Astrology and the Law of Attraction

It 'clear to me that we have astrologers already a step ahead of the game as the chart actually shows what it looks like this internal map of what we bring into our lives and how we can change - either by stopping it or do more. Mostly it is - most people living in the difficult situation they are because they know they can change. And these changes can happen in two ways - by changing our attitude, along withto win our creative ideas for new forms in our lives.

The astrological part of this study include the second house and its ruler Venus, the planet most associated with the attraction.

Second home
Just a note here on home systems - the quadrant house systems (ie, not just House) s + or able to demonstrate the same character is the highest and second home. I would suggest that this would mean that someone whose income must bein their hands - are self-employed, for example. Otherwise, they may be unhappy working for someone else.

The second house is the house''solid Earth, which underpins the structure of the chart. It has taught us that the second house shows the result of personal data. In fact, it is the home of personal values. Values are simply things that are important to us as individuals. Are particularly important in the creation of our internal experience and externalLife, that determine the way we use our time, which in turn have an impact on the results that we spend. As the chart depicts a map but I think that unconsciously - the second house, beliefs, values the knee, these stem largely from what we learned our mother with us all. In other words, the mythology of the family to place a baby in the family and the value as parents. I call this set the initial value (IVS).

Our personal values areLessons from our supervisors since birth, and everything is set in our subconscious memory banks. After an independent life, it starts with the initial setting of the scale of values and our interactions with the outside world through our attitude of self-esteem, money, property, income, desire, will and under. We will only win and focus our attention on the circumstances, people and situations that changes in the sign of the second ring Cusp.Psychologists, among other things, this measure refers to the transfer. Add planets fall in the second extra fabric.

It is worth noting that for many people, the setting will assist and enable them to function well in life. But for many others, their life experience may contradict those beliefs lead them to start early and serious questions about themselves.

The following examples help to clarify one thing: Sagittarius is expected to be about 2research and will be rewarded as experimental.

Second cancer is expected to perpetuate the values of family, especially his mother, and may struggle to define their own values. Capricorn is expected to put aside what his child and acting "grown-ups will be rewarded." The Virgin is expected that the family will be helpers and healers, with prizes to conduct peaceful scholar. Two of my clients have in their homes Capricorn second - and both haveSA rises exactly in Sagittarius. Sun has a right at the end of the second Capricorn and Moon in Aquarius has another half there. The first customer is the preservation of old buildings, is still passionately in the footsteps of his father, according to a + gi and homeopath who put away his parental limits, free fight with spiritual devotion. For both men value their high status.

The sign on the threshold of the second house gives us a hint on the meta level individual value adjustments. The meta-level view shows a universal individual birth, can resonate to a few people - most do not. Planets in it, the involvement of parents, or in the case of Neptune, showing the mythologies of the family. In Table 1, the former Prime Minister Tony Blair, the Ascendant and the house is 2 to swing the Twins. Baby Tony was beginning to communicate its ability to achieve and evaluate others. Mercury is the ruler in Aries in 12th placeHome>. Here is a thinker, aggressive, fast economic growth and talking with the truth - to Neptune and Saturn. It is worth commenting here that the victims, many politicians have a house inhabited 12th light - and the service of a greater whole, and everything else. Her Venus in Aries and is also against the SA / NE. Pull the competition - cooperation.

On the other hand, the present scheme Prime Minister Gordon Brown (Chart 2) shows a very different trend. ItsTaurus is the second house located directly on the end - good, solid values, conservative, slow moving and a little 'retro. An older child, perhaps with the wise head on young shoulders. Venus, ruler 2 is 12 ° (Again!) Increases obtained in conjunction with Mars in Pisces - which in turn a competitive advantage, and sublime TB Saturn as above but without NE disorders. Comes from a solid foundation of spiritual and ethical values inherited from the father. He has learned through experienceattract cooperation with other values, and he the ideal of service.

