Combinations proclamation of the birth of a woman of exceptional beauty, Gemini Ascendant

The presence of the sun in the third house along with Mercury is an excellent place for a native Gemini, because the sun Ascending and significator The Ninth House is the third house of courage aspecting the ninth house. The third house position of the sun is always welcome, but in its own sign of Leo can be very powerful, the native to look regal. Its presence with the head of the AscendantMercury, the contender, taking a step away to be raised by his enthusiasm is a sign of Virgo is also good. A combination of host with this significator House gives more power to the house. If the first house so ascendant (Lagna or, in Sanskrit) is strong, the native will be handsome. In addition to this, when the moon in the eleventh house, in Aries, a step that is his sign of exaltation of the Taurus away, withVenus aspecting the fifth house, in its own sign of Libra in conjunction with Jupiter, the whole structure is so lucky to anticipate that a star was born. The reason is very simple. The reciprocal relationship between the three natural benefics is close enough, because they are a sort of Trinity happy. The Moon is the cancer of the Lord, where Jupiter is exalted, Jupiter is the lord of the fish, where Venus is exalted and Venus is the lord of Taurus where the Moon is exalted;This three-way connection of the Trinity in terms of cooperation and give appearance of immense economic importance because of the ninth aspect of Jupiter Rising on the first house is one of the advantages of all three on the Lagna from this aspect. The girls of this combination is intended to be an exceptional beauty with regal bearing.

Provide similar results when the Mercury combination in Virgo in the fourth house on the top, thus creating a power BhadraYoga can by the relative position of Mercury in his enthusiasm, so much power to influence the loans, which is to make the mother tongue of a queen.

The presence of the sun rising in the Eleventh House with mercury, which was created just cleaned his fish and Venus join in their enthusiasm in the tenth house in Pisces, creating an efficient Maalavya Yoga in a corner can make a woman KO beauty. If Jupiter - MoonThe second link is in the house where Jupiter is in the enthusiasm and the moon is in her house, this can turn into a rag doll a rags to riches legend, with a whole wardrobe miles better.

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