Real stories of gambling

Gambling is part of human behavior for thousands of years, the practice of gambling earliest records date back to 2300 BC, where ancient sites show in China, gambling. The first traces of Real Dice were found in Egypt were estimated to be somewhere before 1500 BC This is indicated only as gambling is in every human person. But people sometimes do things beyond your imagination.

Lose 127 million U.S. dollars in one year - right?

Yes, it istrue! Terrance Watanabe lost this amount and perhaps more in casinos Caesars Palace and the Rio Casino in Las Vegas. It 'been personally funding the 5% Harrah's Entertainment Group this year!

Sell your house, car, furniture and clothes to play roulette?

Yes it's true! Ashley Revell has done at age 32. He literally sold everything he had, was playing in casinos in a suit for rent, and then all of his chips on the roulette table. He won anddoubled the life of land $ 270,600!

Gambling in Las Vegas to help the poor?

Yes it's true! This unknown man helps family problems Jack Black is playing in the casinos of Las Vegas. Has a website where people can turn to for help, he is looking for stories that don depressing not take more than $ 50,000.

Win $ 11,000,000 and expenditures of all this?

Yes it's true! Michael Carroll won a jackpot of $ 11,000,000 spent almost all ofthe first 18 months! This man has been buying houses left and right, playful, more than one million and was also said to have parts prostitutes and many have told people that he was sleeping with prostitutes for about 4 days.

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