Looking at these two graphs can be men, supported their original settings they value their lives on the meta-level leaders of their countries to see. On the other hand, Schedule Prince Charles' (Figure 3) shows a troubled soul. Both the highest and second peaks are located in Royal Leo - from the outset, as was the future king of the United Kingdom has been reviewed. shows far so good, but the presence of early SaturnCircumstances that were divisions in nature - maybe it was just too much to handle for the people, the future king, like any other child, even in a couple of days ago! So you must wait until it is large enough to be king. The monarch, the sun, 5 Royal House, its individuality is linked with the production of other kings. There is not much freedom, then. Venus on the real graph tells a different story - as a sign, because the balance heavily in conjunction with Neptune on the IC. The prince yearns (Neptune) forthe perfect relationship, and confusion - draws a bit 'of confusion in fact, until not enough, says SA.

mother of Charles' Queen Elizabeth tells an interesting story - (Chart 3) The young Elizabeth was born, the eldest of two daughters, one of the real "spare parts". A man who was never expected too high, not to mention the sixth King George ER + an abdication of his brother. Therefore, nothing was expected of her daughters, either. With two fish on the cusp, the possibility ofElizabeth is a strong underestimation, however, is the ruler Venus and Uranus is exalted in 2nd placed. The second ruler Jupiter in Aquarius, Neptune in the first place before the mutual reception (by the co-rule) with Uranus. A complex model, because the idea of "sovereignty" of mystery and endless possibilities bound - JU / NE shows - and how much of the work meta-level for a queen, with the creation of mutual acceptance. I interpret this as the low value ofabandon themselves to do what is expected of her, whether as a maid
Honor - the usual career in court for a "reserve" Princess - or queen. Venus is the second governor in Pisces trine Pluto is a deep spiritual transformation, life for this map to unfold. Queen Venus draws respect from ordinary people, like other world leaders.

Venus is a generalization, to be associated with beauty, love, lust and money. To connect tosecond home is evident. I suspect that other Venus is the planet most likely to be associated with the attraction together. I realize that young people now refer to "drag" when they go in search of new relationships. Sun Venus, our 'load' is.

When I teach the LOA, I always say what you want you want. It 's like love at first sight and all that beautiful, romantic things. Thus, in order to be attractive in the sense of the LOA, you must pay attention to bothYour attitude, how much you should pay your presentation as if you were on the train. Because that is what you do.

You really are attracting all the time, every second of the day, slopping around in your old clothes / settings. If you want to attract a new, different life, then you need to talk, think and act in an attractive manner.

On most maps do not, Venus is far from the positions of the Sun and Mercury - but sometimes can be up to 48 degrees above theSo, if so, he warns us that because the progression to early and retrograde Venus circled the massive LVH. However, for most chart Venus is 30 degrees from the sun and is working with Mercury to meet the solar disk. Almost as if to say the sun ", if what you want, we will be there for you."

Venus is cooperating and is immersed in a context, it is sensual and loves art and form. I would suggest that the function of Venus on the quantum levelmanifested in the form of what it is, it springs from the thought of Mercury.

In fact, Mercury and Venus can be used together as a couple, as right brain functions +. The sign of Venus is then placed in view of their position. For example, I noticed that the Venus in Virgo, worry excessively about money - and remember, "is worrying about what you do not want to pray" to bring - to the extent that the level of attractiveness feeds poverty. I have a client that is extremely highBreadwinner - in the stratosphere than the rest of us - and their main topic of conversation is about the cost of their mortgages and now it seems like people rob from the middle level of this position, the key to this woman would close and services are not yet happened!

Some examples will further clarify this: Venus in Libra will be the opportunity for harmony and balance; Venus in Aquarius will attract attract innovation and excitement, VenusCapricorn will wear a traditional or conventional, Venus in Cancer will be a chance to win expand beyond the confines of the family, and so on. Obviously these are often in the form of challenges - they are largely unconscious - which can not increase for the individual. For more ideas, that is, aspects of Venus, household items, etc., all on this topic, I invite you to go either to my site or wait for my next article, which will followsoon.

Tony (Anthony Charles Lynton) Blair: May 6, 1953 in Edinburgh, Scotland clock 06:10 BST

(James) Gordon Brown, 20 February 1951 Giffnock, Scotland clock 08:40 GMT

the House of Commons list is by Caroline Gerrard, eds, 1992 in Edinburgh.

HM Queen Elizabeth 2nd, April 21, 1926, London, England clock 02:40 BST
Prince Charles, November 14, 1948 Buckingham Palace, London 09:14 GMT watch.

Both "Born to Reign" by Nicholas Campion1993
"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne DVD Director since 2006

Fred Alan Wolf quote from "What the (Bleep Do We Know?)" 2005 Directed by William Arntz

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