Sixth House: correlation between career and health

The sixth house on the chart rules governing your life and employment. The tenth house represents the profession of a person, but the sixth house to check the current status, responsibility and career development.

sixth house is a connection between health and careers. The planets in the 6th have a direct impact on the state of your physical and emotional health and your career. Eventually, the native was still sick whento work in difficult areas of life.

If more than one planet in the home sixth in the table, you should keep you busy on some line of work, or who are susceptible to disease.

The placement of different planets in the sixth house:

So it is possible career in the medical professions. Their task is being.Sun a direct impact on the well-being in this position lowers the vitality. If you are not satisfied with yourCareer that are prone to frequent illness than other people.

Moon represents the emotions, the fluids, the instability of thought and the public. Moon in this house are super sensitive work environment.Emotional disorder often occurs in glandular stomach upset or training in the body. It can be a fluid retention in the system. Trends of frequent job changes is evident. The native will enjoy working with the public.

Mercury:shows that nervousness often a major concern for the native in his place of work. Mercury in this house induces a state of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder in the mother tongue native.The often and secretly worried about her health or the nature of the hypochondriac.

Venus represents over indulgence in food and beverages. This indulgence has an important effect on the body as well as career path. Otherwise, the placement of Venus is favorable forgood health. This indicates the ease of obtaining good jobs and working conditions of peaceful harmony.

Mars: that is to say the injury and sudden illness. It's hot temper of the native, brings friction in the workplace and does not popular with colleagues. The native is prone to frequent accidents and high fever, which greatly influenced his work conditions.

Jupiter is a good health and job satisfaction. Excess work canCause of contamination of blood and sluggish liver, which is too weak tongue movement System.The qualified for management and administration. This position makes it a very amiable fellow.

Saturn: trends in morbidity and depression are in the native. The native with this position is more susceptible to colds and chills in addition to chronic diseases. A native of expectations of colleagues are creating significant differences betweenthem.

Geeta JI [faith healer]

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