House Number Seven - Numerology for the 21st Century, shows its importance

You live in an apartment or house number seven?

Numerology reveals in the 21 Century

Continue this series of articles will give you insight into where we live, in the meantime, remember: the house or apartment where you live, and the block of land - you chose! That's right, although you might think about where you live selected I've got news for you, you have chosen ...

House number seven: an odd number, you can also slightlyspooky! haunted by the memory of former inhabitants! Check the water table and the area for flooding, and lines for leaks. This residence must be published in the vicinity of water for the 'energy' in a positive way, so if you're not a sea, river, lake or water in the distance look set to see a puddle. If you can not afford a swimming pool, think of an aquarium or a fish bowl and you'll make this place a long way to go is right for you - creating a sort of"Water feature" when none of the complaints mentioned above.

Expect some visits to local hospital, either as patient or visitor - you can work there too! Volunteering, being with community projects and organizations are all displayed. The fish are in and benefit from living at that address prepared, along with the planet Neptune and refers to the 12 sector of the zodiac.

They are 7, 16 or 25 of each month and the move in this issue you come "home" was bornand a new start in life is displayed. If you have lived here for a while and move on, you are likely to leave behind the memories (happy or sad) to residents of the future, so should be a "compensation" or "clean up" when the memories were unhappy! All (regardless of their date of birth) of the river in this figure should be considered an exercise of "clean" if you feel any "negative or bad vibes. Remember they are all born to have birth Number Seven potential psychological or spiritual inclinations and "respond" totheir environment more than they know. If there are memories you feel if you are unhappy, they will react - believe me ...

Take care of your feet and avoid drafts. When he reached worrying about others for a drink, that number has seen more than its share of alcoholics avoid! Keep all medicines out of reach of small children and do not even think about the onset of drug!

Positive note, there is again some spiritual moments, some insights about the meaning ofthe word spirit. Read as much as possible about the meaning of life - remain front and know everything that is in very close, where are your facts to be in this house, apartment, or the block has chosen a good time .. .

Stay tuned - if you want to put an end to this series, we look at the sexuality of the numbers. Meanwhile, monthly follow my thoughts on Twitter, Facebook and blogspot

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