Cleaning the House With a Toddler

Many people wonder how to take of all their household's needs with a little inquisitive toddler underfoot. Well it's not easy and I'm not an expert but this is what works for me.

All children are not the same and dealing with your own particular sweet baby might be different but listed below are some of the ways I get the job done with a toddler around. It may just give you some ideas.

I do most of my deep cleaning during nap time. I don't clean my bathrooms or anything that requires my full attention until my toddler is down for a nap. As is natural her little inquiring mind wants to know what mommy is doing and with all of my nice pretty bottles around this is no playground for a young child.

I vacuum wile my toddler eats her meals. While she's safely ensconced in her high chair I can vacuum up all the dirt and debris without worrying about little fingers and toes.

When I cook my toddler goes into the playpen. She's just too inquisitive and a little mischievous. Hot ovens and burners just have no place in her life right now.

You may look at all this and wonder well when is she free to play? All day! I say. While this looks like a lot of time for her to be sleeping, locked in her highchair or sequestered in what we call "happy camper" I have my routines streamlined to take very little time. My bathrooms take 15 minutes each, 20 on a bad day. Dinner is planned in advance and she actually gets a kick out of watching me cook from the safety of her camper. And believe it or not she cheers mommy on while she vacuums.

There is also the option of safely placing baby in her high chair and rolling her to wherever you are working. Children are little sponges and constantly learning, she will enjoy watching mommy and may pick up some life long skills from watching you work.

Backpacks and carriers are another option for those who would like to hold their children close while getting things done. Be extra careful with cooking and cleaning but basic chores like laundry and dishwashing are not so bad with an extra 20 pounds on your back or hip.

Hopefully these tips will give you some ideas for getting through the daily chores with your teeny one beside you. And remember these days pass all to quickly so if you have a sink of dirty dishes but your toddler wants mommy time? Opt for the mommy time.

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