House Music Mixing and differentiation of breaks in the music

If this is the mixing of house music, it takes some experience to know that house music is created. This is easy with hearing over and over again. The majority of house music you hear used to measure 4.4, A. This means that for every measure, there are four bars and each bar has four beats.

For example, most house music starts on the first kick or a sound. From there, it counts as 1, 2, 3, 4 in sync with the bass drum and thenthe count would begin again on 1. They do it once again and you have only one bar. They do this four times and completed only one measure. This is a good reference to start.

and five simple steps to get started mixing house music fast

Before you start mixing with duplicate records. In other words, having two of the same songs, and try mixing. It is much easier to start with two identical disks, rather than two different data sets.
According When mixing twodifferent data sets with the same or close to the same BPM.
Third Use your favorite songs to blend, if output.
Fourth Slow the pace if the song is too fast.
Select the record with a fifth piece of tape to indicate the start of the strike.

Think of house music as hip-hop just a bit 'faster. With the slowdown in house music with your pitch adjustment on the turntable to make it easier to mix the music a bit '.


Because if the musicThe lens is brain has a chance, music, simple process that allows you to mix songs easier. My ear is the slower pace so you can adjust the shots of the game. They were trying to mix House-If music for the first time at normal speed, you could easily feel frustrated because things happen too fast could be for.

Matching Beats is probably the biggest hurdle, mixing all kinds of music not only House music. An equivalent to a shot Kick KickDrum. The possibility of beats do not fit with the music to start building starts with a simple drum track. Almost every hip hop song, which is about 90 BPM, with a simple 4-beat pattern to do.

Practice mixing with a couple of the record attempt that triggered beats. Also try not to take the hit on "1" or the first drum kick to the beginning of the intro. On your right, cue the record turntable at the beginning of the verse, beginning with the kick drum. Are the cueRecord your finger on the plate at the point where you play the beat on your left hand turntable into the same record from the beginning.

The dish should still be below the spinning record. Why? Because if the record you want to match beats with the song of other turntable in time. If you press too much on the plate, while cueing the song and the song will not play in sync. A record will play after another, and you getdisturbing echo effect, or worse.

When the track left by the turntable reaches the beginning of the verse (on "1" or the first kick drum) is that if you record from your cue point there is a slight boost, not to develop. Continue to practice this method with your favorite records and you are mixing all kinds of music you can listen not only to get home.


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