Wedding Ceremony Humorous Readings - Bring the House Down


Have you ever been to one of those boring weddings where there seems to be absolutely no atmosphere and the speeches, one of the most memorable aspects of a wedding, just seem to waffle on and on until people start falling asleep. The difference between a good wedding and a truly memorable one is the wedding ceremony readings and speeches as something humorous will always stick in peoples minds longer that something that was'nt.

What you are about to read will help you on the path to having the funniest, most humorous readings and speeches at your wedding making it an event to remember for many years to come.


When the time comes to scribe the speeches just use your imagination a little and look at the bride and grooms life for material that you can use. Say for example the groom and his best man have played football together for some time you could say something like... Best man to Bride during speeches: We are all quite glad that you have taken (John) on, we found him to be useless in every position possible so we hope that you have better luck. See what I mean it just takes some imagination.

Another funny reading example in the situation where the man is marrying a woman who is quite headstrong is... Best man to Bride during speeches: John, told me when he first met you that he had just met Miss Right. About a week ago he told me that he had never realized your first name was Always. There are literally thousands of different ways you can put little snippets of peoples lives on paper and blend them with some pre written comic humor. You just have to know where to look.

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