Registered Office - Your Identity to the Companies House

Running a business in the UK necessitates a registered office. This office is regarded as the official address of the company. No matter what the size of the business, running this office is a must. All the official mails are sent to this address. The official mails are important and need to be responded by the company secretary or whoever is responsible for it. So, running this office is mandatory on the part of the company owner.

As per UK company law, the registered office of a business firm does not have to be in the place from where the business is conducted. The office can be anywhere in the UK or Wales, if the business is run from somewhere within these places. If the business is conducted from anywhere in Scotland, the office should be there. However, this does not mean that one can have this office anywhere within the geographical location of these places.

The law says that the registered office of a company should be within the places that are legally authorised for the purpose. This makes it difficult for the owner of a business to manage an address for this type of office in the UK. So, taking help of some service provider becomes necessary. Fortunately, there are plenty of firms that offer service on registered office. Almost all of them have online presence; hence they can be approached via the Internet.

In order to take the service of the agents who manage addresses for registered office, one will have to pay some money. It can be paid on a yearly basis or in any other mode. The service providers not only manage an address but also offer other services. These services include forwarding the mails that are sent from the Companies House. To avail this and other services, the company owner will have to pay additional amount to them.

Rumors Edward

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