one of the best drama series at the hospital, which has won praise from viewers around.

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Studios Hollywood

A production house refers to a company which is responsible for film development and production. In some cases, the studio may also be responsible for collecting funds for the film. Sometimes they even sell their products at a film studio or present in a home theater.

In recent times we find that the actors, directors, producers, writers of Hollywood have started opening their studios on the grounds thatThis gives them a good opportunity to take control of their careers. We go through the details of this Hollywood production houses.

began in late 1960, Francis Ford Coppola, American Zoetrope, which was considered a rapid adoption of digital cinema. The study had produced the movie, etc from renowned directors such as Jean-Luc Godard, Akira Kurosawa, in fact four films produced by this studio is the United States, which in the Top100 list of movie filmInstitute. To date, the films were produced by American Zoetrope fifteen and sixty-eight Academy Awards nominations received.

Columbia Pictures Industries is an American production house and distribution of this group is part of the Columbia TriStar Motion Picture. This production house was established in 1924 and is studying and working in collaboration with MGM movie. In 1989, electronics giant Sony bought Columbia Pictures. Sony spent nearly 100 millionU.S. dollar and started with Sony Pictures Studio. Some of the films that are in Columbia Pictures are Batman and Robin, The Legend of Zorro, Spiderman, Anaconda, etc.

Paramount Pictures Corporation, based in Hollywood, California, was founded in 1912 and is one of the oldest homes of current America. Paramount was the first retailer of success at national level. The years 1980 and 1990 has proved a windfall for Paramount Pictures because it generated hits such as FlashDance, Predators of the Lost Ark, "" Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Mission Impossible, etc.

Warner Brother Entertainment is the third oldest American production will be for the TV movie. In the late 1990s, Warner Brother obtained the rights to the popular Harry Potter novels. The film adaptation was released in 2001, 2002, 2004, and 2005. Final adjustments will be issued in 2010.

A separate group, was a production companycreated by a series of famous and acclaimed directors. The name of the production company was derived from a game on a classic French New Wave director Jean-Luc Godard. The members of this House are the production of Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, John Woo, Tim Burton, Steve Buscemi, John Landis. Producer Lawrence Bender was a cofounder of the company and currently owns and operates the business. The films produced by this production house include Kill Bill,From Dusk Till Dawn, Four fiction and Pulp Fiction, etc.

A look at this list you can measure the importance of production houses of Hollywood 's. Probably without their existence Hollywood would not have been able to organize and movie-making skills.

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Pluto in the 12th House

In January 2008, he moved Pluto Sagittarius Capricorn. I was always snapping right into Pluto in the house 12.

What does it mean to have Pluto in the house in 12?

If you do not know how to calculate holiday, here's a quick tip for you. Record 12 characters on a sheet of paper with Ram is the first sign and then so on. Your sign is the first house. Where the sign is likely clockwise to the sign that the hostPlanet of your choice.

So if my character is an Aquarius and Pluto just entered Capricorn, Pluto is transiting my house 12.

When it happened I started reading a lot of articles on the subject. I found this sentence me a shot very misleading. Most astrologers agree that the 12th house is the home of "Doom." In my humble opinion, the correct adverb "should" new ".

For me, Pluto in the 12th house is like a tornadothat goes through my house, raise, put into a large blender and turn on speed. The speed is so high, so that by the end of their merger, the house is no longer retain their original shape and form. Must wait for a batsman to be transformed into another object of his choice will be converted.

I feel that I started to go deep in a wonderful inner journey into my psyche and I reprogrammed. The only draw back ifin general, is not dream big. Pluto in 12th house, it seems I say power to live my life for the highest good and my world to serve in any capacity a.

Guess what? Only in the last week I met a mystery of life, so to speak, and started to help me live a conscious life, a life in my project.

Now it feels to me that my way of giving back, he needs to find what I learned in the world in general. And yes I've already formulated a plan. It is not easyThe people around me, I've known for years to see these dramatic changes in me. But I have to change. I can not live my life the way I had lived in the past.

So, when Pluto is transiting your house 12 do not let the end of the world telling other astrologers, to scare you. This is my personal experience and perhaps might not be with you. However, one can show that you continue to dive into your subconscious mind and taught him all the wonderful things that yourSubconscious is trying to say.

So if Pluto is a planet or a house from 12 transits, it is time for you to learn more from the inside. Tell time to define new paradigms, new ways to new life for you a new dress. In what way or method you choose, get involved, remember the only key, and that is to use what you learn to serve the masses. If you are just for personal gain, people suffer.


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Black Beauty Myth

When blacks arrived in the New World 400 years ago, soon learned to devalue the color of their skin, eyes, and the texture of the hair. Apparently in this new world, the white skin was synonymous with beauty and luxury, and blacks the chance to master their own to look like the slaves were slaves given jobs in the big house, and as cooks while their skin color than dark, the fields were sent to colleagues. This division along lines of color holede facto caste system, remnants of which survive today.

In the south, where the impact of this caste system were more obvious, the light skin blacks enjoyed a level of education, leading to greater social status and financial rewards. Lighter blacks also experienced an improvement in relations with whites, which they saw as less threatening than darker blacks. Fully aware of the advantages of light skin, black beauty often those who married the same skin colorin subsequent generations, the prohibition to marry their children in dark-skinned blacks. If a sufficient number of clear skin, blacks could happen, "or move unnoticed into white society, which has always avoided the pitfalls of social black.

Of course no self respect Black person would try to pass at that time. Although there is still a stigma of being black, has our progress in gaining political equality and socio-economic, the need to move "unnecessary." Not only that, but we arrived atappreciate our African heritage, and is enjoying a renaissance of the Black Pride movement, which started in mid 1960. At that time, blacks expressed by the yolk of the dominant culture of the decision of an African-centered approach to their lives. Across the country, blacks students were demanding that African and African American history has become part of the curriculum, and threw its combs and hair bleaching and printing natural adoption, whilecelebrate the beauty of dark skin. In no time, "Black Power!" became the battle cry of the day.

