House Rentals - Get the Facts First

1: Determine the area you want to live in ahead of time and then find a home that is in that area. Sure this sounds like an obvious suggestion but in reality too many people hear about the "perfect" home to rent and will actually make a decision based strictly on the features or maybe even the recommendation of a friend. This is not to say you should settle for a home that doesn't have any features you like or dismiss what your friends recommend but being in a area that meets the needs of your job and even social life is important.

2: Find out the terms ahead of time. What is the rent, late payment fee, the length of the basic agreement, the top-level terms of the contract like; deposit, utility obligations, insurance and sub-leasing?

3: Visit the neighborhood before you meet the landlord. Don't waste your time or the landlord's time if the neighborhood won't even work. Take a trip and check out your possible future surroundings. What's in the area? Will you be close to shopping? Entertainment? Public transportation if you require it?

4: Talk to the neighbors. Without being a pest, knock on a few doors and inquire about not only the neighborhood but also the house you are interested in. What were the previous renters like? How many times has the home been rented in the past year? Finding the answers to these questions can help put your mind at ease about not only the neighborhood but the property you're interested in as well.

5: Check out the landlord. If he is registered with the Better Business Bureau or a realty association, contact them and gather as much information you can about him. Are there previous complaints? How were they handled? How long has he been a landlord?

6: Finally, schedule a time to actually view the property with the landlord. Check the property out thoroughly and don't be swayed by any of the amenities that might be more than you expected. Look carefully at the carpet or flooring, check out the walls and ceilings, the yard, turn on the water in the kitchen, flush the toilet and generally have as critical an eye toward the property as you can have. After all, once a lease is signed you could be responsible for all repairs or some of them and if the problem was there before you moved in then it probably has become your problem and short of litigation you will most likely have to take care of it.

Finding a new house to rent can be very exciting and usually signals some sort of new beginning so take the time to make it the best start you can especially when it comes to the house you are renting.

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