Dig Bala tested - Part 2 - The Planets in astrology

The general concept of Dig Bala is that planets do better in certain corners of the table support of others. When a planet is closer to the best of his position Dig Bala she supports not only the corner, but your goal is also supported.

Planets and Dig Bala

Dig Bala positions for each planet are:

Before Bala House Dig - Mercury and Jupiter
Dig Bala fourth house - Venus and the Moon
Seventh House DigBala - Saturn
Dig Bala tenth house - Mars and the sun

Consider this a bit 'over. To simplify matters assume that a chart is used as an example.

Before Bala House Dig - Mercury and Jupiter. The first house is the area of life, body, lives in real time. It reflects our experience and the actions we take. Both Mercury and Jupiter are planets of intelligence, the mind. Mercury, Jupiter, the four ruleDouble / Variable astrology sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces - with traditional leaders). Since the decision of this dual character, both Mercury and Jupiter are planets that you make adjustments when unexpected things may come our way.

Mercury is a planet, flexibility, curiosity, playfulness and neutrality. These properties are very important in life when you have to adapt to accommodate and be flexible. After a good sense of humor and ability, is quite a good laugh all goodsDay by day, moment by moment in real life their first home. This moment by moment experience of the body, things like our food, habits and capacity in connection with the adjustments and be flexible. The ability to communicate and interact with people is important. Mercury is the communicator. The neutral, intelligent and curious about the mercury, the objectives of the first house perfectly natural. Well, as freedom and autonomy of the first house makes for the abilityto be manifested through the form. Mercury is the Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe and manifest respect.

Jupiter is a planet of optimism, hope, grace, and the overall picture. These features help us to overcome the unexpected setbacks in life. The optimism and hope that one day everything will be just as heck is a wonderful quality to have when we go through life in real time. Jupiter is the ruling planet of sound and sense of right and wrongwrong. This is very important if we want decisions on ethical values and principles. And 'better if our sense of morality and values to rule us and feel in control of our strength, instead of coming from others. Jupiter is also associated with the teaching and learning from life experiences. The greatest teacher of life is to share our experiences and thoughts in the first house Jupiter allows a person to learn from their experiences. This not onlyfacilitates the goal of the first house, also facilitates the objective of Jupiter, the Guru.

Dig Bala fourth house - Venus and the Moon. Fourth is the house where we want the world to go in our hearts, to feel good and connect to the deepest part of our psyche, which is beyond everything. And 'the inner sanctum a. Both Moon and Venus are planets of comfort and feeling. These are the two female planets, including the common goalbrings comfort, peace and happiness to our hearts.

Moon is the largest planet of peace and emotional well-being. It shows our intuition, this part of our psyche, that the delicate balance between our body (Ascending) maintain and soul (Sun). Regardless of experience, we take the body if it leads us to our higher purpose soul leaves the moon for us by generating a feeling that we or listen or ignore. When we separated from our heartsMoon is the most painful emotional aspirations and desires, pure feelings that do not create confidence. A fourth house Moon is anchored in the life of the most quiet and deeper be supported by us, and support the area.

Venus is the planet's most important beauty, order and harmonious relationships with others. All these things support the goal of deeper fourth house, which is peace of mind. If our personal relationships, so loving and developWe manage our needs efficiently, the things we have in our lives, not to disturb our peace of mind. The willingness to compromise with others is another great lesson of Venus. Skills in this area supports our emotional well-being. The fourth house represents the nature of Venus, by desires for our intuition to flow from a place of emotional depth, sensitivity. If we want things from a selfish point of view or are not connected to our hearts, we suffer a lot.Happiness (Venus), currents) from our heart (fourth house leads to peace and love.

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