Unfortunately, swelling that had lowered the ethnic pride of the 1980s, and its apparent revival in 90 years the focus and vision that his predecessors had lacked defined. Without any apparent challenge to dominate the values of culture, has created about Black Pride 1990 as little more than a commodity to be exploited commercially packaged for mass consumption. Poor qualityPortraits of the great African leaders and African-Americans like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, rich in K-Mart and on street corners. chains of skin in the form of the African continent has established the neck of the old school black youth, while the form of the Malcolm X graced everything from T-shirts, baseball caps. Traditional African clothes, with such pride for over twenty-five years ago, has been usurped against Madison Avenue to meet the public's enthusiasm for ethnicClothing.

Fast forward into the new millennium. Once again wore her hair looking naturally is taboo in the entertainment industry and some cultural counter part, and the chemical relaxer, ironically, with names such as Dark and Lovely and African Pride, is the millennial version of the pressing comb. Even the bleaching cream, now known euphemistically as evener skin is back. Ideally, smiling blonde continues to influence and define the physical characteristicsThe perception of black Americans year after allegedly shook their influence for good.

But there is another framework riding Black self-hatred, a picture, this is perhaps the worst of all. Of course, this is the woman's face is also a fantasy, an ideal forced upon us by the dominant culture. His face should be blacks, but actually is a middle ground. This woman is very light skinned, long hair loose and wavy brown, green or hazel eyes often. Asmost of the media images, this is not representative, but because there is White America is better. The damages in such a picture is its ubiquity in half with an incredible influence on many young blacks. The message of such a framework is clear and culturally tragic. Since many of us live within our endless hair, bleach our skin, our African characteristics and maim the colored contact lenses, effectively denying our cultural identity. We act byAdoption of a beauty standard imposed on us for the purpose of sharing both our people and assured that we remain second-class citizens, even if only in our heads.

Not to say that blacks are born with more Caucasoid features somehow less black or that those who are elected by us, even our hair ignorant or ashamed of their African identity. The issue is who is not black. It 'a lot more at stake than this simple explanation. At stake is our universalIdentity as a people. Because of who we are when we are guided by a culture that often refused to recognize us as full citizens are defined? Who are we if we allow this culture not to us in ways that affect self-esteem of our children, and sometimes continue to define our own?

I think my younger sister, who is bi-racial, but for the whole world seems to be. It 's a beautiful young woman with Tawny skin, brown eyes and wavy hair chocolate brown.How many times have I heard others praise the hair as well as blacks, while in the same breath mock woolly hair texture often with us as a "diaper", "Kinky," and simply "bad." In truth there is nothing intrinsically good or more straight or woolly hair, with fair skin or dark blue or brown eyes. found racial phenotype, major physical differences between "races" are nothing more than climate change, as the white coats of Arctic animals.The beauty in their racial characteristics arising from the recognition that they own. Everyone should be proud of the way we like. Whites and Asians certainly, why not us?

The blacks are available in a rainbow of skin colors, the display of ivory, ebony, deep, rich texture of our hair and apply directly to bone thickness. We should all celebrate our beautiful deviations, and we should certainly EU standards and the need to define our outer beauty. If you do not define who we areAre what we are and how we look, we will always be victims of the worst kind of slavery.

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Digital Media Player coming into your living room - Home Entertainment Future Now

Just a few years ago, home entertainment has been a very different meaning than today. In fact, the first home entertainment system was the radio of the family, where you sit around like a family and listen to shows that have been sent. The choices are pretty limited. Now we are entering an era where our lives will we be digital, including our home and how we entertain in our homes while. Now come houses are built with an auditorium, canComplete audio of videos and imitation of a real theater, creating a monumental home entertainment experience.

This article examines the extent to which the idea of home entertainment, such as over, and now, as the idea of media delivery is in transition from a real piece of media, including CD, DVD, and also the new Blue -ray in a completely different animals, streaming media.

Traditional Home EntertainmentIdeas

Just to rewind a bit ', to appreciate the latest and hottest technology, which is done, I'd like to point out some of the old forms of home entertainment. I go home to switch on the radio and TV in the early days of the effective sources establishment of a center of entertainment in. This is partly due to the introduction of television in the home. Before television, families were forced to invent a way to basically have fun.If we could go back in time to the 50s you can tell, and show a modern family home with a theater completely clean, you can imagine their reaction! We radio from books and board games that I like, on TV, fully equipped rooms in our homes.

The origins of the Home Theater

The family home theaters, usually by a large television cathode ray tube, a couch, maybe a sofa, and there were too many optionsOther sound than the speakers of your TV. The main source of media would provide for the signals of over-the-air, then the cable (if you could afford it), and even from VHS player at home or Beta. This set-up that describes several caves in the house or stay in the mid 80s to mid 90s. Several companies saw the potential of living as a primary source of income. KLH Sony, JVC, Aiwa Yamaha and electronics companies were among the pioneers inThe market for home theater, the house began to produce their products on the market made specifically for the creation of your own home theater. The last two editions of the area of home entertainment, DVD player, replaced VHS, and now Blu-ray player from Sony. There was a brief war between Sony and Toshiba for superior high-definition format, but Blu-ray player from Sony was that war.

Now get a home theater room is equipped with giant plasma screen TV, LEDAnd giant TV screens with accompanying 1080p video projectors suspended from the ceiling. The old sofa is equipped with special seats that Media room chairs and sofa furniture sofa combination, were replaced all stakeholders to improve the viewing experience. Do not let the sound, you can provide your audio up to 7.1 channels of crystal clear sound. You hear the bullets whizzing by your head, do not forget to duck! Now the film isLine for a completely new target, a subject entirely new digital and can get wireless.

