If Barack Obama wins the presidential election in 2012?

The political cost of the review of the health system was found to be greater than Obama expected. American voters squeezed by economic difficulties handed a crushing defeat for the Democratic Party in the U.S. mid-term elections. Even a strong Jupiter could not be president this time. President Obama is in the main period of Jupiter and Rahu in the period from February 2010 to July 2012. Transit of Jupiter was weak and sore transit of Saturn in May, June, July fraught,August and September 2010. U.S. economy showed no signs of improvement, and was the main reason for the defeat Democrat.

Transit of Jupiter strongly next four months until March 10, 2011. This is still a good time for President Obama, as the Lord Jupiter main period is strongly influenced by transit. But Obama has a difficult path and brings new challenges between March and September 2011 in the face. Mahadasha Mr. Jupiter return to the transit of Saturn in March, April, May2011, not at all well. During this time, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, and Jupiter in Pisces is also directly in the fire power of the transit of Saturn in Virgo. During this time Mr. Sub Rahu in the natal chart of President Obama is also unfavorable as Rahu is transiting Ketu and Ketu Nakshatra is a nakshatra transiting Mars, the planet badhaka for Obama, from February 2011 to October 2011. These months are very sensitive for Obama and the United States.Finally, Mr. mahadasha Jupiter opposite Saturn will return to the last time in December 2011, January, February and March 2012. This is also a very difficult time for Obama. This will be Biden, a very difficult time for Vice President Joe. During this time, the Administration to seriously consider replacing it with a new candidate for the elections in 2012. Soon Obama will not be able to achieve much in his first term. President Obama's poll numberscontinue to decline at this time. There will be no economic recovery and unemployment remains high.

Since July 2012, the dynamics change again in favor of President Obama will be like that of Mr. 12 and Mr. Jupiter mahadasha upward force and the 2nd house Lord Saturn mahadasha. Saturn is a planet very good for President Obama. At the same time the transit of Jupiter in Taurus 16 characters into force in May 2012, and starts with appearancethe natal position of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn in the chart of Obama. We have the best time for Obama, if luck is on his side again. President Obama's poll numbers increase will move in June / July 2012 and public opinion in his favor again just before the elections in 2012. Hillary Clinton will replace Joe Biden for the position of vice president in 2012 elections. Obama will win the 2012 elections and get back very easily elected President of the United StatesStates for a second term. 2013 and 2014, the golden years are in Obama's second term and for the United States. The economy will do better in the U.S., and President Obama will solve many national and international problems in this period. Obama will be able to end wars and the troops to come home this time. Obama can win another Nobel prize or some kind of prize this time. During this time, transit Jupiter will sign Gemini 30-May 18, 2013 to June 2014, and is ready transit of Saturn in Libra, the graph of mahadasha Obama, 5 with its Aspect.

Obama is not the happiness between October 2014 and December 2015, transiting Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn in Scorpio will aspect is important all the planets in his chart, while Obama mahadasha of Saturn. Transit of Saturn in Scorpio will aspect the natal position of the Ascendant lord Saturn and Jupiter in the 12th Mr. Capricorn, in its third aspect, the birthplace of the 7th position> Host Moon in Taurus of their seventh appearance and the birth place Rahu and Mars in Leo 10th house lord character with its tenth Aspect. During this period, President Obama will be very difficult to complete his second term. The enemies of the United States, represented by the diagram in the seventh house Obama. The Lord of the Moon is the seventh house in Taurus 10 degrees in the chart of Obama. When Saturn is 10 degrees in Scorpio, which is done three times betweenOctober 2014 and December 2015 will be a very difficult time for President Obama and the United States.

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