House cats - Eight Tips to keep cats happy indoors

The number of domestic cats is increasing. more and more cat owners have decided it will not be left unattended for her cat outside safely, cars, other animals, poisons and dangerous people, are just some of the reasons.

Indoor cats can lead a very happy life, but must be maintained as an outdoor cat. If house cats does not stimulate enough, and you get bored or you are stressed show behavioral problems such as the cat scratching the furnitureand ignore their litter.

Here are 8 tips to keep your cat happy and entertained:

1. Make sure he has a lot of cat toys. He should have toys in every room. To add interest shared his toys to play two or three and turn them every few days.

2. Get some good cat furniture. The scratching post is a must. Two or three in different parts of the house is even better. If you can afford, condos and cat trees are ideal for funny house cats. If you're on a tight budget, you can a cat condo boxes, carpet, protocols, etc. with

3. Use catnip. If your cat likes catnip, sprinkle around his scratching post, bed, and other areas you prefer.

4. Enter your cat for the seats near the windows. Cats love to look at what is happening out there, and sit in the sun. Window overlooking the garden or the street level are expected to offer more fun than the highest inHome>.

5. Grow some 'cat grass in a pot. This is a good substitute for eating grass outside.

6. Get a DVD made especially for cats. Yes, there are! Some cats love them and some are not interested, but they are relatively inexpensive, so it's worth trying.

7. Using a computer screen saver to swim with tropical fish. - Some cats like this, it's like cat TV last year.

8. Put your cat to walk on a leash. This will take some time and patience, but ifYou can do it, then take the domestic cat outside safely.

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