Can aspect of Jupiter on the Seventh House Save Karisma Kapoor married?

The possibility of divorce, re-emerged in the married life of Karisma Kapoor for the coverage in the print media. It 'been a leading actress of Bollywood. His marriage with Delhi industrialist Sunjay Kapur remained tense. possibility of divorce have appeared several times in the past also. It seems that their marriage is ridden with problems.

Karisma Kapoor has become the mother of two children from that marriage. The first child was born in 2005 and the secondChild was born in March this year. Talk of a possible separation in the media after the birth of their first child. However, there was the issue and the marriage was safe.

Reports of marital problems and opportunities of filing a fresh petition for divorce is new again after the birth of their second child. The horoscope is a visit from marital discord may appear powerful after giving birth. We do an analysis of their horoscope to discover that theFuture of this marriage. Karisma Kapoor was born on 25 June 1974. The positions of the planets at birth are as follows: -

- The "Lagna" (in ascending line) increases ram.
- It 'Ketu' house of Venus are placed in the second.
- Sun, Mercury and Saturn are in the third house down.
- Mars is placed in a weakening in the fourth house.
- House of the Moon in the September 5
- "Rahu" The house is located in the eighth.
- Jupiterplaced in the eleventh house.

The seventh house receives the aspect of evil debilitated Mars. The seventh Lord hit "Ketu". The seventh house and the Lord seventh nauamsa "(Head of the map to the marriage) are affected. Position of Mars in the fourth house makes its Manglik "magnifying glass" is the discord of marriage.

The Silver Lining only one who can save the marriage, this is the aspect of Jupiter in the seventh house.In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is called Guru. can destroy a single aspect of suffering Jupiter in the horoscope. More in this case, as Jupiter is free from suffering and placed seventh house from the moon.

Jupiter also refers to the wisdom and the child. Children can keep the important criteria for the couple together. They may not be able to easily separate ways. Finally, you can give to themselves and the individual can make a compromise and live together for thebetter future for their children.

The placement of "Rahu" discord in the eighth house reactivated marriage now. Situation may improve after Jupiter transits in Libra in May 2011. The immediate need was to seek reconciliation. The role of referees, friends and family are essential for the couple to resolve their differences. The couple should also ask for the grace of the Guru. You can plan a trip to Shirdi and pray for spiritual Sadguruto help.

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