How To's for Everyday Scenarios - Keeping the House Clean

Maintaining a house and keeping it clean is not an easy task. Most people own too much stuff and don't have enough room to store them. The house becomes a source of stress as you search for lost items. Dressing up becomes tiring as you pull clothes jammed in your closet. The answer to all these chaos is a little planning and some good organization.

First, follow the rule: a place for everything and everything in its place. Each thing should have a specific place called "home" where it belongs. For example, DVDs should have its own shelf near your television while the toys should be put in a toy box in the play area. If you see something that does not belong in that place, put it back right away.

As much as possible, never hold a piece of paper twice. Mails and bills should be sorted as soon as you finish reading and dealt with them. Newspapers, flyers and other kinds of magazines should go to a recycling box where you can retrieve them later. Most paper, after serving their purpose, must hit the garbage can.

Discard any food left on the dish and wash the dishes right away with soap and water. Do not store them in the sink. Allow to air dry on a dish rack instead of wiping them with a dish rag. Or you can put them directly in the dishwasher if you have one.

While cooking, try to clean a few of the utensils you used. Clean out the bowl you just used while waiting for something to simmer. After cooking, make it a habit to clean all the mess before taking a rest.

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