Haunted House

In The Haunted House Dead live and not live quite dead, and every day is a dead soul. haunted house explodes in the air to the lungs and the water flows underground and resolves all inside. is the memory of the dead and the death of memory is desirable, but the desire itself is expropriated and the knife cuts into the soul. All day the dead haunt the house and life, everyone should be dead by forging standards and joysall those who live with their beauty and tenderness and melting. I have the eerie beauty of coming to us to work together in the haunted house of the human race has taken, and all the ghosts are made. We are seen as shadows, are more able to live with the shadow and understanding their worlds. So let us bring the shadows

The cave and sunlight. In The Haunted House of life and death cast is a top priority and intensity of this battle is being scared to death allAchieved things in reality. And when I see the haunted house is your mind in which death and tragedy, is a cry of malice and deception and play of shadows on the walls, do not mix, but you remain the majestic life embodies Giving, soft, warm, bright, principle, strong and ethereal I would rather be torn to pieces, and made a ghost that you let the spirits of the crowd out of life. To live my sweet, and the shadows have their way, if you go as a radiant embodiment of lifeBe transparent as a diamond and Cast No Shadow, as you walk.

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