Michael Jackson astrology analysis

There are at least 7 or 8 times by different astrologers to analyze different birth chart of Michael Jackson. I checked the accuracy of the time with the birth of the planet's dominant concept in the system of the Kyoto Protocol and has been able to correct his birth date to 29 August 1958 23:55 Gary, Indiana. Michael Ascendant sign is Gemini 8 degrees in 36 minutes in the sign of Mercury Rahu nakshatra. I used to ayanamsas KP ayanamsas Lahiri against most of Vedic Astrologersto prepare the chart of Michael. The difference between the two is about 6 minutes.

First of all I would like to discuss the ruler of the Ascendant or Lagna lord in the chart of Michael. If the strong in Vedic astrology chart Lagna Lord, the person reaches a very high success rate. The planet Mercury rules Michael Ascendant, Mercury, and also according to the rules of the house of money and her 5 th house, the conversation is his music drama etc and Mercury is in 3rd housein his table. The second house cusp is in Gemini, instead of cancer, because Michael Ascendant is the cusp of Gemini and the beginning of his stays in 5th place in the Virgin Libra for the same reason. The system I'm using uses Placidus House system uses the cusp Bhave Madhyas Early home as Western systems, as opposed to using IE Centers Vedic house system. Each House may not be the houses of 30 degrees, some level could be less than 30 degrees and just over 30, a particular character can intercept more than one house cusp and Zodiac can have two or three houses. Mercury is in the constellation (Nakshatra) of Ketu in the 11th house, Ketu and Mars in Aries is Mars, the ruler of the 6th house to house 11 percent. Thus the Lagna Lord Mercury, the ruler of the 1st, 2nd and home 5th in the third house has a very strong connection with the 11th> House of profits and the sixth house of health problems. The Lagna lord sixth house connection is very good for financial gain as the house is the sixth of 12 on the 7th house, so bad luck to the competitors, and profits for the household sector, but the sixth house Lagna lord that is bad for health affairs. The constellation of Mercury Mr Michael ruler of the Ascendant Ketu, is also out of the house in the fifth aspect of Jupiter. Gemini Lagna Jupiter is both Badhaka(Planet of the obstruction) and Marak (death inflicting) planets like Jupiter rules his 7th house. Thus the Lagna Lord Mercury also has strong ties with Badhaka and Marak planet Jupiter, Jupiter, as aspects of the fifth house from Ketu in his home 11 ° Lord of the constellation of Mercury. This inability to explain Michael money at certain times of his life, which is discussed later in this analysis to be done. Rahu and Ketu give results of the planets, in collaboration withthem and release them as well.

Michael Jackson was in Jupiter Mahadasha until May 1969. Jupiter rules Badhaka, Marak and 8 houses in your horoscope. This is not explained his difficulties in early childhood, and the fame and honor the success of Jupiter during the period up to May 1969. Saturn in Michaels case, 9 rules of the house and 10 house of career happiness, and Saturn is in the nakshatra of mercury of the rulers of the first home, second home and the fifth houseRahu and sub in the 5th house. So, Saturn Mahadasha May 1969 to May 1988 were very good results from Saturn. The head of the 10 th house (career), Saturn is in the nakshatra of the fifth house (entertainment, music), Mr. Mercury, so his musical career, for entertainment, and Mercury also rules the second house of money as a Saturn, and gave him money. Sun career, money, fame and glory came during mahadasha Saturn.

Michael Jackson's haircatches fire while filming a Pepsi commercial during a January 27, 1984 Saturn Mahadasha Bhukti Anthara Rahu and Saturn. Rahu is a strong means of the 12 th house Venus in the sign. At the time of the accident was traveling Badhaka Jupiter and Saturn Nakshatra Marak sign Rahu was in his house in 12 Venus and Moon nakshatra. Nakshatra Moon Jupiter in his chart is also evil. Sun was in Capricorn transiting Saturn Lord of mahadasha. Sign Sunday of the month, when a certain event that happened in our lives. The Jackson album "Invincible" was released in October 2001, and flop with Mercury, Jupiter and Venus Mahadasha Bhukti Anthara operated from June 2001 to November 2001. Jupiter is the significant strong Badhaka, Marak and 8 home. Venus is the significant strength of the home 12. Significantly Case 8:12 if they work together through Dasha Bhukti Anthara door and the loss and Failure.

