Factors that lead to sterility and impotence in astrology

Infertility is the inability to produce offspring, while impotence is a condition of sexual dysfunction or malfunction of the reproductive organs. The conditions may, in one or both partners. Genetics, drugs, hormonal, lifestyle, health, psychological and genital defective are factors contributing to impotence, infertility and sterility in the mother tongue.

Factors that lead to infertility and impotence

Moon: mental strength, the movement of forces that live inBody like the body, blood and lymph. Female reproductive function during pregnancy, lactation, menopause, especially as an indicator of fertility
Mars: acute disease, increased body metabolism, sexually transmitted diseases
Sole means: constitutional power and metabolism
Venus: sexual organs, sexual activities
Saturn: chronic diseases, metabolic powers to weaken the conservation and storage of toxins, slow the function of body parts, the functioning of the endocrine glands, cold and HypoObstruction
Log scale: they point out, sexual pleasure, sexual organs 7th house: sensual pleasure, sexual desires, private institutions, health partners
Ascendant: general mental and physical performance

Combinations for infertility

· Sun and the Moon in an even number of odd characters related to each other
· Saturn in the sign, and even the mercury in strange characters related to each other
· Sun and Mars are in the sign in strange characters related to each other
· Ascendant and the Moon is in strange characters are from Mars and even put signs in the affected
· Moon in strange signs and mercury in yet signed, is an aspect of Mars
· Venus, Moon, Ascendant male characters
· Venus in 6th/8th/12th / or house with 6 Lord induced infertility in the mother tongue
6 · Lord of Ascendant and Mercury and Rahu, shows problem in generic parts
· Venus in the Seventh Houseappearance / Saturn and Mars, infertility is associated with the display.
· Ascendant is 6 Lords of the House and is in sixth house with Mercury, the native will be infertile.
· Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all in the eighth house shows infertility
· Mars in the seventh house is an aspect of Saturn
· Mars and Saturn are together in the home seventh
Mercury Rising · join with Mr.8 shows the sixth and a native of incurable diseases, the sequence may suffer from sexual sterility.

Combinations for impotence

· Mars show the problems of scale in reproductive organs, pain in bed.
· Mars and the Sun / Mars and Rahu in Libra shows the willingness and diseases of the reproductive organs disturbed.
· 4 planets in Libra shows lack sexual
Q Weakness and afflicted Venus in the Seventh House indicate or womanmay be sterile or impotent husband will
Mars with a mysterious ° in the seventh house shows the impotence caused by urine
· Saturn and Venus in aspect without benefit 8th/10th induced impotence
· Saturn depression in the sixth or 12th house
6th/12th · Saturn is from Venus
· Saturn is placed in the 12th Venus
· Moon in Libra with Mars, Saturn and Rahu is aspected, the native will be powerless
· Rising house and aspecting seventh house Venus shows weak assumption
· Moon and Saturn in the fourth set, or 10 from Mars shows the impotence
· Lord of the sixth house is the master in connection with Mercury and Rahu and Ascendant is in any way they
• 6 Lord, with Mars and Saturn in Gemini / Virgo Ascendant, only the male partner is impotent
• The Lord of the 7th enters the sixth> House of Venus Show indigenous women will be frigid
• 6 Lord in Gemini / Virgo rising and looks set / Mercury shows both the parties are related impotent


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