Your stay, and streaming media player

The whole idea of a tower-DVD in the living room and the collection of a film, and place it in a DVD player from one species is dying fast. The digital media player is the assumption that once the homes of the DVD and now Blu-ray player on the shelf below the TV. The first comes from Real Media StreamerNetflix, if a set-top box that the user has access to thousands of streaming movies available on the Internet directly to TV, and saw the film in high definition. Then Microsoft began offering a variety of content downloads on Xbox. Sony in this market, also facilitated by the PlayStation 3 by some games and movies for download, and add content.

The idea has in recent years, but only until this year weseen a big boom in the media, HD media players, digital media adapters and digital media receiver. It 'really was only a matter of time. People had to store home videos and music on their computers for years, and has since developed a home theater room, so the consumer must be able to access their multimedia content, not just in the living room or entertainment room, but now this need has grown in its starting position to access content in any room des Demand haseven more for the HD media player with the ability to backup personal DVD collection on your PC. Now full movie collections on hard drives terabyte stored and can be achieved with this digital media player. As an example, the Patriot Box Office HD, with the wireless adapter, a wireless router on your home network and provide access to multimedia content. It outputs video at 1080p TrueHD and Dolby digital audio outputs. These not only play digital media streamerContent from the network but also support services such as YouTube, Google Video, Hulu and Yeoh.

Upcoming Thoughts

In the next few years, my theory is that over 80% of the content you have on your profile home entertainment room and lounge are streamed over the Internet directly. If TV manufacturers, wants to keep up, I think at some point come to communicate with TV media streamer built, and the abilityhome wireless networking. Since the ability to transmit information faster wireless, I think we will see, miss technology in the entertainment industry. The cable industry and broadcast media are the biggest successes in the coming years, just as the music industry in the early 2000's. This time I think we could see some companies just go to or edit. You need the way they provide the means to change for their customers, because if the service is too farbehind demand, consumers will always find a way to get what they want.

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The most revolutionary beautiful world - Maud Gonne

Maud Gonne was Tongham, Surrey, England, born in 1865. His father was an officer with the 17th Light Dragoons, 1868, he was sent to Ireland and the whole family moved to Dublin. His mother died of tuberculosis in 1871, Maud and her sister were sent to be educated in France. As a teenager, he traveled throughout Europe, spending the winter in Switzerland and Italy in the summer. It was also a woman of breathtaking beauty - six feet tall, handsome face growing hourglassThe figure is very, very red hair - was certainly one of the beauties of old age. 1884 his father was once again booked Dublin withdrew and Maud took the role of hostess.

When his father died in 1886, returned to Paris, where he met and fell in love with a French political activist named Millevoye Lucien, who was already married, their relationship while Maud was living illegally. Influenced by Millevoye was encouraged Skirtslead to the Irish nationalists against Britain, are involved with famine relief, and the Land League in Ireland. Moving in this revolutionary circles, she met the poet William Butler Yeats in 1889, Yeats was obsessed with her, and she has inspired many of his most famous poems.

Between 1893 and 1895 had two children with Millevoye, Georgette died at the age of three years, was raised by Isolde Maud as their grandson. In a fundraising tour of the States, met John MacBride, an Irish nationalist andA veteran of the Boer War. They had a son, Sean, was in 1904, but their marriage is anything but a happy and Maud fled to France with Sean with her. After the 1916 MacBride was executed for his role as leader of the rebellion. Skirts was arrested along with a number of Irish nationalists in 1918, but was released when he was in ill health. He spent the 1920 campaign for Irish political prisoners.

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Do not let your fun Entertain You All the Way to the Poor House!

We all have only 24 hours in a day. Only 24 hours. If we use this to sleep eight, two in traffic, 0.5 in the toilet / bathroom. Eight more hours of work for "man." This leaves us with only four hours to do everything ... That is, meals, laundry, shopping, spending time with children, etc. If you do the math, you can see that this does not leave a lot 'of time for the tube. But somehow we seem to find time for TV. With hundreds of channels andThousands of shows, no wonder we're all addicted. Now it is time to "hook" us. We can use television as a learning tool or as a way to stay on current events, but Should not we give that little of Our leisure to leave. Set a time limit for you and your family. If you go by AC Nielsen Co., the average American spends more than four hours of television a day (or 28 hours per week, or two months non-stop TV-watching per year). In a65 years of life, will this person was nine years glued to the tube.

Most of us have things we want to do with our lives, our dreams, we are still on. We simply do not know what we can do to become a reality. Whatever it is, one thing is certain, that we probably will not find on TV. According to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, Americans spend nine times to make a lot of minutes for the TV and / or movies asexercise, sport, and combines all the other recreational activities. When you add listening to music and go out for the club, you have a whole new arena of wasted time has come, and that lost time is never found. In fact, sociologists have said television is the most common human activities after work and sleep.

Right now we have our time to what is recognizable. It is our most precious resource. Unlike cash, if your time is up ... They aredisappeared. If the money is gone, you can always go back. If your house burns down (God forbid), you can rebuild another, the same with a machine shop, etc.

If you need to be retained, rewarded with entertainment. Only when stretched and grew up and learned to be something new, you should take your time on the "idiot box". While we are now in the information age, we should be the advantage that all the information we take in our hands.It's not too late. Learn something new, as a matter of fact, you should try to learn something new every day. Do not be afraid to tap into these dreams of childhood. It is not foolish to think that you're a pilot, pilot or firefighter in reality.

