House of the Rising Fun

According to studies, the most stressful experience fourth modern man (later - and offer them in no particular order - death, divorce, and let your friend drive around) pulls. I do not know why. If you are considering buying a new place, but was worried about the transition to the front right, because not only can actually move without stress, but also quite funny. Here's how.

First, make sure you have seen the day or night of the property before buying. Wake up with3:00 on the clock Sleepover first tones of Jay-Z from the rn 'b club you can not prove watched lunchtime spot of confusion for those who represent the word' only an imperative that can be used for Christmas. You should also visit the house on a rainy day, before signing. In the same way that you know truly love someone when you always make my heart flutter even wearing a baggy jacket string (appearance, had other qualities, ok?), A house inrain, is still attracting a surefire winner.

When you are satisfied with the property is only a matter of habit brought on your gear. You have three basic choices. One is to try to do everything ourselves, which is crazy, if you happen to be a direct descendant of Job. You can if you want, call a remover and have some beefy guys to come around all the tea and drink to your teenage daughter, but honestly, the third option is by far the best. This is due toDiscard give / all your furniture and buy some more when you arrive. If you insist must be sure to bring all of the most important products (toothbrush, gin, whiskey, vodka, etc.) last pack. In this way are loaded to the end and just go out and not lose a whole afternoon to find the can opener.

You may feel the need to mark the field, but this is a complete waste of time. As power lines, new nodes and ingenious to invent their ownwhile driving, even if you spend hours so flat and straight, household objects magically jumps from field to field, so that when one opens the 'Bad labeled "You are greeted with a smile of a gnome garden toothless from ear to ear. To avoid unnecessary stress, throw everything in the box closest to pack and then at the time of arrival is all lace like it or not. Even if you color code is what you do to end anyway, so save the pins for the childrenwith you until you can afford to buy a new Playstation in the box that ended with the words "best Chinese" and consequently lost replace covered in beetroot juice and toothpaste draw.

It seems to me that the mistake most people make when ordinary people are trying to move quickly to remove step to spoil the fun by putting your life together step. Let the transition happen organically. Household items would spread generously over the localEach arrival and, if necessary, can be used first and then given a place. You know, this may mean that some of the less useful can remain static for months. Did I mention the teenagers?

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