The house is where love is

Moving is probably one of the periods of stress in your life. Why would anyone really want to do? Now I've done eight times in 18 years - which is about once every two years and a half! My wife like this - and we hope to do it again!

It's a scary thought, not something that someone considered frivolous - the face of all our children, their schools, their fathers and grandfathers and our pets, we really examine it. No final decisionyet been made, but we welcome ideas and advantages and disadvantages of banding, as everyone should. Availability of labor, a new beginning, the closeness to my wife, father and stepmother (who live in the area we are going to think.) Schools in the area, stress, impact on children. . . many things to observe.

We move about 130 miles east of where I live now, closer to my wife, father, and his wife. A nice couple, always very friendly andlittle help with questions of life. We both love very much and not spending enough time with them. Our children love them and always ask to see them. With the price of petrol to do so is not always the easiest thing. Sufficient reason to move? Unfortunately not.

We love the area, in East Anglia, England. My wife always feels at home. It 'very picturesque and Countryfied and most towns are small market town, plus the area is rich in history. It 'veryrelaxing and the pace of life is somewhat relaxed. The houses are different from those now living, but we have seen, the area suit our family homes in our price. Then there would cost about the same as living there, so no problem. Some areas may cost more to live, so it is important to have a budget and shop around to find something as good if not better than the current home for the same price or less!

So farThe work is a workplace, a problem may have been given our current climate. But (and I know this sounds weird) thanks to my recent health problems, is less a problem! Now I created two companies, not stock locally and then transferred across the country. I also help my wife, father, and his wife, with their activity and then an approach to them would actually have made things a little 'easier. My wife has the task of re-transferable and can be made anywhere, although you may need to do more miles to travel for their clients. Finding a job is not easy, no matter where you live, and then the employment situation of the area you want to move should be seriously considered before a decision is made.

stepmother, my wife is a teacher and so we have the school and Ofsted reports to look over the various schools to discuss our children should have to participate. AFind a home, but we can not say for sure what will be the school. They are all still young enough to cope with change, and not yet old enough to be extremely exhausting for them. Give it another 1-2 years, however, that could be otherwise. We think that would be thrilled to be closer to their grandparents as always enjoy their grandchildren. My mother actually lives quite near us, but we see little of her as she has health problems that meanremain in their homes longer. This is not good for children who constantly ask her, is expected to come to see the promised visit, and so we live, but then again the promise. You are still missing, but the effects to be seen, would be less. Children are a major test when it comes to motorcycles - we all know that our children, and can judge how they react to things. As parents we must take this into account when you make major changesof their life.

As for his biological father, who sees the children once every two weeks, and this is a halter. Would travel 130 miles every two weeks to take the kids - not feeling well, but then a long way. Is it right for children and their father has many miles between them? Again, probably not. This is a dilemma that we face. He is a good guy, despite the problems he had, and my wife and I will not deny her children - who all loveother a lot. This is a very difficult decision to make - you may need to move, but what is right for the absent parent to decide - only you.

The animals are moving, of course, everywhere we go. Life for them goes on as usual. Transport of these are not the task easier - four serpents, two lizards, 17 tropical fish, two turtles, a dog, two cats, two rabbits, four guinea pigs and a hamster - were not mentioned to get the spider . This will be a difficult task in itself! There are specialized companies, the eliminationSpecialize in moving animals, a bit 'more expensive but definitely worth considering if you need to move animals.

So we go through? At the moment I do not know the answer to this question. We talk, list, there pontificate, but no decision. At the end of the day, no matter where we live, as long as we all love one another. A house is only bricks and mortar, transferred, can be filled every home with a home until it isThe happiness and love. You need to feel comfortable in your environment - your house, your street, your city - comfortable, you and your children are safe and that they receive the best school possible.

The house is really where love is, until you have love for one another, and you are all together in one place that you love, then you have your home. To move or not to move? Stay posted for the answer!

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