A House on the Prairie

He got on the train in the evening and settled into his seat next to a window. He never dreamed that it was a memorable passage for him. He has worked hard over the years and enough money. He was engrossed in deep thought. He realized that to fulfill its purpose. The dream of owning property in the land of the prairie has been a priority in the head.

His loneliness forced him to be with someone who can understand his feelings and share the values ​​of life. It was also alarmedby the thought of cutting a failure. At this particular moment, he felt someone was sitting next to him. He did it again not to be distracted and continued his journey thought his dreams. The train was smooth on the rails in moonlight.The house on the prairie there was conspicuous by its elegant beauty plateau, surrounded by a green area around the strike, his thoughts were echoed by his dream, the reality has proven. He heard someone had his head on his resting placeshoulder.He woke up and saw a pretty girl and beautiful was the head resting on his shoulder. She was asleep and he wanted the trip must go on forever.

The girl awoke and humbly apologize. They asked each other and began a conversation. The train gradually slowed and stopped at the station. They collected their bags and left the compartment. He realized the situation was appropriate and offered him a drink to join. They accepted his offerand both headed to the restaurant. He ordered a drink and drink more of the interview. , Noted that it was very late at night and asked the girl if he, for her home might be. She said she had no home. He said it was their dream home have an answer to Prairie.Her put it in a flash. He felt, can be a dream. He revealed his thoughts and dreams for her. They looked at each other andtemporarily stopped. They were in the dilemma of who should take the initiative and speak their mind.

It 'was the most important moment of their lives. They saw each other in the eye and applied an unwritten law of love at first sight. They made a decision and its new relationship with a pair of nodes developed flight. They brought their prairie.It house was his dream. They decided to put a sign on the door, which reads as follows: "God bless ourHOME.

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