The point is, as a society we are still slaves of fun. Our situation in life changes do not change our position. We do not go to work, we are concerned about the economy, if we can improve our economy and personalif you complain when someone else brought. You are that person. Start learning a good night, every day something new. Being the person more informed your position. This is what it takes to turn around your life. I think, on vacation or home with your new personal growth is a bit 'of time with our beloved television.

If there's something you want / need and do not yet know. Find it! Let this be your commitment:

If he / shecan do, can happen. If you can do, I can do it!

Rob the Golden


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4 key factors influencing the choice of a house

When you move into your new home, we will work to your individual needs, adding a personal touch, creating special memories, and the completion of improvement projects and home repairs. Although some aspects are selection of an apartment to your specific needs of the family based on age, mobility, and the challenges faced by prisoners, important factors influencing the four major buyers in the home selection process. The areas that you want can not be overlooked:


It's your dreamHome page within your budget now?

If the value is positive project for the construction, rail or road improvements and zoning changes to be affected?

Quality of neighborhood

Is your home in an enviable position?

homes are maintained?

The atmosphere is quiet, no traffic noise and construction?

There is an active Neighbourhood Watch Group?

Are neighbors gather for community events?

Are the services you want, shops, doctorsServices, schools, restaurants, parks, libraries, information and entertainment in the area?

Proximity to work and family / friends

If the real-time unit tip for your work for you acceptable?

You are as close as you like family and friends?

If this point you have several route options in the event of an accident?

Public transport is available?

It is safe cycling routes for those who want an alternativeTransport?

Your proposed route free of additional transport costs as a tariff barrier or bridge?

Excellence School District

Class sizes are reasonable?

If the test results better than average?

The schools now offer programs that you want?

Will accommodate special needs without a fight in court?

Most graduates? They have a high percentage of a college visit?

Now take the time to ask these questions. TheThe more you answer "yes", the happier you and your family will be at a certain place. The look and feel of a house and property will access a unique role in your selection process at home, but the quality of neighborhood, proximity to work and family / friends, and the excellence of the school district will help, area choose the right one for you.

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Real Deals For Connoisseurs of Canvas Art

What is the Specialty Canvas Art?

Canvas art involves oil paintings which are classy and in some cases are replicas of more famous counterparts of the yesteryear. Nothing adds beauty to the walls of a newly painted house like tapestries of canvas art. The rich colors, the intricate designs melting into each other and the representation of a particular theme, style or period altogether make these tapestries of canvas art absolutely precious. They also add a grand style statement to the décor of the house and most importantly provide richness and elegance to the walls. There are sites where one can purchase tapestries from many artists along with items of home décor like Belgian and Bayeux tapestries, country scenes and contemporary styles, monuments and even tapestry mats and accessories.

Examples of Canvas Art Tapestries

Canvas art tapestries can be a replica of a Van Gogh creation with a lining and tunnel provided at the back for hanging it easily. Canvas can also be of a royal scene in the Indian durbar or rustic scenes of the countryside. At the end of the day the colors chosen and how well they blend into each other make the art, which could cost from a hundred dollars to thousands, worth their price.

Material Used

Tapestries of canvas art can have a mix of cotton, acrylic and linen. In fact early canvas art was mostly of linen only the 20th century saw the transition to cotton which initially was used as an added option and later revived by the modern artists. It is also chosen by artists for its lower prices compared to linen. The renaissance artists and even the modern painters who are masters of oil painting preferred canvas because of the final texture that it lends to the paintings as a whole and the ease with which the colors gently add to the serenity of the background.

Canvas that is stretched on wood or cardboard offers a great and a long lasting platform for an artist's creativity. Cardboard is not used very frequently because of the size limitations and the acid content which could affect the canvas itself.


Stretched paintings and framed prints are among the new trends in canvas attractions that people often use to adorn the walls of their house. One should be mindful of where to hang the canvas painting or art. Gaudy paints on the walls often steal from the glory of a canvas Art painting which usually demands a serene display for its aesthetic features to come out. This is one reason why canvas painting in most houses occupies parts of the walls which are plain, bright and most importantly free of any distractions pulling the onlookers' attention to it. The staircases, the empty area over the fireplace or the walls of a bedroom are all great options for Bayeux tapestries for example.

Be it the noon landscape of a village, or a classic beach and stone setting, canvas art can be subtle or distinct in the thoughts it seems to express.

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A House Divided - The Winter of Secession

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other." Lincoln's 'House-Divided' Speech in Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858.  

Lincoln's speech during his campaign for president was, like many of his observations, both prescient and profound. Lincoln had expressed the feeling that had been fomenting in both the north and the south for almost three decades - that slavery had created a chasm between the two regions, setting the two at odds, and that this untenable situation could not continue much longer.

Whether or not because of his controversial "house divided" speech, Lincoln was elected to the presidency, along with the relatively new republican party, in 1860, an election that the southern slaveholding states took as a personal affront. The election of Lincoln and a whole slate of republican - and anti-slavery - candidates to congress meant that the institution of slavery was threatened as it had never been before. the delicate balance of northern and southern interests in congress had been upset, and the southern states could no longer be assured that their agendas would be protected in congress. Secession began to look more and more viable.

Many in the south perceived Lincoln's "house divided" speech as a declaration of war - a war on slavery. a feeling of anger and disenfranchisement suffused the south the winter following lincoln's election, a winter that was to become the winter of secession, which began almost as soon as Lincoln was elected, was ushered in by the South Carolina secession convention, which convened in December of 1860. By December 24, South Carolina adopted the "declaration of the immediate causes which induce and justify the secession of south Carolina from the federal union," and in effect left the union.

The declaration adopted by South Carolina outlined the legality of the decision to secede, while also delineating the reasons for secession, among them the north's refusal to abide by the fugitive slave act, which was seen as an affront to slaveowners throughout the south, the elevation of blacks to citizenship, and, most tellingly, the election of Lincoln, "because he has declared that 'government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free,' and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction."

