The history of House music

Whenever you get into a popular club, there's a good chance that the music of the audio system are rays. When people go to the club, who want to dance and have a good time - music house offers the perfect atmosphere for this. But where is getting its start, and how he became so popular?

She made her arrival on the club scene at some point in the early 1980s in Chicago. Playing the DJ at the club, got the same songs over and over again, tired andI wanted to try to put their own spin on some of these songs. Mixed together and began adding other instrumental tracks to songs. The people in the club liked it! Before anyone knew what was going on, the DJs were the release of all original music composed by themselves through a combination of rhythms of other artists.

Over time, house music and spread to different parts of the country and the world, different from other djCultures put their own spin on this genre, the introduction of unique sounds and instruments from their environment. House music spread from Chicago to Detroit, and then move across the pond in England. All this happened before 1990. House music had to be an international phenomenon.

One thing that is very true throughout its history is that it reflects the actual style of music popular with the public. How and rapHip-Hop started become increasingly popular in the early 1990s in the United States have begun to understand the more DJ-style hip-hop beats in the mix of their home. The same happened when pop was the dominant genre in late 1990.

As in the 21 century to come, it was the popularity of an all time high. DJs like rock stars or artists, traditional music, performing in various clubs around the world and paid a lot 'of money.Are now generally accepted as traditional music - but instead of playing drums, guitar or bass, playing with electronic turntables and mixer.

In a relatively short time it has gone from a kind of underground music in one of the most popular forms of music around the world, both inside and outside the nightclub. No one knows what the future will bring, but one thing is certain - House of Music is one of the most popular musical genresfuture generations.

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