Picture House wow factor

If you want to sell your home yourself, you have to convince people to attract a good number of visible. One possibility is to develop a series of booklets in a sale sign on the front lawn. In his room are the basic characteristics, lot size, price range and a nice photo of the facade of the house. If this portrait of seductive enough to home that potential buyers will want to see the rest of the house.

So, borrowed expensive digital camera and your brotherhas a good outside shot. if you view the computer monitor, but you can see that the house seems tilted dark (it's a white house) and the grass is dead. There are ways to solve these problems and more. Ethically, it is not wrong, because in spring the 'grass is pretty good and if you are in the twilight, you will see the home front in the sun.

The first task is to lighten the shadow in front, so that the White House seemswhite. They do this by masking the darkened areas, including home and higher) speakers brightness and contrast (. Grab your mask and smooth edges, no show. The area of sky can be masked in the darkness of a step. Place a very blue sky and dark blue in color boxes. The magic mask selects the white of the sky, then color with two blue (lighter blue on the bottom) come together in sky area. The distortion angle or perspective cancorrected in Adobe Image Ready or Google Picasa.

If the shrubs need cutting, contact the clone brush (60 percent) in an adjacent area to clean up the stray shot. If there are gaps in the forest, filling the holes with the clone brush. Choose an area free of grass and clone horizontally browned areas do not work vertically. A fifty per cent transparency works fine. Hopefully, you have no people or vehicles in the shot, but if you want, you can try to clone or outultimately, crop the image. You may decide to take a new picture without the car. See my article: "If your house says." Cheese "

The Training Day

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