Before Lincoln ever took office on march 4, 1861, seven states - South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Alabama and Georgia - had seceded from the union, and had formed the Confederate States of American. After Fort Sumter was fired upon, and Lincoln called for troops, in effect beginning the Civil War, Virgina, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee had also seceded, joining the Confederacy.

Lincoln's "house divided" speech had touched a nerve in the South. While Lincoln's meaning may have been misunderstood, Southerners took his words to mean that as president, Lincoln would not allow his house - the union - to stand divided, and would abolish slavery if need be. The chasm, the division between the states that had been widening for years had now become unbridgeable. and true to Lincoln's words, the house divided against itself did not stand, did not endure half-slave and half-free.

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Neoclassical and Rococo Styles After Baroque Period

Neoclassical and Rococo styles contrast to each other. Neoclassicism appeared in 1780s, following Rococo style. Neoclassicism was a reaction to fluffiness and elaboration of Rococo style. These two movements gave rise after Baroque, one of the most impressive periods in the history of art.

Rococo movement gave rise against Baroque at the end of the reign of the Sun King, Louis XIV. Baroque artists used geometrical shapes and aimed to give a dramatic and theatrical effect. It was complex and highly elaborated. Large scale designs were one of the basic features of Baroque. Scenes from Bible were used as Baroque themes. Baroque artists aimed to evoke a feeling of respect and fear and to emphasize the power of the Sun King. When the king died, the court artists moved away from formal Baroque art to a lighter and playful style, which was Rococo.

If we assume Baroque as a bottle of champagne, Rococo can be assumed as the foam on the champagne. Rococo art has some stylistic features of Baroque such as the complex forms, but the themes the Rococo artists are interested in were lighter. They did not deal with serious issues such as religious, moral or political themes. Instead, they focused on lively physical world, social life of aristocracy, personal amusement, romance and pleasure.Rococo style was characterized by asymmetry, curved lines and ornaments. Mostly, soft, pastel colors were used in Rococo style in contrast to dark colors of Baroque period. On the contrary to magnificent architecture and huge marble statues of Baroque period, Rococo style expressed itself mostly in small-scale interior designs, furniture, tapestries, porcelains and paintings. It is generally known as a decorative art style.

At the end of eighteenth century, Neoclassicism appeared as a reaction to the elaboration, lightness and bourgeoisie of Rococo style and focused on proportional and simple forms, virtual themes and Roman antiquity. Neoclassical artists cared for technical perfection, harmony and balance. Geometrical forms and columns were the main features of Neoclassical style. Sharp colors were used in contrast to pale colors of Rococo. Neoclassicism was a strong movement in literature and music as well as in architecture and visual arts.

Interest in Roman antiquity aroused with the archeological studies of the period. Discovery of antique ruins stimulated an admiration of civilization, art and glories of Greek and Roman era. The taste of art totally changed and ideal beauty of antique art was favored rather than nature itself. The neoclassical artists were inspired by noble simplicity of Greek and Roman figures. Meanwhile, it was the period of revolutionary movements and ancient Greek democracy was highly appreciated in this period. After serving to French Revolution, Neoclassicism had been the official art of the French empire when Napoleon took over power and aimed to show the magnificence of the empire with heroic figures. Neoclassical themes were based on virtues such as heroism, courage, honor, justice, devotion to duty and self-sacrifice. Neoclassicism dominated until the end of nineteenth century.

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Winning Poker Hands: Aces Full and Full House

Poker has very interesting terms for some of its many combinations of hands. For the beginner, sometimes these terms simply don't make any sense, and most times as not, they have names which are easily confused. That's because some of the named hands will have actual names of the cards in them, such as the hand 'Aces Full'.

Naturally with a hand called Aces Full, you'd certainly expect some aces in there, but how many and what the remaining cards are can be a mystery to the novice. A player who says they have aces full simply means that they have a full house which consists of three aces and a pair of any other cards.

As an example, A-A-A-10-10 would be aces full of tens. A player whose hand holds a full house which is made up of three aces and a pair will beat out all other full houses.

A full house will beat any hand holding a pair, two pair, three of a kind, a straight or a flush. It will only lose to a hand consisting of four of a kind, a straight flush and a royal flush. If two players have a full house, then the winner would be the player who is holding the highest three of a kind.

If it should happen that two players have the same three of a kind, then the player with the highest pair is considered the winner. As an example, if you had aces full of three A-A-A-3-3, and your opponent's hand held kings full of tens K-K-K-10-10, you would win because your hand is higher, since three aces rank higher than three kings.

Another good example using the game holdem, if you held pocket aces and the flop showed A-Q-Q-3-5 you would also have a full house. This would be due to the fact you have the two aces as your hole cards making the three of a kind, and the five community cards which hold the two queens, which together make up your full house.

Statistics show that the odds are 693 to 1 against you being dealt a full house before the draw. With a four of a kind, which is what it takes next in rank to beat a full house, the odds are 4,164 to 1 to you being dealt this hand before the draw. If you really want to blow a full house out of the water, and show someone you know Lady Luck personally, pull out a straight flush at an incredible 64,973 to 1 odds.

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The UK's Coinage History

If you are a student in history, you must know that coins are the keepsake of the old times. It will showcase the previous incidents and you will be able to discover many secrets and untold truths after reading the coins. Therefore, from the historical point of view, the coin collection has the major role to play. I need to explain you that the coins should be collected in such a way that you will be able to find lot of historical facts and evidence through the images and inscriptions of these collectibles.

• The UK coins are very important because these hard currencies will tell you about the glorious British royalty in past. A U.K coin is the eye witness to describe the sophisticated lifestyle of princes and kings in magnificent way. A 50 cent coin will tell you fantastically about the Elizabethan history.

