11. Astrology Home

According to the investigations of both eastern and western astrologers, the Eleventh House is the home of friends. E 'Home, the company is for those who have allied themselves to the natives of equal interest or sympathy in the community. It shows the benefit of individuals, flatterer, admirers, associates, supporters, advisers, close friends, patrons and sponsors. The issue of casual acquaintances is specified by the thirdHome>. It 'important to focus on the eleventh bhava friends will understand you have to pay to buy.

The houses are called Dharma 9-12 (9), Artha (10) Kama (11) and Moksha (12) House respectively. Kamah shows not only a passion, it also stands for desire. Siddhi is indicated by the performance. The Eleventh House resolves all the issues that are of their achievement in relation to the hopes, desires, hopes e. The eleventh house governs successdifferent companies, whether associated with professional contacts or work.

The areas covered by the eleventh house and foreign collaborations in higher education, election, speculation, litigation, writing, health and much more. If you are involved in a case if it is performed, which can be combined periods of the planets, the native will expect a positive result. He can usually be successful through compromise, even if his case weak. This is because the EleventhThey are characterized by the strengthening and lasting friendship. The Eleventh House is commonly referred to as labhasthana income or home.

Aspects of the eleventh house

E 'through the impact of the eleventh house, the accumulation of wealth of detailed local care is any kind. You probably can with the help of their efforts to gain indicated by the Lagna. The appearance of auto-acquisition is somethingthat is characterized by the house. gaining short writings, the younger brother or an organism can take place. The money received from the mother, vehicles, property and the treasure house, etc. indicated in the fourth. The fifth house gives advantages in terms of speculation, lottery, sports and interest for all forms of entertainment such as cinema, theater, etc.

The sixth house means income for the service, pets, or by borrowing. The income derived frombusiness partnerships, man or woman and litigation can be achieved by the seventh house. The eighth house includes insurance, provident fund, bequests, wills, etc. You can also get monetary benefits from foreign cooperation, in contact with strangers, the father or conduct research activities, which are aspects of the ninth house, which leads through. The tenth house indicates the income of the local economy, employment or inheritance and theAct to withdraw the money from the bank.

If the houses first-tenth are together, there are several sources of income of a person. The twelfth house of a person's chart shows the total spending, investment and disbursement of money from the bank. In addition to income derived from first to tenth house, and after deducting the cost of the twelfth house is the result, the house is the eleventh.

The positive aspects ofThe meanings are affected by the eleventh house. It means the return of capital and interest of the person who made money on loan and at the same level, the positive aspects to the planets, which are connected to the fifth nice house, which connotes the native repay the amount, source together with interest.

The Eleventh House is also president of the entertainment aspect. Besides this, it shows prosperity, joy,Profit, progress in testing, according to the wishes were made permanent bond of friendship and peace. desire for reunification is one thing to do, the house is characterized by the eleventh and that is why you should consider aspects of this need to understand the nature of emotional ties to the birthplace.

The positioning of the eleventh house and should be designed to determine how local food is in the socialFinancial and, if he could succeed in these areas. The house shows the attitude of the premises for the Company and its interest in the direction of group advantage rather than to achieve his personal goals and ambitions. The eleventh house also shows the Reformation and unconventional activities. The house is located on the brother and sister of the mother and why would anyone bring home care, this is the understanding of the impact ofClub

Effects of the planets in the Eleventh House

The sun, with residence in the eleventh house indicates the noble deeds and desires and success in achieving them. It makes people who have made firm and steadfast, even after their success. The location is good for viewing social success when they have support from others.

Jupiter in eleventh house shows, that person is richFriends and virtuous, noble, influential and helpful. Online, success and popularity of these loans are guaranteed by friendship. The hopes and aspirations of the person completely, including the success of social, political and financial.

Mercury in the home eleven draws friends in literary and scientific peers. Since Mercury is variable by nature, friends do not stand firm in their support, unless the planet is goodplaced.

Saturn in the eleventh house involves employment worthy of their mother tongue and the pull of old friends and serious. Interested may apply to Saturn, the native, be careful as their friend, they can be used for their own selfish ends.

Luna receives harmonious aspects, if well placed in the eleventh house. Moon is changing and so is less likely to close friendships constant. You can also make friends with people who are insubordinate position to win, especially women and patron of women's social success.

Mars enabled eleventh house can bring friends to native sports and martial arts. The native will continue until the end in their effort to meet with success. If Mars is afflicted, the individual is too delicate and sensitive to your friends.

The position of Venus in the eleventh house describes his friendship withThe people of the opposite sex and people in the branch office, which provides for local demand to get his wishes fulfilled. Friends are usually human, compassionate and artistic.

The influence of Uranus in the eleventh house is as strong as can relationships with sudden, strange and extraordinary. E 'with people who are creative, inventive and original, or a great help. The profits of the individual areprogressive.

Neptune and placed in the eleventh house indicates the person's spiritual high that will give the opportunity to attract other people of similar nature may also help in the native implementation of their ambitions.

Conditions with respect to 11 Bhava Used

Labh - profit or gain
Aya - all types of income or income
Kama-desire or passion
APTI - win
Prapthi - which shouldan individual
Siddhi - satisfies their desire
Sarasa - all that is juicy and succulent
Slaghyata - worship or praise
Agamana - Acquisition
Vibhava - wealth or prosperity.

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