What Will the House Healthcare Reform Bill Mean For Doctors?

Though the bill was passed by the House of Representatives, it is likely to hit a big wall in the Senate. Tom Daschle, the former senator and healthcare guru, stated that the likelihood of it passing is 55/45.

Though the AMA, the American Medical Association, endorsed HR 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act, it is not clear if its members were in support of it. Several members have expressed outrage in the support, and have called for the rescinding of that endorsement. One is also left dumbfounded that the American Association of Retired Persons was supportive as well. But one has to look toward the monetary gains in these reforms.

If the cuts in Medicare are made in this bill, seniors will be negatively affected. However, this will be good news for Medicare Supplements insurers who will be able to potentially increase their premiums. The people who sell these policies will generate more profits and commissions. The American Association of Retired Persons markets/endorses Medicare Supplements, thus perhaps it will stand to gain tremendously from this bill.

In regards to physicians, there is little to like in HR 3200 (the original Affordable Health Care for America Act):

1. Public Option: If you think any politician cares about any of us, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for you. Dems and Repubs are all the same. They want power, and in politics that means the ability to spend all our hard earned tax money. This gives them power, contributions, and sweet consulting jobs with seven figure salaries when they leave office. The public option will eliminate private insurance, since it will be funded by the bottomless pit of debt and taxation. How can a private insurer compete? If the public option passes, then it will knock out the private insurers and the MD's will have one payer. This means price controls, and doctors by default become government employees. The good news is that the physician may not work as hard. The bad news is that the physician cannot earn as much as his/her hard work and ingenuity can produce.

2. Tort Reform: There would be no caps on medical malpractice non-economic rewards, and in fact if a state tries to mandate caps they will be penalized.

Section 2531, entitled "Medical Liability Alternatives," establishes an incentive program for states to adopt and implement alternatives to medical liability litigation. [But]... a state is not eligible for the incentive payments if that state puts a law on the books that limits attorneys' fees or imposes caps on damages.

I imagine that this is great news for the litigation industry lobbyists who donated millions to the Dems and the President.

In short this is not a bill any MD should endorse unless he/she has given up the dreams of a better life for themselves and their families.

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