• For instance, Royal Canadian Mint released a 50 cent worth U.K. coin which painted Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Therefore, the value of this collectible is immense.

• There are several categories of UK coins and you will have to become familiar with these terms for better understanding. These coins are very valuable. The time range between 1971 and 1981, the new pence was extensively used by Britishers to separate them from ancient coins which were different in shapes and face value.

• However, much later approximately in the year of 1982, the experts took drastic measures to change the term new pence and they decided to rename the coins.

They eventually used the term 2p instead of using the new pence. With the times proceeding, there was massive breakthrough in the value and pattern of the British coins. They preferred to use decimal monetary unit.

The British coinage history is very bright and you can gather updated information about the then British coinage by studying. They have modified the pattern and denomination of British coinage. For example, the 2- halfpence coin has now been changed into one penny whereas the 20 shillings bear the same worth of 1 pound.

This type of switchover has brought the glow and glamour to the whole UK coinage history. If you like to know in details about the British coins, you must log at the well recognized sites which are laden with the up-to-date information and data regarding the UK coins and you will be able to collect the marvelous collectibles from various coin shops or collectibles stores at the comfortable price range.

In this connection, you can make intimate conversation with the professional numismatists and experts to know how to collect these unique UK coins.

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Built in Entertainment Centers - A New Modern Day Look

Have you been looking for the right entertainment center for your home? Maybe you have searched various furniture stores, or have been looking online. I'm sure you have seen many styles and colors, and maybe you have not been able to find one that fits your expectations. Have you ever considered a built in entertainment center? Let me share with you some of the benefits of owning one:

-It will be built to fit in with the structure of your house and will follow the designs and colors you already have. The woodwork will be done to match any other woodwork in your home.

- You won't have to worry about any of your DVDs or CDs falling behind it. With a traditional entertainment center, you would have to move it every time something falls behind it. With an entertainment center that is built in, it is absolutely impossible for that to happen.

- If you have small children, you won't have to worry about them climbing on a built in entertainment center and causing it to tip and fall on top of them. There have been cases where small children have had these kinds of accidents.

- In the case of an earthquake, it will not fall over causing your expensive electronics to fall and break.

- With a built in entertainment center, you won't have to move it to clean behind it. If it is built in, there won't be any way for the dust to accumulate behind it.

- It will add style and elegance to your decor. It will give your home that "custom built" kind of look and feel.

These are just a few of the benefits of owning a built in entertainment center. There are so many different styles and colors. You will be able to choose the wood grain and color to match your furniture or your cabinetry. The size and the style can be custom built to fit your living room, family room, or den; you could even have one built in the bedroom. You may be concerned about not being able to move the entertainment center in the future if you choose to re-arrange things. I'm sure you have never thought about moving your kitchen cabinets or your stove.

Your entertainment center would become a part of your house, not just another piece of furniture. Of course you want only the best for your home and family. You need to make the right decision as to what will accommodate your needs. Unless you plan on moving in the near future I'm sure you will take into consideration all of the above mentioned benefits of owning a built in entertainment center. I hope that this information will be helpful to you in choosing your entertainment center.

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John Looser Builds Extreme Birdhouses

John Looser doesn't make houses for big birds, he makes really big bird houses. The largest "condominium birdhouse" so far has been 9 feet across and had 70 bird apartments. Yup, that's 70 pairs, mind you, of birds and their babies. And because of the way he mounts the houses, they look like they've actually been carved out of or built on top of trees. That's quite a monstrous nest. John sets a post 4 feet into the ground, then mounts the birdhouse 8-9 feet in the air with the help of a neighbor kid and a farm tractor. Once on the post, the houses are braced with real branches so that they actually look like a tree. He doesn't use any live trees though, all his wood is reclaimed. He will even custom mount one on an old tree, cut down in your yard.

So you are probably wondering - do the birds move into a house so big? "As soon as I walk away from the house, they start to fly into the birdholes." says John. "It's my popularity with the birds that gets me up in the morning." John Looser was in a car accident 2 years ago and the resulting injury has led to fibromyalgia. "The pain of fibromyalgia has no boundaries. People describe the pain as deep muscular aching, throbbing, shooting, and stabbing. Intense burning may also be present. Quite often, the pain and stiffness are worse in the morning and you may hurt more in muscle groups that are used repetitively."

John's self medication is building birdhouses. He began woodworking around the age of 14. His dad was a carpenter and John learned about building from him. He built houses, decks and additions before his accident. After his accident left him debilitated, John retired from residential construction. He found that another way to express his passion was to build bird houses. Their small size compared to a house makes it manageable for John to continue his love of building. "Building birdhouses helps keep my mind busy so that I don't notice my pain so much," says John. "As long as I can stay busy, I don't feel like my muscles are going to seize up and stop moving." Fibromyalgia has also led to sleeplessness. John gets up early, 6am and works 8 to 10 hours days, every day. Working is his therapy.

Three years ago was when he made his first birdhouse - a small one. He has expanded upon the size since then because "I live in the middle of nowhere, Ontario. I make them big so people will notice them." explains John. I am trying to set the World-Record and I think that I already have. John lives, with 14 birdhouses on his property, at RR3 Brussels in Ontario, Canada. If you are ever in the neighborhood, look for the property with the large birdhouses. It's about 45 minutes from Waterloo, close to Lake Huron.

