entertainment part of Sydney (2)

• Opera and Classical

The Australian Opera (AO) was founded in 1956 and in his two seasons at the Opera House between January and March and from June to October.

Sydney's largest provider of orchestral music and considerations, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra (SSO). The concerts are held in the hall of the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall or the city of Sydney. The Conservatory of Music leads symphony, wind and chamber concerts and jazz bands big. Australian Chamber ConcertsOrchestra are held each year at the Sydney Opera House around.

The Sydney Philharmonia Choir, the city better, perform at the Opera House. The last main office is a classic City Recital Hall, which regularly hosts a variety of local and international stars.

• Dance

It is an eclectic selection of dance found in the city. The Australian Ballet performs at the Opera House from March to April and November and December. L 'Repertoire includes classical to modern.

• Sydney Dance Company, group leader of the city, and modern dance in their study leads to the pier.

• The Aboriginal Dance Theatre is our traditional and modern tastes.

His appearances are often at the Seymour Theatre Centre.

• Rock, Jazz and Blues

Rock big names performing at the Sydney Entertainment

Centre, the Sydney Cricket Ground and the Sydney Superdome. Places such asOrient Hotel and Salina is the Coogee Bay Hotel also draw crowds.

For jazz, try the basement or Soup Plus, both are places of long standing. The Blues have played at the Empire Hotel and the Cat & Fiddle Hotel.

• Disco

Night club with a number of mainstream dance music are the big clubs, like the house, gas tank, Cargo Bar on George and Jackson. Dancing to House and Hip Hop are Q Goodbar and Slip Inn. DCM are gay, and the Oxford HotelMidnight Shift.

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