The fourth building is the construction of costly Indian astrology

Fourth House

Graha (House); Vesme (home); Kshiti (country), Bandhu (Felation) Matri (mother); Vehicle), Sukha (happoness), Ambu (water), Vidya (learning).

The fourth house of Indian astrology corresponding to the female characters Cancer (KATAKA) Moon ruled by such attributes are the fourth house of his mother. West, however, consider the fourth house for his father, the astrologer is not supported by Hindu sages. The fourth> Home in connection with a residence life at home, home environment and general conditions of the native in the later part of him. This home is also "as a" major, which is the fact that there is no secret deals with life with all things hidden, such as private affairs, intrigues and secrets. You can accumulate aspects of their lives of men of 2 and 11 The fourth shows his lease or rental, as well as those kept on rented or leased, such as fields, pastures, grain fields, farms,, Orchard Mines, real estate, homes, gardens, old houses, monuments and antiquities are affected by this house.

The fourth house of Indian astrology is also the land are considered in relation to activities (all inheritance descended from a straight line features of estimated genetic and hidden underneath. The house has an impact on education and skills of a person. In this regard, fourth house is in school will be taken to specify andCollegiate education in contra-distinction to the higher education and research building indicated by the ninth. The third house concerns the subject of a special investigation spiritual affection. The fourth house of meaning for the termination of accounts and end of each company, is in a cot or hours Astrology Indian astrology.

In the State of astrology, the fourth house holds dominion over mines gardens, public buildings, plants, and determined to put an end toeach company. Uttara kalamaritam Kalidasa says that the following must be guessed from the bhava quarter. Learning, vehicles like rickshaws, small boats and the like, the mother in an oil bath, relationships, caste small fountain, water, milk, or a drug of great supernatural activity (only in 4 good, since Uranus), trust, false pretense of a tent or pavilion, or digging a pond and the installation of public use, Villa, art, entering a house, the findings, programmingThe loss of his home, his father's fortune, heavenly food, art, figure out which is holding stolen goods, the development of the Vedic and secret testing, cow, buffalo and an abundance of grain, gain, etc., produced in areas wetlands. Bhattotpala or is of the opinion that this fourth house is full of caves with large herds, treasures or holes.

If the fourth house and Mars are easily connected during their periods will eventually purchase. If they are unfavorable, it can sell or give away It may be lost by investing in land, buildings, etc. If the 4th house and Venus Venus are beneficial to another will have a car or vehicle, if he runs the period combined with the importance of home the4th and Venus, or other Connected Planet. If there is something evil, then connected at the time it is difficult to expenses incurred as a result of the vehicle or a meeting with an accident or sell via the transport and suffering for normal traffic, which it received. 4. > House of Indian astrology shows the location of the younger brother of Bank health of the mother, the loss of children (children can go in popularity, wealth and employment for partners, the risk of his father as the ninth is the house at 8, open enemies his older brother, the house is counted sixth house since4th 11. Home 12 indicates secret enemies. Their speculative activities of their children, etc., 4 which is illustrated byHome>.

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