Astrology - Planets in houses

For the purposes of astrology, the Sun and the Moon are dealt with as planetary bodies. Each planet has a particular influence of their own human nature that works according to the area of the sky or the house that falls in the chart. These influences have been meticulously and the main points of importance for the individual must be accepted as follows studied.

In the first Sun CASE positive leadership. According to the wishes of wealth and property.Third intellectually active. Fourth Home life important. Fifth Creativity is important. Sixth Health and hard work. Seventh important report. 8th Self-development. Ninth learning and teaching, traveling. 10th Careers. 11 Collaborations. 12 ° Isolation, loneliness, altruism

Moon in first house Unrest - go easy available to travel - love - a strong social - Contact with the public. According fluctuating finances, but generally satisfactory - the love and opulenceSpasmodic extravagance - as regards the economy and devotion to the simple life. The third love of variety, change of activities - travel - advertising - mental - Education - Communication - the fantasy of thinking intuitive intellect. Fourth important family - residential installation - frequent moves - Profit from real estate - financial legacy - early childhood education. Fifth tends to gambling, risk taking and excessive volatility, interest in entertainment - love children - and possibly big family-creativeImagination. Sixth Service - health - voluntary - work the employee - add material from subordinates - the best job under the direction. Seventh Popularity breeds success - social success - money from marriage and / or companies are expected - interest in public life and official positions held - Liability for damages due to disputes. 8th money through inheritance or a relative - many children, but the losses in any form or litigation after marriage - than expected givenafter death. Nono dreams of religious and philosophical angle - Mystic - strong imagination - mental mutability - live - long distance travel by sea - perhaps to gain publicity in connection with unconventional views, censorship. Ranking 10th in the public Ventures - accumulation of assets and profits from external sources - Reversal of fortune - a public scandal and censorship may lead to unfavorable aspects. 11 Large number of friends - Popularity associations andClubs - Women play an important role in individual life - the danger of self-seeking friends who just want to further their ambitions. 12 ° disadvantaged home life or career retired insulation - charitable work. danger can love secrets - secrets of enemies, betrayal or deception.

Mercury in the first houses agitated, exciting, forward personality, elusive. According to documents signed and Finance should be used with caution - Beware promisesKing money and attention to invoices, etc. 3 difficult situation in mind full of creative ideas - need to concentrate and self-existence of potentially brilliant thinking. Forgiveness Fourth intellectual interest in the house and guests. Fifth scattered talents and energy - Study and reading, especially for children centered teaching. Adopted Animals and creatures sixth child - Care and Healing - Medicine. Seventh need a partner that meets with the mind, or friend, to exchange ideas.8th Real estate, tax, interest in the occult. Ninth Expansion of interest in science, art and philosophy, foreign countries, religion, etc. 10 activities and problems in business and careers. 11 variables and many types of friends. 12 ° Opportunities isolation and escape - The interest in the secrets and dark influences in life

Venus in first house love love nature and harmonious personality. According They point out, wealth and possessions and many great admirers. Third goodfor a peaceful spirit and attractive, harmonious and constructive thoughts. Fourth harmonious family life - refinement of taste in decoration. Fifth strong attempts of fun and adventure in love and love relationships. Sixth useful for the peaceful attitude of healing and promoting good health. Seventh good for partnerships - a harmonious marriage. 8th beneficial effects such as inheritance of property, 9 other desires, etc. has a love for traveling long - for business or pleasure. 10th Goodfor companies and luxury goods - the next value on a life full of meaning. 11 Success in social activities and fun. 12 ° The diseases are limited in any way in which the health institution or commitment to circumstances alone. Secret romances and alliances are indicated.

Mars in the first houses enthusiastic and energetic - an active personality tends to be impatient. According to Finance would create or suffer in any way conflict .-. too impulsive in matters of economy andto finance. Third short frenetic travel and communication habits, incorrect or changed. Fourth .- suspicious activity around the house fires and the results of inattention, with sharp edges of tools to avoid impulse buying house .-. Fifth strong ties, passionate, emotional and reports -. strong feelings and desires .- tends to suffer from frustration and irritability. Sixth Health is a tendency in order to undergo surgery. Seventh money problems and conflicts with partners and relatives. 8thOften, the experience of sudden or violent death of loved ones. The ninth interest in higher education and legal or philosophical debate. 10th good for the economy and businesses - but should not neglect the family 11 Friends can be aggressive - not enemies abound - with violence on their views of others. 12 ° secret enemies bring conflicts and problems - energy is transformed into clandestine activities or operations research and peace of mind - sometimes investigated by others.

Jupiter in first houseProblem solving temperament, easy success and happiness - a''lucky personality. According tends to be too easy to go with hereditary or acquired easy money and possessions. Third short trips are many important trips .- .- correspondence will be enjoyed. Fourth best in the house .- progressive social position - gains from sales of property, etc. 5 one of the happiest on this planet placements bring goodness and happiness for the heart and mind and success in creative businesses. Good for sixthselfless service in the work and good relationships with colleagues. Seventh Happiness in marriage and working relationship - leading changes of direction in life. 8th legacies use and insurance claims of success in litigation, etc. 9 wonderful place for casual travel overseas - many contacts with other peoples and philosophies, writing and publishing etc. 10 success for your business. 11 contacts expansive interest in education and learning abroad, socialPopularity. 12 ° less obvious happiness in life - perhaps especially, are known.

