The House of Channel and Channel Cosmetics

There are many perfumes in the world that stay in our memories as being wonderful or even great. These perfumes however are eclipsed by the most famous perfume of our modern times. This is the Channel perfumes that bears the simple number 5 on its label. We know this perfume as it is now called Channel No.5.

Channel was established in 1910 as a small headwear shop. The House of Channel quickly moved up to better stores and areas of the city and became particularly famous with its signature Channel No. 5 fragrance, along with popularizing the little black dress.

Channel reorganized and redefined haute couture fashion with the replacement of corsets by more comfortable casual elegance of simple dresses and suits. One of the most well known fashion trends started by Channel is the "Channel suit", an elegant combination of boxy jacket, knee length skirt. These have historically been paired with large gold buttons and large costume pearl necklaces.

The launching of Channel No. 5 brought a lot of attention to the House. High society women flocked to the Rue Cambon boutique in order to commission outfits of the latest fashions. Thus the legend of Channel was born and continues to set trends and provide the elite with high quality fashions, fragrances, and more recently cosmetics as well.

Channel now offers a complete line of makeup and skin care products along with the signature fragrance line. All Channel cosmetics are hypoallergenic and tested by dermatologists as well as opthamologists in order to assure hypoallergenic and noncomedogenic (non pore clogging) properties of all their cosmetics.

Channel cosmetics and fragrances are not tested on animals. Also, Channel is listed in PETA's Guide to Cruelty-Free Companies. Channel cosmetics are not vegan products, however, as there are products that contain lanolin, beeswax and other animal derived ingredients. If you have any questions about specific products, you can send the company a question through their website.

Sign up for the Channel cosmetics newsletter to be informed of the latest products. If you are interested in receiving free samples, you can visit a local Channel makeup and fragrance counter. Samples are given out on a seasonal basis and your local Channel outlet is the best way to find out what's hot for the latest season.


Edi Kurnik

Yamaha Guitars

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