Vedic Astrology - Dig Bala (Directional Strength tested) - Part 1

Dig Bala (Directional strength)

In the texts of Vedic astrology, there is a system called "Shad Bala" (translated as "six times the thickness). This is a measurement system planets and their impact on various factors Universal - many astronomical in nature. One of main components of Shad Bala (and easier to use), is called Dig Bala - Directional strength.

The general concept of Dig Bala is that planets do better in certain corners of the graph as supportothers. If a planet is closer to the best of his position Dig Bala she supports not only the corner, but your goal is also supported.

Dig Bala is a universal principle, as is any astrology chart four corners that are tied to different directions. As with all "Universal Astrology" the rule itself is only as we investigate and understand the important reason. If you repeat something like "Mercury Dig Bala in the first house, so it's good," weAdds nothing to read in black, except a general statement, and white. One of the big problems with storing rules easily without understanding "why" is that the wind is not up to untangle the many contradictions of the placement.

For example, we have a planet that has a good Dig Bala, but is weakened or retrograde, or is very difficult or difficult aspects of royal families, etc. In fact, you can expect this complexity. For this reason, it is important understand exactly what Dig Bala shows strength on the planet, the house / angles in a very specific and detailed.

This course will examine why each planet Dig Bala is able to compare it with, and not / contrast, executive management position with the positions of others, particularly its waterfront location - Dig Bala when lower.

Directions Please ...

Each astrology chart build four directions, as we have shown, are Houses> 1, 4, 7 and 10 Consider these objects in general.

The first house / Ascendant and the East. It shows the energy in the birth at this stage about the exact position of the rotation of Earth relative to the sky in place local WHERE graph is drawn up. The first house shows the body / personality / style and extensive experience in a single table or the same features (minus the physical body) in a graph elective.

The fourth> Home / Nadir is the north. It shows what is the deepest and most hidden. If you draw a diagram on which we sit right now, the lowest point is directly below you. The fourth house represents the inner feelings and emotional life of a person or event.

The seventh house and descent of the West. It shows that the farther the person or event (which is the first born in the house). And 'generally known as "building relationships. Theseventh house indicates that the opposite is absolutely the person or event. There is a strong attraction to our side. The seventh house shows this and acts like a mirror for the first house.

The tenth house / Medium Coeli is the south. It shows that directly, and shows what impact has the highest capacity to us or we can have an impact. The tenth house shows the quality measures and the impact that a person or event can have on the worldand / or that the world has on the person or event.

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