Visualize The House You Desire

Now that you have learned how to set goals; how can you take it to the next level. You can follow some simple steps on how to begin visualizing your goals. Lets say that you want to manifest a new home; first of all you have to know where you want to live. Do you want to live in the country, city, on the beach, in the mountains? You must know what you desire. If you want to live on the:

beach home: You can begin visualizing the house you desire by imagining yourself walking along the beach. As you walk along the beach the sand is soft and your feet sink through the sand. You walk along the shore and can hear to sound of the waves crashing along the shore. As you bend down to pick up the seashells and place them in the container that you brought with you, the sun is nice and warm and feel great on your skin. You walk back up the private steps to your beach home. As you clean off your feet before you go inside; your phone rings. You step into your home and as you close the door you can feel the ocean breeze brush across your hair.

mountain home: As you are seeing yourself living in your mountain home. You can see yourself fixing some tea on the stove top. After you finish making the tea and putting it in your cup you and your family go out and sit on the back porch. While you are sitting out on the rocking chairs on the porch; you can watch the sunset. It is so beautiful; there is a little chill in the air but it feels good. You can even hear the crickets begin to sing and the fire flies are beginning to dance around in your lawn. As you are staring out into your back yard; which is about five acres you can see a deer and her children they are in your yard eating. It is so peaceful as you and your family just sit back and enjoy the nature right in your back yard.

You get the picture; as you visualize the house you desire the more specific you can be the faster the law of attraction will bring your opportunities. So pick a place you would like to have your dream home and begin visualizing the house you desire, and then be open to opportunities. If you can hear the sounds and creaks the floors will make as you walk on them; you will begin getting out of the visualization and not even realize where you are.

However as you visualize the house you desire; do not forget to put action behind that visualization. Without action you can sit there and continue picturing the house you desire and all you will be doing is dreaming. This is the fatal mistake that most people make when they begin their personal development journey. They refuse to take action they just believe that if they continue visualizing what they want then magically it will will appear.

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