All his birdhouses are made from reclaimed wood. John traded a large birdhouse for a neighbor's barnwood. He now has enough wood for the next 10 years of building birdhouses - unless he gets ridiculously busy, which he wouldn't complain about! His birdhouse prices start at $50 for a small, 10-inch single-family home and go up to $2800 for a 70-unit complex. The nice feature is that the insides are made with plywood and they are removable for easy cleaning. You can even purchase the building plans at his website,

John's choice has always been to build things differently. His birdhouses include balconies and towers, Victorian styling and bay windows. He loves to watch the birds literally 'flock' to his houses after they are finished. His houses fill mostly with sparrows, swallows and purple martins. He's been working to perfect houses specifically built for Purple Martins by cutting a certain sized half-moon hole for them. This shape and sized-hole discourages other birds and is especially attractive to the Purple Martins, who happen to be quite a popular bird for homeowners to have around. Purple Martins eat many types of flying insects (except for mosquitoes).

John Looser's work has been recognized by the Art Council of Ontario and in April 2008 he will be include in the Art on the Road show.

Here is a list of his Top Ten Tools:

1. DeWalt Miter Saw: His favorite, most useful tool used. He makes thousands of cuts with this.

2. Skil Table Saw: He uses a small one to be able to reach logs for ripping.

3. Porter Cable finish nailer: Used for putting the houses together with a Pro-Air Devilbiss air compressor.

4. Paslode framing nailer: Used more for base with 2x10'.

5. Delta Thickness Planer: He uses this to run old 70-year wood through the planer to give it a newer look.

6. DeWalt cordless tools: sawzall, skillsaw

7. Black and Decker router: Used for making columns and posts, and for rounding off trim.

8. King joiner: Straightens the curves out of boards.

9. Mastercraft drill press: He uses this to make all the dormers, and to drill out holes.

10. DeWalt Skillsaw: Used for cutting barn boards into sections before using, cutting out nail pieces, and to cut steel for roofs.

You can reach John via his website at:

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Caribbean Migration in Southeast Texas

Marcha Thomas-Blades, "Caribbean Migration into Baytown, Texas," Touchstone, vol. XIX (2000), 59-67.

This article traces the migration of Caribbean Islanders into Baytown, Texas, and explores the impact their immigration has had on Baytown. The first Caribbean peoples arrived in Texas as slave labor in the early nineteenth century. At this time, Galveston Island was an important port in the slave trade, which supplied slaves to Texas colonists.

In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, a series of natural disasters and economic depression caused many Caribbean Islanders to immigrate to other countries. The building of the Panama Canal attracted Islanders to Panama, and oil production drew many to Curacoa and Venezuela in the early nineteenth century. In 1960, the U.S. Virgin Island of St. Croix employed many Islanders in the oil industry.

The first influx of Caribbean Islanders in Texas settled in La Porte due to Brown & Root's active recruitment among the Islanders. In the 1970s, the Islanders began moving to Baytown, which was experiencing an economic boom due to the oil industry. Brown & Root recruited many Islanders to help build the Baytown Olefins Plant.

Mr. Jesse Powell and his wife Dorothy helped the Caribbean Islanders adjust to life in Baytown. They provided housing in their trailer park and transportation for the immigrants for $70 dollars a week. Mrs. Powell helped them with such things as enrolling their children in school, shopping, and finding employment.

Caribbean Islanders in La Porte also began moving to Baytown due to racism. Although Baytown was not as hostile, the Islanders still suffered discrimination on account of their skin color and accent. Consequently, many children found it necessary to suppress their ethnicity, even while their parents strived to teach them Caribbean culture and values.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Caribbean immigration continued into Baytown, and many Islanders from other parts of the United States and Canada also came to Baytown. Baytown was a preferred spot because of the availability of jobs, tropical climate, small population, and the existing Caribbean community. The 1990 Census reported about 1,081 Caribbean immigrants living in Baytown.

The Caribbean population began to have an impact on Baytown. Many businesses opened that sold Caribbean products, such as the Caribbean Snacks and Produce Store. Jah Colors sells Caribbean memorabilia, music, and clothing. The nightclub, The Robe, offers Caribbean music and dancing. Caribbean organizations were formed, such as the Lee College Caribbean Association, which sponsored the first Carifiesta in 1993. This festival was continued for three years, until the graduation of two of its most active members resulted in the decline of the LC Caribbean Association's activities. In 1998, the LC Caribbean Association ceased to exist.

Since Caribbean culture has been accepted in Baytown, the children of Islanders are not ostracized and now are proud to exhibit their heritage. Marcha Thomas-Blades contends that while the Caribbean youth have held on to their culture, they have assimilated into the dominant culture. Consequently, they are experiencing the best of both cultures.

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Benefits of House Renovation

It becomes essential to understand the different options available to you for building renovation. A newly renovated home not only uplifts your spirit but also brings in a feeling of freshness in your life. This way, you becomes full of energy and feel supercharged. The house remodeling brings the whole family together. There are various benefits of renovating a house or building, some of which are as follows:

· The renovation cleans your house perfectly, and thus increases the appeal of your home.

· It restores the home to its actual style, incorporating contemporary look which could range from anywhere between simple wall papering to removing, moving or adding walls in order to enlarge rooms.

· It adds room for different purposes such as offices.

· Renovation configures the home for superior living flow and orientation to sun or/and views.

· Renovation increases the value of your building or home.

· It creates extra space to cater for ever changing needs, an expanding family and for entertainment purposes.

Home additions and extensions are often the simplest and the best way to add living space to your house. An addition is when you add another floor or level to the top of your house. As both extensions and additions have pros and cons related to it, it is advisable to contact a builder or an architect before reaching any important decision. Do a little research and look for a builder who understands your needs.

You have to seek the assistance of an architectural designer or an architect to design the additions and extensions. You may also have to look for an engineer to evaluate the structural viability of design plans. Moreover, you will also need council permits and approvals before starting with the house remodeling task.

It is important to pay careful attention to every need when an addition has to be incorporated into an existing home. The architectural designer or architect must check out all the overhangs, flashing carefully to ensure that these interfaces are completely water tight. Then, it is the responsibility of the builder to construct the addition in full accordance with the designs that are shown in the drawings.


