Courage is the third house in Indian Astrology

Dhairya (courage, strength); Duschikya (bad thoughts), Uras (chest), Karna (EAR), in particular the right ear; Vikrama (skills), Parakrama; Bhratru, Sahodhara (or sibling) child, Viry ( Heroism) pourusham second planets (mental strength)

This house in Indian astrology rules the spiritual inclination and ability, memory, and trends of the mind and intellect. The third house shows a tendency to study and ninth house stands for education, research, and tendencies.This philosophical wisdom is the house of courage, firmness, courage, bravery and heroism. If the Lord of 10 or 6 has a connection with the third house in any way, then considerations, the native can be a soldier or officer in relation to others. The third house is the Bhrathrusthana and represents the native's younger brother or sister. Cousins, relatives, neighbors and acquaintances are regulated by these birdsHome>. How sahayasthana, you should refer to the third house to determine if the native has the support of other OT is to work hard individually.

The third house of Indian astrology is concerned with short trips. If the third house is well connected, you can take as little by way of travel routes in lay-bys of bicycles, trams, land, rail, rivers and lakes cross and short flights. The ninth house has to look for long journeys, Travel to distant places, sea and air Journ), restlessness want peace), all movements of transition and change, library, bookstore, EYS BA on long journeys. All types of correspondence, letters, newspapers, writing, accounting, mathematics, the news of the transit of this report, such as cycle, bus, tram, train, etc., post offices, mail boxes, telephone, telegraph, telex, television, telecommunications, radio reports, signal, air mail, etc. belong to this house. If the citizen> House or his Lord has no connection with the case of 2, 6 or 10 One Up and Commission can do agency business. It can also be a broker, etc., representatives, agents, messengers and public relations manager, if the fourth house or his master has no connection, then the native may be involved as a real estate broker. Since the third house means, books and publications (magazines), is an editor, journalist, correspondent of news, information officer,Journalists, etc. The third house also governs the change of residence (in 12 of housergain 4T, the signature of the signing of contracts and agreements, our rum of any kind, placement of news, stories, etc. Kethu implementation in the third house makes a duplicate "Narada".

The body parts ruled by the third house are the ears (especially right ear), hands, neck, scapula, bones, arms, and nervous system system.If, a lady chart, lord of the three happens to anatural benefits found in the second house, the stones laid on native foods, hand and neck-house ruled by the third. If Rahu or Kethu Kethu is associated with Mars or the lord of sixth house, or if Rahu placed in 3 or ear disease Marsthen can bring together. In general, an occupying power in Indian astrology affects malice that part of the body ruled by the house special. If malice which occupies the third house, may in part be a mole ingoverned by the third house. If the Lord of 10 in 3, native should get a job. If he is a doctor, may very specialist in diseases of the throat (ENT). In astrology State, the third house shows neighboring countries and agreements with them. There's air, rail, postal, road, telegraph, radio or telephone communication. This also libraries and public education generally.In Uttara Kalamritam 'said that the ears, battle, instead of the road, confusionmind, cousin pain. Soldier reports own (brothers), neck, eating pure food or virgin, fingers and thumb (sacred to the Manes), a servant, a good trip in a vehicle and a small private religious duty called from home to eat the third. In parijatam Jatka says the author will be honored with the best interests of the younger brothers of the company, sound, ear, select jewelry, clothing, perseverance, courage, strength, edible roots and fruitsseen from the third house.

While offering a prediction as a third house is for courage, he should know if one is fat or not, the hands of the third Saturn in the third house is a warning and to some extent, he wait and see, and he will not brave . But people with Mars in the third house, or very brave. If two people standing on the shore of a fiver, to discover that some stranger, not a float slipped and fellSaturn is the person to help welcome in the third window as sure of his safety while he is third on the Mars impromptu dip in the river and try to save a drowning than it is. Health younger brother, his success or failure. Loss or investment by the mother, her children and friends of the children, the degree and location of his maternal uncle, brother or sister will win trip along the Indian astrology are assessed by the home third. E 'Marak is home to the Father. In most horoscopes Rahu in 3rd house causes the death of his father during his term sub or adopted, there is a moment or period of sub significant home third. Imagine the mother or the birth place and his character is questionable . Then you can usually ensure that this friend of his son might be the culprit, the loss would be caused to the indigenous mother.

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