For the love of fun

My father and uncle lived together in our country when I study in my elementary school class. There were few children in our family. Being a small village, there was fun for us, unlike some indoor games. No TV or video games, it was then. The only entertainment was to go for us from time to time for a film.

Unfortunately, there was no theater in our country. We had a nearby village, which willthree kilometers from our village. Go to a movie for us was not as easy as everyone thinks. After much persuasion our parents used to give their consent, reluctantly, because he knew that it was a marathon effort from them. So, even by appointment until we take the film, they would always for some flimsy grounds, watching the program with minor injuries, happened as we cancel the possibility of rain or play that day. Since there is no busFund available to the nearby village who had oxcart covered (in Tamil called "hanging Koondu Vandi") that the cheap mode of transport available at that time.

They had to prepare in advance by ox-carts, so prepared for the journey. They also had a duck in a fit condition to do and make them contribute to the iron shoes. Pilots had to be the ox-cart to prepare on that day the units available. Many times, our journey wasout because the driver does not appear, called the auspicious day. Once we had half done, because the oxen refused to go back. So our talk time of travel for many, to be unpleasant. But it never deterred our enthusiasm and we always get our parents when we know there is a good movie in the next village was protected.

After a few years ago, a walkie exhibition was opened in our village. We thought it would endprovide for all our tests and anxiety and also a great relief for our parents would.

Of course, our parents have a relief because you no longer need to organize cross-country trip for us. But the joy we enjoy a movie was short-lived. We realized that this is a movie in a traveling exhibition Talkie really a Herculean task. Once we went to a movie, but returned without seeing the film as a theater owner told us that since it is not enough mass could not run the show. Once againdisappointed, as the rollers of the machine that had arrived from the neighboring country to reach no. If we for a film to show noon to 2:00 clock back once, but two in the morning, took a long time in the integration of roles that cut off every ten minutes are not used. Once we had only half the rain stops the film and the whole town was in a pool (!)

Now I am amazed to see the developments going on. Almost every house has a telephone and televisionCable. Enjoy the movie to the comfort of their living rooms. They also call for the film of their choice. Most homes with computers with Internet connection .. Hollywood movies are available via CD. What a change! We used to have the conversation. Entertainment now knocking on the doors of our homes.

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