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The Law of Attraction and the Movie "Life As a House"

Such a great movie to show the Law of Attraction in action. George (Kevin Kline) plays a discouraged architect whose life seems out of control in many ways. He is not happy at his work, he is estranged from his son and his ex-wife, Robin (Kirsten Scott Thomas) and lives in a run down old shack that is falling apart. As well, he has just been diagnosed with cancer and he gets fired from his long time job of 20 years. After he gets fired, he is so angry, that he leaves the office, breaking most of his architectural models, much to the horror of his colleagues. He then collapses outside of the office building and is rushed to the hospital. It is here that we find out that he has cancer and is told he has very little time to live.

While George is in the hospital, he shares with a nurse that he is going to build a house. He has every part of it ready, the designed reviewed, the planning commission and city council contacted. One realizes that he has it already built in his mind, every inch of it and he is told has 4 months to live, he decides he wants to truly start living and building his dream.

The Law of Attraction has, at its foundation, the idea that whatever is focused upon expands. Georges unhappiness has created a life he is not proud or happy with. His diagnosis is a call to move into this happiness.

Robin picks George up at the hospital and George shares with her that he will tear down the shack and build the house he has been talking about for 20 years. He says he wants Sam, their rebellious son, to help him build the house all summer. When George approaches Sam to build the house, Sam gets angry, he is beside himself with the determination to not do what his father has asked. Sam is also an unhappy character, taking drugs and flirting with all sorts of things that are taking him down the wrong path to his happiness.

George tells his son to take out the rings in his face and lets him know that when he is at his house there will be no drugs. Sam plays the unhappy teenager very well. He does however, come with George. One can begin to see a beautiful soul beneath his angry front. All of the past tension between his father and he come out and begin to get resolved.

Georges' intense desire and longing for closeness with his son is his driving motivator in this project of the house. His desire is so focused and so strong that the universe must deliver. Ask and it is given, is the mantra of the Law of Attraction. Not once does he waver in this desire. "I WANT you here, he says to Sam!!" Sam is so frustrated with the mess in his fathers home, with no proper toilet or shower, that he goes over to a neighbors home to shower. Here enters Alyssa and her mother. They allow him to use their facilities and a romantic relationship begins with Alyssa and Sam.

Alyssa and her mother become an integral part of helping George and Sam build the house and mend their relationship.

A moment that tells us that George is moving towards joy is when he jumps into the ocean from a cliff with an immense amount of joy. He scares the daylights out of Sam because he has not seen his father be so free and joyful. It is a moment of fun and letting the audience know that his desire to be happy is his first goal in life now.

For a while, Sam does not help his father, but the day that Sam does indeed begin to help George is so exciting. George looks relieved and renewed, even though he is in quite constant pain from the cancer. This is the beginning of the transformation of this relationship. It is so lovely to watch it unfold with supporting music and beautiful scenery of the ocean and sky. Once Sam is on board, Robin begins to come each day. The past family tensions get put aside and all efforts to build the house are in place. The house is like the glue that is helping all the relationships become transformed. The work becomes fast and easy, with a flow to it that is in flow with the universe, joyful, effortless, easy.

Robin and George have passion still from their marriage and they fall in love with one another all over again. Sam is moved by witnessing his parents fall in love again, he is pleased.

George shares a lot with Sam about his childhood and his parents destructive relationship and how his father while driving drunk killed a woman and injured a little girl in the back seat and how this girl is still out there living disabled. One can tell that this past event has impacted him greatly and he would like to feel at peace with it.

Robin is not very happy in her present marriage. Her husband is cold and distant, even finding it difficult to hug his own children. When he asks Robin to go away with him for awhile, she tells him that she has been helping George out on his house and that she wants to be around Sam because he is working. One can feel that this relationship needs help too. And the house is the symbol that begins this transformation.

The Law of Attraction is action here is everywhere. All people are wanting guidance in some area. They all have desires that are being fulfilled. The building of the house is the glue once again. The title, Life As a House, is excellent. It truly uses this as a metaphor for happiness for the characters.

A great moment that is supported by lovely music is when George is on the roof looking down at his ex-wife and his son and her kids and all seems well. He looks happy for the first time in many years. It is as if he is saying 'this is what life should be like." When Robin asks what he meant when he said she was the most beautiful woman he knew, George replies "WHAT, do I still love you, absolutely, there is not a doubt in my mind. All the times in my anger and my ego, I was always faithful in my love for you.

When all of the characters find out about Georges cancer, they each have their own reaction. Sam is angry because he after so many years he now loves his dad and Robin realizes how much she still loves him.

One morning there is about 20 people working on the house. The entire neighborhood seems to have come out. Sam feeling depressed about his fathers dying is resisting helping out but Alyssa says to Sam "if it was my father I would want to spend every single second with him" He is moved by this answer and both of them go out and help.

The building of this house is so transformative for everyone. George dies in the movie but one has the sense that he has died a very happy man. He is complete and has done what he wanted to do, build his house and the relationships between he and his son and ex-wife are completely happy. What a beautiful way to transition, being completely happy.

Ask and it is given, each of these characters are given what they have asked for, peaceful relations and inner joy.

As a symbol of his freedom, Sam does a ceremonial jump into the ocean, just as his father had done just a few months before. And, when he goes to visit his father for one last time they both look outside the hospital window and see they house they have build together. George says to Sam, "finish it Sam." And Sam provides leadership in finishing the house and then in a gesture of absolute kindness, he decides to give this beautiful house to the girl who had been disabled in the car accident by his grandfather.

Such a beautiful story of love and attracting what one is putting out into the world, love and support and joy and cooperation. The Law of Attraction in Action.

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