Playing guitar in a bad economy - Musicians need to be creative

While the title of this article implies that it is only for the guitarist, it is for all musicians who are struggling with the economic downturn today.

Let's face it, jobs are hard to these days ... used primarily in American companies. Many believe that the music industry is suffering even more. Musicians seem more and more difficulties there are concerts in their area. Therefore, in the interest of my musician friends, I will not argue for fame and fortune in thisArticle. The issue here is more the local economy and musicians to help make them tick aligned.

The truth is known, it is nice to see poverty in our area. Why? Why is another way of views that the musicians who think the world owes something. First, the world owes you nothing and owes me nothing. It is one thing. Less than half of a thing. This is a good starting point.

Many local musicians (choose any city), the days are used whenConcerts on the trees are grown. Most were able to go to a club with a demo and to work that week. Not so easy these days, or so one might think. What happened to the words and the belief that "when life throws you lemons, make lemonade"? Once again, the economic point of view that the weak, and opening things up for the strong.

Here's the kicker. Crafts do not grow on trees, if you know what to look for and how to negotiate the deal. This is not the first bad economy and will not be the last.So Idiots (if that's what you do), get the tail and think! Unfortunately, the thought is to do some music, simple, but perhaps it's time to break new ground. If that sounds rather intimidating, well. This was the intent!

To fully explain my proposed plan of action for you, it is important to understand where I always have my information, is not it? In other words, because trust me or this article if you do not know some of my early background. By the way,I have no interest in Top-40 club, because I have done many years before the game nationally and internationally. But all these game club paid for years for me and I really hope that you will use your talent, after reading this article. Where is my information? Experience, experience and more experience.

With over fifty years of guitar under my fingers, thousands of concerts, plays, visits reached, publishing, production and compositionunder my belt, I would like the East Coast (New York, in particular), for which I thank my foundation for music. Of course, God is behind everything, praise is so, first of all things.

For those of you who do not understand the East Coast music scene (I lived in Southern California now for the last 30 years), it is important to understand that musicians still work seven days a week, if they wish. The east coast takes care of their groups and local musicians. The money, as IRemember, it's really good in places like New York, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, etc. imagine as much as you do what you want to do. The resulting knowledge (musicianship, industry knowledge, negotiation, public relations, etc.) are on the ground, the absolute maximum. I played a couple of decades into the channels of the east coast, before moving on to other things as a guitarist.

I do not know where you live, but I can say that the West Coast music scene is very different from the Midwestor East Coast music scene. The difference is the work, the equivalent in cash. So how can I sit here on the west coast to describe how good is the East Coast music scene? While the scene (in which the goods), will be what you do. Oh, now I can hear. What is this guy talking about? Let me explain.

Before the West and further in the music industry, I have club owners on a daily basis for twenty years. They all have something in common that they want, need,and the ardent desire to make money. That's right, money! Money. With this in mind, do you really think the owner of a club in California is different from a club owner in New York City? Believe me it is not. The only difference is that local musicians have taught the local club owner, and what local musicians from the local to accept club owner. In other words, many musicians landed feet of your order, reducing their self-esteem and self-esteem as a player. Many accept pay peanuts. These people are absurd. We all love music, but in reality ... come on, get your plan in motion and then you work! There is a twist here. The sentence is to adapt your thinking. Especially if you pay a musician to work and receive only peanuts.

Let's not kid each individual club owners of a goal in mind. The goal is how much money the customers to stay at a certain result of the fun inHome>. And how many people continue to dance the night away to the great sounds of Jackie and Jack The Blue Plate Special?

The bottom line for the club's owner is money! Well, here's the interesting thing (especially West Coast). It seems that many musicians are in the Club "I will show my talent impressive" thing, rather than understand the value of a well-paid gig. I know it sounds a bit 'cold, but that's what it is people.

The owners of the club I'm in this thingand therefore offer only peanuts for talent. Talent shows the club's owner, that this process is in order. Why? Like most musicians just want to play and be recognized for their talent. The money is secondary. But wait ... It's not all for the love of music? You're kidding right? How many medals do you need first to focus on creating a good life in music? One, two, 150 million? Believe me, if you're a family, provide for those pats on the back, have thelast thing you should think. Unfortunately, most musicians live for something new beat. They not only get.

Let me give some examples of what I described here. I remember when I came to Hollywood. I soon discovered, a great band to work and went to the heart of Hollywood in search of a concert. The owner of the club before I met offered me less than two peanuts. When I returned from New York, of course, laughed in his face. Hey, who cares who plays inthis city, I needed a gig and it was not with the line of shit and a laundry list of names that has impressed me spit.

I left his club and went across the street to another club (not as fashionable as the one I had just left). I spoke with the owner of the club and he was very open and receptive to my idea. What was my idea? I negotiated four peanut Deal for salary, 50% of the door and 35% of sales of alcohol to leave (to be careful with this. The ABC Board Watch for this one), and a little moreto maintain his two-thousand dollars from all sources was (incredibly, is not it?). Guess what '! My band guide to work just to kick the crap out of recently signed (major label), a band that played on the street. We also walked away with thousands and the other guys went with peanuts. Oh yes, he worked under the masks to show their talent.

The club owners on the street was furious. Night after night we have attracted massive crowds, along with many of his patrons. Finally, he felland asked me to name my price. Think about it .... MY NAME PRICE! Wow, I'm thinking! Answer ... I am!

Do you know how much money a club makes a good bar every night? Even a dip hole-in-the-wall bar is $ 2,000.00 per night. This is ten billiard tables and a bar stool and a juke box 20. A high-end clubs are 5.6, $ 7,000.00 per night only in the sale of alcohol. Add food and income leads in this scenario, and guess what you have? A very, very happy club owners. Now,What do you get? Peanuts? Why? Because what is assumed. Boycotts, club or creative appropriate its patrons of the club across the street and watch how quickly see the money in your bank account.

Negotiate think creatively focus on your business hat, follow to create their own rules, not the mass. Do not knock knocking on the door ... down the door! If someone is your talent, and play-for-pay and pay-per-play.

There are hundreds of ways to make agood life in music. However, a degree of trust is present in every negotiation. There are no rules. There is a lot of money to pay for a club band. They all like to believe that there is a certain amount, but in reality it is not. The owners of the club only pay for what will explain to a musician or band is acceptable. Do you think you earn on the amount of money your talent to the club's owner! This should straighten out your thinking very fast. In fact, if she knew that theAmount of money that some of these clubs, take in, I bet that would be almost angry and feeling a bit 'used and abused.

It 'important to get what you can handle the job. It is ego? E 'to show your talent? E 'to the applause? to earn money to buy food is to pay a mortgage, or send their children to school? If you really define its purpose, the rest will fall into place.

Yes, times are tough. Yes, a concert a concert. Note, however, this is the ideal time to negotiate withthe club owners. Of doing business. You have to earn money. So you have! This is the point. Earn. Otherwise, someone else will.

© 2009 Michael E. Fletcher. All rights reserved throughout the world.

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