Perfect Hypoallergenic Puppy For the Obama White House

resident-elect Obama, Pick Me! Pick Me!

My name is Luc and I am a Coton de Tulear.  I know, I know, that is a silly name for such a down to earth dog like me. Do not let the fancy name fool you and do not worry if you cannot pronounce it (pronounced Ka tawn duh too lee are). Most people just call us Cotton Dogs since our coat is as soft and fluffy as cotton.
I know you and your little girls are looking for a great family dog that is also hypoallergenic and allergy free. I may be a little biased, but I think I would be a perfect dog for the White House. I get along with EVERYONE  (dignitaries, royalty, adults, kids, animals of all kinds, and even Republicans).
I heard you are looking for a shelter dog. If I had opposable thumbs, believe me I would have voted for you just for that alone. Unfortunately, since not everyone is a responsible pet owner there are Coton de Tulear rescue organizations with dogs that are looking for a nice family like yours.
There is something you should consider, however, my beautiful long coat requires frequent brushing or I can become matted.   Some people just keep our coats in a shorter puppy cut which requires much less grooming. We look cute either way.
I know you have got a lot on your mind right now, so I thought I would save you some research time. I have made a list of things to consider about the Coton de Tulear rare dog breed to help make your decision easier. 

         My beautiful long hair will require some grooming (I would love getting my hair brushed by your girls).
         We have a soft cotton-like coat that is hypoallergenic and allergy free
         I am a no shed dog so you do not have to worry about getting hair all over the Oval Office
         I am energetic and love to play or just hang out and be with my family
         I have been called the anti-anxiety dog because I am so easy going and happy
         I am pretty smart so I can learn tricks to impress all the visitors at the White House. I learn obedience very quickly and I am very well behaved.
         I am pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself
         I am a great listener and would make a great companion

I will totally understand if you do not pick a Coton de Tulear because there are so many deserving dogs who need a good home.
I would be honored if you would just consider me in your selection process. If you are looking for a wonderful, smart, small white fluffy dog that will be a loyal and loving addition to your family, just consider a Coton de Tulear. It may be hard to spell and pronounce but that is a small price to pay for years of love and companionship.

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