Saturn in the first homes available Ernst, and responsible way, the tires are not sufficient in light and fun personality, great sense of responsibility. According to security awareness in all matters, even to save money - save tilted. Warning third mind - tend to skeptical - Studies major - Outlook fasting led to intellectual maturity to determine the absolute truth .- .-to be close relatives of the problems. Disappointments or fourth re limitations. Home, estate or family relations. Fifth lack of romance and glory in the life of love, joy and a limited capacity for light-hearted fun - develop a sense of humor needs. Sixth Employment is boring or dull and uninspiring be - delays bring bad luck and sometimes health problems - a talent for medicine, nursing. Seventh obvious difficulties in marriage and partnerships, and lead to deep misunderstandingsRift - much more than someone much older than you - influenced suffer trials and tribulations in the report. 8th disappointing investment and delays in settlements .-. Problems in marriage and family. Ninth deep philosophical inclinations, society, and are conventionally - bad for long trips. 10th in career mode extreme care needed to avoid problems - must stand on their own feet and must take responsibility - is confident and assertive. 11 a lot of hard work for a good causenot always appreciated by others. 12 ° Limitations and problems afflicted in this life and the need for resolution the next life, individual freedom from restrictive limits.

Uranus in the first case some irregularities with regard to the physical or unusual and unconventional ideas and personality. The second cause of sudden events in the disease, individuals and companies - many unpredictable events in the life of a man who shows a need for greater sensitivity to the tip of the circumstances. Third suddenThe changes of mind and intellectual interests and commitments - in particular an unusual way - sometimes the spirit of the amount of inventive genius - 'lateral' thinking processes. Fourth apt to major upheavals and changes in home and family, etc. 5 Residences will have exceptional talent and employees - often with creativity and originality. The sixth work to be absorbed completely, with full freedom to respond to individual needs. Seventh unusual collaborations and relationships within marriage may end inSeparation or divorce can .- .- irregular unconventional or rebellious attitude of society. 8th mysterious circumstances in Finance or your partner's impulsive, erratic movements are avoided. Ninth extraordinary adventure of the mind and not that of the body - the scientific explorations in larger areas, but also physical journey with a particular purpose. 10th often invited the leadership of a kind. 11 provides some friends and the changes that will affect your thinking and lifestyle- Foreigners unconventional -. 12 ° tends to think deep and sudden revelations of hidden nature or abstract - or the risk of involvement in illegal activities.

Neptune in the first houses vivid imagination travel, interest in music, idealism, the sea may be too vague, a personality, low self-affirmation. According unusual source of income - the money lost by misunderstanding and confusion often suffers from theft. The third interest in matters of metaphysics and spiritual intuitionis highly sensitive and psychically - but the confusion of the mind and obsessions are a danger to persons or contact with negative influences. Fourth attracted to a permanent or for holidays. Fifth sensual nature and a fascination for interesting relationships and emotional - love for music and art .- tends to escape from the reality of sex and drug research. Sixth factors of poisoning, allergies and inexplicable influence and prevent robust health. The distrust of the partners or seventhThe trick now - will be inclined to platonic ideal relationships and ties - emotionally dependent. Eighth mystery and psychic phenomena - experiences astral - investments include delusions of others. Ninth highest inspiration and creativity - intellectual interests - strongly idealistic. 10th lucky mysterious and inexplicable - the nature of good and bad - tend to be gullible. 11 The deception of friends who will not be possible, as they seem to suffer - in disappointment. 12 ° psychological and spiritualSensitivity must be practical in the life of the socket and planning are used to avoid waste of opportunity and talent.

Pluto Pluto was discovered relatively recently, with many responding adequately to show some details of how it is different when it comes to homes each. The exploration of the influence of Pluto is in progress and a point, fascinated astrologers. The general nature of the planet is good enough to see what must be regarded asGeneral reactions to the application and these are:

Before strong personality able to recover after disasters - large clamping force. Second call person usually tries to have a reputation for shrewdness and business sense. Third party seeks to large international political communication or inter-planetary. Quarter Life is often unpleasant feeling uncomfortable with the fifth individual all very interested in all things and is looking for creative excellence in others and in his creations, or hisChildren. Sixth unusual health problems. Seventh try to be strong partners in marriage or relationships. 8th logical and intuitive, but suffer from sexual problems or violence. The ninth interest in world religions, philosophies, ideologies and welfare of all. 10th ambitious for the ruthlessness in business - mergers and monopolies. 11 inclined to lose that sense of human values and is overlooking the "Acres of Diamonds" in the vicinity. 12 ° investigators intensive mayfor themselves and suffer from greater investigation.

In an attempt to understand and interpret the energies and astrological influences and how we relate to patiently study the many additional factors and planetary aspects that influence the character and mind set of a human nature.

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