The Burnt House by Faye Kellerman Book Review

Is it possible that a terrorist attack has taken place?

This is the first thought of many as a commuter plane carrying 47 passengers crashes into an apartment building in Granada Hills, California.

Lt. Peter Decker was eating breakfast when the first sign of trouble appeared. The power flickered and then went completely out. He figured it was just a transformer but the phone line was also dead. Decker's captain never contacted him on his cell phone and when he got a call on it from him, he knew something had to be terribly wrong. The captain told him about a plane crashing into an apartment building and ordered him to go directly to the scene. One of Decker's main jobs was to try and calm the fears of the people who feared a terrorist attack. Decker and his wife were also concerned because the crash was very close to their daughter's school.

As the investigation gets underway, something very strange has been discovered. There were only 47 names on the passenger list but inside the plane's charred wreckage, four more identified bodies were also found. How did they get there? If that wasn't enough, they cannot locate an airline employee who was supposed to be on the flight.

Decker is under pressure from the department to find answers. As the investigation continues, Decker discovers some very interesting things. Is he successful at solving this case?

I have read several of Faye Kellerman's books. In my opinion, The Burnt House has to be one of her best novels. If you have read any of Faye's books, you know that she is a very detailed writer. This book is written in the same manner. The book begins with a plane crashing into an apartment building at the very beginning and the suspense continues to build from there. There are several mysteries going on at the same time and it certainly keeps the reader guessing at all times. Kellerman fans will be delighted with the return of Lt. Peter Decker of the LAPD and wife Rina Lazarus. The author does an excellent job of setting the stage for this novel and it will leave the reading audience in awe of what is going to happen next. I highly recommend this book.

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