Native cancer: combinations Giving luxury, wealth, Waterfront properties and the pleasures of the bed

In the natural zodiac sign is Cancer the fourth sign of this, within the heart, homes, comfort, water, etc. is cancer is a water sign, along with Scorpio and Pisces. Therefore, living near the water comes naturally to a native of cancer. Cancer is itself an energy-efficient house signs, as opposed to Aries. The people of this sign are emotional, sensitive, a bit 'lazy, possession of money and similar reports. They are true friends. Their nature would have it, becauseset in a committed relationship or marriage after their children. Difficult for these crustaceans from the outside and soft inside.

can mean joy of the bed for her in bed and rolled up to serenade their loved ones.

This Christmas) Lord of the twelfth house (bed is Mercury, the third house to the Lord of the two positions lean, it is quite indifferent to tumors.

Presence of the Sun in the tenth, Ram (hissign of exaltation) can do wonders for the energy of this Christmas. This is the best sign and house position of the sun. Besides that, if a Venus in the ninth house, the fish (its exalted) or in the eleventh house (Taurus), his character, with the moon in first house, preferably with raised Jove, this combination provides a wealth of oral drainage , property, waterfront property and the pleasures of the bed. Alternatively, the presence of Mars andJupiter in the fifth may equally well.

Sublime presence of the Moon and Venus (in-house Toro) eleventh, in tenths of Mars (Aries, a house) and the sun in the ninth (one step away from the excitement), with an aspect of Jupiter for the first or fifth home can be just as effective.

Presence of the fourth Venus (Libra-house) and fifth in the Sun (Scorpio), in a sublime aspect with Moon in the eleventh, gets an eighth,full aspect of the tenth (Aries), Mars and Jupiter in the ninth (Pisces) is excellent. In this case, the full moon in the enthusiasm eleventh house is a miracle that the other planets is not as good as that.

Even Sun (Leo, a house), the third Mercury (Virgo rising), the fourth Venus (Libra, a house) and fifth Mars (Capricorn, a private house), the moon in the tenth with the second one can also produce the same effective results .

The principle is listed here, that for aCancer Ascendant Mars due to its property of 'the eighth and tenth house TRINAL Mid-heaven, where all directions of force is the most important planet. Moon, as first lord of the house and the sun as their significant also play an important role. For this mother tongue of the sun, is filled with executive power in the tenth and obtain absolute power because of his glorification. Jupiter, the ninth (happiness) Mr returns home raised in the first, twice as much dignity asThe sun, for the exaltation sign of Cancer in full force direction.

Mighty Moon (head of the Ascendant) represents the water, Sun (according to Lord) is its main asset, Venus (the fourth and eleventh) Lord of luxury and income, Jupiter (ninth) and happiness Mars (fifth and tenth) The Lord of stored casual fling, dating, acquiring sudden wealth and career success to all members for local benefits.

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