We should not expect the house and a divorce - The impact of the housing crisis on separation

The unfortunately a familiar scenario. A married couple can barely pay the mortgage and expenses each month with their joint income. Divorce is on the horizon. The parties intend to split, but can not afford to live apart. What should I do?

Unfortunately, there is no panacea. Neither judges nor lawyers can sell a house, or make more money than what is available. We can only know what is there. Mortgage and costs must be paid. And if there is not enoughMoney, about those who have separated, to continue to live together. Needless to say, this is much easier said than done. The burdens that have caused the parties are split now it holds under the same roof. The tension is escalating the already reached an all time high, and there is no immediate out.

But that does not mean that the situation must be in a scene from "The Rose-escalating war." Here are a few basic rules that can and should be followed in these situations:

1. Sell, even if this means a sellout, if it is simply not financially possible to maintain the house must be sold there. Yes, the housing market is a sad place for sellers these days, but there are situations in which parties must simply their losses. The services of a trusted broker to accept their proposals for listing and sales prices and be prepared to lower the price further. The goal in these situations is to get> House sold as soon as possible, not to know the maximum profit from the investment. Sale at any price a buyer is willing to buy press (and fingers crossed that the buyer can obtain financing).

2. Separate as much as possible: you have to live with your spouse during this time, but it is important that you both so much personal freedom as possible and mutually respect the borders created. One of them remains in the possession of the master bedroom and the other assumes a replacement --Room. Each of you is allowed to the door to your new "residence" and does not lock into the space of others. While this is painfully reminiscent of your college dorm room day, remember, the situation is temporary and that the best thing you can do under the circumstances.

3. Communicate as little as possible: Keep your communication is limited to matters concerning children, if you do not and / or invoices and expense that must be paid. Avoid any other issues of divorce and theReasons why your lawyer for what you said today, what do your friends / family, your spouse, etc., is when a heated discussion, you both (or one of you if the other person is not willing) to each room on your own . When communication is impossible without exertion or crying, you limit your e-mail message only.

4. Respect your neighbors: When you lived with a roommate, you would not be polite and play, music too loud, unnecessary noise in the early morning orlate evening or question the activities of your roommate. The same rules apply to the current situation. Use this situation as an opportunity to goad your spouse in an argument or you will simply make matters worse.

The above is clearly not a good situation, but one that is increasingly common in the current housing market. In anticipation of divorce cases, I have included in the above ground rules agreed contracts awarded by a judge, was signed by the parties, their strengthcomply under the threat of sanctions. Sometimes it even works, although nobody is particularly happy about it. It has encouraged, in some cases, however, parties aggressively market their homes to sell.

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