Jupiter is the governor of the 7th house where Michael is explained Badhaka Marak and planets, and Jupiter is in conjunction with aspects of Rahu and Ketu. Even Jupiter, the head of the family in the 7 th House nakshatra 6 Mr. Mars and Mars in house 11. This is not good for marital bliss. The person will have unusually sex life as ruler of the 7th with Rahu and Ketu is in the nakshatra and the 6th> Host Mars. His marriages marriages, have been mentioned in speculation, so had to repair his image and his children. Rahu in the case of Michael's level characters in the 5th house and Venus Rahu strongly represented than there is money in the 12th sign of Venus, the ruler of the second house to house. This fifth house (children's home) has a very strong connection with the 12 th house of loss, which explains the problems and Michaelloss of money through his connection with children. Michael ran Mercury Venus mahadasha Bhukti (12 hosts, the loss of home), when, January 25, 1994, settled the civil action for payment of a sum not to his accusers.

Jackson charged with child abuse back to December 18, 2003 Mahadasha while Mercury, Venus and Saturn Bhukti Anthara term, which goes from August 2003 to January 2004. Saturn transiting Rahu nakshatra was bad, Jupiter, Rahu and LagnaMr. transit of Mercury was 12 ° Nakshatra Mr. Venus, a very bad time. Jackson posts bail of $ 3,000,000 and discard the V sign, while he was on a black Suburban, before leaving the courthouse in Santa Maria. Jackson's indictment on charges has been scheduled for 9 January 2004 at 08:30 watch Santa Barbara Superior Court in music without a contract for the first time in 35 years that Jackson's financial problems mounting surfaces with increasing legal costs and the dismal record sales. Venuscombines the fifth house of children with the 12 th house of loss, as Rahu is in fifth house in Libra Venus in the sign and gave him problems and loss of money by children. In 2004, Saturn in Gemini Bhukti the Lord was in transit, or worse Rahu and Jupiter Badhaka Nakshatra, just on the slope of Jackson. Process is underway at Mahadasha Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter Bhukti Anthara period. Jackson cleared of all charges June 13, 2005, at the start of KetuMahadasha.

Death occurs when the tongue is under way between the houses and Bhukti Mahadasha significant Badhaka Marak and (2, 7, home, house 12 °). Case of Michael, Jupiter is in both Marak Badhaka and planets, as he Ascendant is Gemini. Jupiter is in conjunction with aspects of Rahu and Ketu. So node provides the results of Jupiter Badhaka evil. Michael joined mahadasha Ketu in April 2005. Numerous efforts not to make a comeback in coming, andJackson leave Neverland, his theme park, at home in California. In Jupiter Ketu Mahadasha Bhukti was from April 2009 to March 2010. So that was the time when he was both Mr. Mahadasha Ketu and Jupiter are the master is to die for Bhukti Badhaka homes Marak and Ketu during his mahadasha bad Bhukti deliver Ketu Jupiter as Jupiter is aspected by evil. Ketu rules of drugs, this indicates that the death occurred due to excessive use of drugs. Jupiterretrograde June 16, 2009. Jupiter and Marak Badhaka aspect with natal planets Mercury, the ruler on the rise in the rankings of Michael. Transit of Saturn in point was the transit of Leo Mercury in Taurus in the same way. The Ascendant ruler Mercury transit was his 12th house Taurus Moon badhaka nakshatra. Both Rahu and Ketu Ketu sub in the zodiac, the mahadasha Lord. Michael was in Ketu / Jupiter / Saturn period, at the time of his death. Sun Ketu are Jupiter, SaturnThe planets that are responsible for his death. The person who is responsible for his death is Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu as a planet its decision. These three planets to determine the influence of that person after the KP System astrology.

Gurmeet Singh astrologer


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